Sports: For and Against
We can say that Russia is a nation of sport-lovers. Many sports are popular in our country such as hockey, skiing, figure skating, swimming, track and field, basketball, volleyball and others. But the most popular sport in our country is, of course, football. Ala of people are interested in this kind of sport and a lot of people play it. Sports are traditionally divided into amateur and professional. For many people professional sport is a possibility to become famous. It's a chance to see the whole world and to acquire a lot of friends. Besides, it helps sportsmen earn a lot of money. What я more, professional athletes represent their country and provide l role model for a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, professional sport is very serious. Sportsmen train all day long and they have to follow a diet. Beside they aren't allowed to do other sports because of the possibility о injury. Moreover, professional sport is often unfair. Many sportsmen buy their victory. That's why I don't like profession^ sport and I don't want to go in for sports professionally. For ml sport is a hobby. But it cannot be denied that sport increases your fitness and helps you to stay healthy. Other benefits include weight control and the increased sense of individuality. It goes without saying that sport gives you real pleasure. It also gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence. Moreover, it helps you to overcome difficulties.
As for me, I'm not much of a sportsman, but I'm fond о downhill skiing. This kind of sport allows me to stay in god shape. Moreover, it gives me real pleasure and helps me make new friends. 1. Is sport popular in Russia? Why? 2. What is your attitude towards professional sport? 3. Is professional sport always fair? Why? 4. Should professional sport be prohibited? 5. Why is it good/bad to do sports? 6. What attracts people to extreme sports? 7. What do you think about risk taking? 8. Is sport important to you? Why? 9.Do you go in for sports? 10. What is your favourite kind of sports?