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Military training of students at Kyiv University was initiated in 1933. The first Military Department had only 23 teachers and was tasked to train artillery platoon leaders, observer pilots and nurses. Military training of civilians at the University was discontinued in 1937, and the Military Department embarked on training junior commanders in sniper, light and heavy machine-gunner, firefighting and chemical protection instructor specialities.

Shortly after the Great Patriotic War (WWII) broke out the Military Department of the University disbanded, and teachers and students of conscript age joined the front-line troops.

In May 1943, when Kyiv University was in evacuation in Kysyl-Orda and together with Kharkiv University formed the Joint Ukrainian University, the Department of Military and Physical Training was created to carry out initial military training of students. Military training of students at Kyiv University was renewed in 1944.

The University initiated military training for the students of Physics and Radio-Physics Faculties in specialty “radar station operator” in 1949 that brought to life a new military training unit for radar specialists. That year also marked the beginning of military training for the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and led to the formation of a military training unit for military interpreters and translators. Concurrently, the third military training unit for artillery personnel was established. Military training of female students of humanitarian faculties in specialty “hospital nurse” originated in 1960, and military training for the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics began in 1962 with the creation of a new military training unit of automated control systems.

Military training for the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages was reestablished in 1963. The 1965 witnessed the introduction of specialty “mechanized infantry platoon commander” for the students of 10 faculties (Philology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Geology, Economics, Law, Chemistry, Biology, Journalism) that resulted in the creation of a new military training unit of tactics.

Due to versatility of specialties taught to reserve officers, the Military Department was reorganized into the Joint Military Department. At the same time it integrated 7 military training units (automated control systems, radar equipment, general military training, military translation, tactical training, shooting practice, military-technical training) along with civil defense medical training units.

In 1991 to further enhance military training of students the Joint Military Department was reorganized into the Directorate of Military Training of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. It was composed of two faculties: the Faculty of Military-Technical Training and the Faculty of Military-Humanitarian Training (later known as the Faculty of Military-Financial Training). Each faculty had corresponding departments. In addition, there was the Department of Tactics and Operational Art and the Department of Automobile Training.

On January 18, 1992 all officers of the Directorate of Military Training swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people.

The advent of active duty officers training for the Armed Forces of Ukraine became an important milestone in the history of our Directorate. Order № 39/1 of June 16, 1993 of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and the Minister of Education of Ukraine authorized military training in the following specialties: military cartographer, military lawyer, military translator, specialist of military-financial service, military psychologist (since 1997), political science specialist and post-graduate officer training for the financial service (since 2000). The 3-year program of postgraduate officer training for the legal service began in 1995.

According to Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 64 of January 21, 1998, to further improve the system of specialists training for the Armed Forces and other uniformed services of Ukraine, the Directorate of Military Training of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University was reorganized into the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.


4. s Answer the questions


1. When was military training of students at Kyiv University initiated?

2. What did happen to Military Institute after the Great Patriotic War broke out?

3. When was military training of students at Kyiv University renewed?

4. When was military training of female students originated?

5. What faculties is Military Institute composed of?

6. What specialties are taught in Military Institute?


5. Complete the speech bubbles


1. Shortly after the Great Patriotic War (WWII) broke out the Military Department of the University ___________, and teachers and students of ___________, joined the front-line troops.

2. The University initiated military training for the students of Physics and Radio-Physics Faculties in specialty “___________” in 1949 that brought to life a new military training unit for ___________.

3. Due to ___________of specialties taught to reserve officers, the Military Department was reorganized into the ___________.

4. On January 18, 1992 all officers of the Directorate of Military Training swore ___________to the Ukrainian people.

6. Translate words and word combinations into English


Військова підготовка, військова кафедра, льотчик-спостерігач, призовний вік, медична сестра, командир мотострілецького взводу, тактична підготовка, багатопрофільність, об’єднана військова кафедра, вогнева підготовка, військово-технічна підготовка, цивільна оборона, медична підготовка, відділення військової підготовки, військова присяга.

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