1. What do you know about the organization of MOD of Ukraine? 2. Who is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine? 3. What departments of MOD do you know?
executive power – the branch of government responsible for carrying out laws, decrees, etc.; to ensure – to make certain or sure; guarantee; to implement – to carry out; put into action; perform; to fulfill – to carry out or execute (a request, etc.); to man – to provide with sufficient people for operation, defence, etc; duplication – 1) the act of duplicating or the state of being duplicated 2) a copy; duplicate; manpower – 1) power supplied by men; 2) the number of people available or required to perform a particular function; combatant – a person or group engaged in or prepared for a fight, struggle, or dispute; appropriate – right or suitable; fitting; attain – to achieve or accomplish (a task, goal, aim, etc.).