The day a man enters any branch of the Armed Forces he begins to take military training. The daily routine starts with " reveille" and ends with " taps." The military training, based on mil regulations, field manuals, technical manuals, and orders, includes instructions and classes, drill and ceremonies, physical fitness program, range practice, field exercises, map reading, tactics, etc. Interior guard duty routine is also a part of soldier's life. Soldiers are detailed for duty according to a duty roster. The detail for guard consists of an officer of the day with necessary officers, noncommissioned officers and privates. The senior noncommissioned officer of the guard, whatever his grade, is known as the sergeant of the guard. If there is no officer of the guard he will perform the duties of the commander of the guard. There is always one corporal (CPL) of the guard for each relief. Relief of the old detail for guard takes place after the guard mounting. The usual tour is 24 hours. Sentinels on post (sentries on post) and guards on duty are posted armed and equipped according to their particular duty. The officer of the day (OD) inspects the guard and sentinels at least once between midnight and daytime and visits the guardhouse. Except in emergencies, members of the old guard may not be detailed for duty until four hours after they have been relieved. Men coming off guard duty are usually allowed 24 hours before being placed on any other duty. An interior guard consists of a system of patrols and fixed posts. At an appropriate time before sentinels go on post, the CPL assembles them, checks their appearance, fitness for duty, and the condition of their arms, if carried. He issues ammunition, if required, and makes sure that they understand their instructions. When the relief is large, it may be more convenient to form the relief, call the roll, and inspect the sentinels in ranks. The CPL then reports to the commander of the guard that his relief is ready to be posted.
1. What does the daily routine start and end with? 2. What does the military training include? 3. What does the detail for guard consist of? 4. When does the relief of the old guard take place?
Розпорядок дня, підйом, відбій, статут, польовий статут, наказ, інструкція, караул, солдат, графік нарядів, офіцер – начальник караулу, караульний сержант, зміна. TEXT 7