| belligerent factions
| The groups fighting in a conflict. Also called warring factions.
| combatant
| A fighter in a conflict.
| disarmament, demobilization and re-integration
| The process of taking arms away from former fighters and helping them return to civilian life.
| forced entry
| Peace operations where there is no consent from belligerent factions and where troops can expect to meet armed opposition.
| guerrilla forces
| Unofficial or irregular troops that operate in small, mobile combat groups and attack the official army.
| humanitarian aid
| Assistance given to people during or after a conflict or natural disaster. Also called humanitarian assistance.
| non-combatant evacuation
| Operations that relocate threatened civilians who are not involved in the fighting to secure areas.
| peace-building operations
| Operations that give support to civilian agencies in order to consolidate peace and avoid a return to conflict.
| peace enforcement
| Operations to re-establish peace. They are carried out under Chapter VII of the UN Charter and without the consent of belligerent factions.
| peace support operations
| All military operations where forces are deployed to a country at war to help create a secure environment and a lasting peace.
| peacekeeping
| Operations conducted to monitor the implementation of a peace agreement under Chapter VII of the UN Charter and with the consent of all parties.
| warlord
| A military leader who controls an area and operates outside the control of national government.