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Flight. A formation of aircraft or missiles (usually four or more) which is a functional subdivision of a combat squadron.

Detachment. A flight is the lowest echelon of organization in flying squadrons. Similarly, a detachment is the lowest echelon in non-flying squadron.

Squadron. The squadron is composed of a HQ and two or more flights (detachments). The squadron is the basic AF tactical and administrative unit. It is tactically comparable to an infantry battalion. The squadron is the smallest Air Force unit operated separately.

Group. The group is composed of a HQ and two or more squadrons and may be tactical (have flying squadrons) or support (have non-flying squadrons) in nature. In either case a group has administrative responsibilities. The tactical group is comparable to an infantry regiment.

Wing. The wing is composed of a HQ and combat groups and or squadrons, with necessary support organizations. The wing is capable of completely independent operations.

Air of missile division. An air or missile division is normally an operational agency. However, an air division may be both operational and administrative. An air division normally consists of from two to five wings in addition to the division HQ.

Air Force. An air force is normally composed of the elements of two or more divisions. The air force is usually, but not always, designed, to do a particular type job such as bombardment, troop carrier, or training operations.

Air Command. The air command is usually composed of two or more air forces and may or may not be designed for a particular type of air operations. The air command may have no air forces within it, as in the case of the Air Force Logistics Command. The air command is tailored to the job assigned it.

There really is no standard Air Force organization larger than a wing — actually there are many different types of wings and divisions. The fact is that large units of the Air Force are tailored to accomplish specific nissions.

The major air commands of the USAF are the Strategic Air Command (SAC), Aerospace Defense Command, Tactical Air Command, (TAC), Air Training Command (АТС), Air University, Air Force Logistics Command (AFLC), Air Force Systems Command (AFSC), USAF Security Service, and US overseas air forces consisting of (1) US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), (2) Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), (3) Alaskan Air Command (AAC), (4) USAF Southern Command (USAFSO).


1.s Answer the questions.

1. By whom is the Department of the Air Force administrated and supervised?

2. What agency assists the Secretary and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force?

3. How many Air Force officers and civilian personnel does the Air Staff employ?

4. What is the primary mission of the Air Force?

5. What forces and capabilities does the Air Force provide to accomplish its primary mission?

6. What is a flight (squadron)?

7. What is the difference between flight and detachment?

8. What units is the squadron (group, wing, air division) composed of?

9. What is the air force designed for?

10. What are the major air commands of the United States Air Force?


2. Translate words and word combinations into English


Штаб ВПС, повітряний напад, ракетний удар, авіаційна група, група матеріально-технічного забезпечення, авіаційна дивізія, ракетна дивізія, бомбардування, авіаційне командування.


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