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1.s Try to answer these questions before listening to the text


1. What do you understand by the term “land forces”?

2. What branches of the land forces do you know?

3. What do you know about the organization of the land forces?

4. What types of armament do you know?

5. What are the tasks of the land forces?

2. In this exercise we’ll concentrate on the words and word combinations to be sure you know what they mean

Land forces – armed forces serving on land. Land forces consist of such branches: Mechanized and armoured forces, Rocket troops and artillery, the Army aviation, the airmobile forces, the Army Air Defense;

decisive – very important for the final result of a particular situation;

combat power – the effective material, social and intellectual factors in a nation that determine the quality of its armed forces and their actual ability to carry out missions on a strategic, operational or tactical scale. Combat power is a vital component of the state;

wartime – a period or time of war;

troops - (plural) armed forces; soldiers;

missile - a rocket-propelled weapon that flies either in a fixed trajectory (ballistic missile) or in a trajectory that can be controlled during flight (guided missile);

howitzer - a cannon having a short or medium barrel with a low muzzle velocity and a steep angle of fire;

cannon - a heavy artillery piece consisting of a metal tube mounted on a carriage;

mortar - a muzzle-loading cannon having a short barrel and relatively wide bore that fires low-velocity shells in high trajectories over a short range;

weapon - an object or instrument used in fighting;

reconnaissance - the process of obtaining information about the position, activities, resources, etc., of an enemy or potential enemy;

combat readiness – the status of forces that enables them to begin combat operations and to accomplish their missions within a prescribed period.

3. Read the text and translate into Ukrainian


The Land Forces (LF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was formed as an organic structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the basis of the Decree of the President of Ukraine according to the Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Armed Forces of Ukraine” in 1996.

The Land Forces (LF) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the main possessor of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the independent Ukrainian country.

According to the its designation and tasks, the Land Forces is a decisive factor in peace and wartime.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 683. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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