Task III. Answer the questions
1. What are the areas customs officers play an important role? 2. How can the Russian Customs Service meet the increased workload and the increased enforcement problems? 3. Why is it so important to use improved techniques? 4. What technical devices are used at the Customs? 5. What can help to identify specific targets or potential smugglers?
Task IV. Rewrite the sentences below translating the Russian parts into English. 1. The Customs Service of the Russian Federation is a multifunctional, технически оснащённая, dynamic structure. 2. In addition to сбор таможенных платежей customs officers play an important role in другие области контроля на границе. 3. The Customs Services’ strategies and оборудование are being continually совершенствуются. 4. Modernization and improved techniques make maximum use of техника обработки данных and обмен электронными данными methods. 5. The use of технические средства, such as X-ray, fiber optic and досмотровая техника с высокой разрешающей способностью is increasing. 6. There is растущий акцент on the use of risk assessment, данные разведки in order to identify specific targets or потенциальные контрабандисты. 7. Today the Russian Customs Service is expected to meet the increased workload and the increased проблемы правоохранительного характера by better organization, personnel повышение квалификации. Task V. Complete the following sentences using the text. 1. The Customs Service of the Russian Federation is one of the ______. 2. Today the Russian Customs Service is expected to meet the increased workload and the increased enforcement problem by ______. 3. In a world of heightened security concerns, customs officers have a range of tasks, primarily related to ______. 4. Customs officers combat smuggling; administer the complex provisions of an ever-expanding number of _______. 5. The use of technical devices, such as ______ is increasing. Task VI. Read the following and give your comments. The tools a modern customs administration needs to reconcile intensified security concerns with the goal of facilitating trade – reliance on more effective methods of risk assessment and more efficient exchange of information between the private sector and customs administration, and among customs administrations in different countries – are the same tools that developing countries need to reduce compliance costs for traders and collect revenue more effectively.
Text 2