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Approaching Hong Kong International Airport Chek Lap Kok

Exercise 4.1.1 Read and translate the text.

Today, more than 60 airlines fly from Hong Kong to 130 destinations, including 40 cities in mainland China. On a typical day, the airport (A/P) services at Chek Lap Kok Intl will handle 539 flights and 90, 000 passengers, move 43, 835 pieces of luggage and 6, 100 tonnes of cargo, prepare 60, 273 airline meals and pump more than 11 million litres of jet fuel. As it nears the end of its marathon flight, Speedbird 25, is about to add to those impressive statistics.

The en route portion of the flight is nearly over and, with it, the relativequiet the pilots have enjoyed for the last 10 hours. Before the descent starts – and their workload increases – they brief for the descent and landing.

The Hong Kong charts are retrieved from the mapbooks to review the arrival routeing and approach procedures. As well, the pilots discuss other significantfactorssuch as weather, runwaycontamination, missedapproachproceduresand theminimumsafealtitude, an importantconsiderationgivenHong Kong’shillyterrain.

Exercise 4.1.2 Answer the questions.

1. What have the pilots enjoyed for the last 10 hours?

2. Why are the Hong Kong charts retrieved from the mapbooks?

3. What significant factors do the pilots discuss?

Exercise 4.1.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. Today more than 60 airlines fly from Hong Kong to 130 destinations, including 40 cities in mainland China.

2. On a typical day, the airport services at Chek Lap Kok will handle 539 flights and 90, 000 passengers, more 45, 835 pieces of luggage and 6, 100 tonnes of cargo.

3. The en route portion of the flight is over.

4. The Hong Kong charts are retrieved from the mapbooks.

5. An important consideration is given to Hong Kong’s hilly terrain.

Exercise 4.1.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Авиакомпания, пункт назначения, материк, единица багажа, реактивное топливо, этап полета по маршруту, рабочая нагрузка, сборники карт, маршрут прибытия, процедура захода на посадку, важные факторы, загрязнение ВПП, процедура ухода на второй круг, минимальная безопасная абсолютная высота, особое внимание, холмистая местность.

Exercise 4.1.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

Intl A/P


Exercise 4.1.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Ordinary; almost; freight; silence; get or make ready; map; come closer; approach; important; part; mountainous.

Exercise 4.1.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. including a. службы аэропорта
2. mainland b. груз
3. airport services c. включая
4. handle d. подавать насосом
5. cargo e. материк
6. pump f. впечатляющий
7. impressive g. увеличивать
8. increase h. инструктировать
9. brief i. карта, схема, таблица
10. chart j. обслуживать

Exercise 4.1.8 Fill in the gap with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. My uncle is an _____ (aircompany, airservice, airline) pilot for the British Airways.

2. Tokyo was our final ________ (arrival, departure, destination).

3. Every year the airport services at Heathrow _____ (pump, use, add) 3 billion litres of fuel.

4. Before the descent starts pilots’ _______ (work, workload, payload) increases.

5. Before the descent starts the pilots brief for the _______ (arrival and departure, descent and landing, destination)

6. The Hong Kong charts are ______ (received, retrieved, reviewed) from the mapbooks.

7. An important ______ (concern, contamination) is given Hong Kong’s hilly terrain.

Exercise 4.1.9 Fill in gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. Today, more than 60 airlines ___________ (fly, flew, flies) from Hong Kong to 130 destinations.

2. On a typical day, the airport services ________ (handle, handles, will handle) 539 flits.

3. As it ______________(nearly, nears, near) the end of its marathon flight, Speedbird 25, is about to add to those impressive statistics.

4. The en route portion of the flight is nearly over and, with it, the relative quiet the pilots _________ (have enjoyed, enjoyed, has enjoyed).

Exercise 4.1.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.

Airline Destination Passenger Luggage Fuel Flight Descent Chart Landing Arrival Approach Runway Altitude Terrain

1. person travelling in a car, bus, train, plane, ship, etc.

2. coming or going down

3. company or service providing regular flights for public use

4. detailed map used for navigation by air

5. place to which a plane is flying

6. coming nearer and nearer to (sth/smb) in space and time

7. material burned to produce heat or power

8. bags, suitcases, etc. containing sb’s belongings and taken on a journey

9. action or process of moving through the air

10. prepared surface along which aircraft take off and land

11. stretch of land with regard to its natural features

12. act of coming or bringing to land

13. reaching the place at the end of a journey

14. height above sea-level

Exercise 4.1.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Сегодня более 60 авиакомпаний летают из Гонконга в 130 пунктов назначения.

2. В обычный день службы аэропорта обслуживают 539 рейсов и 90 000 пассажиров, имеют дело с 43 835 единицами багажа и 6 100 тоннами груза.

3. В течение последних 10 часов пилоты наслаждались относительной тишиной.

4. Перед началом снижения они проходят инструктаж для снижения и посадки.

5. Они достают карты Гонконга из сборников, чтобы повторить маршрут прибытия и процедуры захода на посадку.

6. Пилоты также обсуждают другие важные факторы такие как погода загрязнение ВПП, процедуры ухода на второй круг и минимальная безопасная абсолютная высота.

7. Холмистой местности Гонконга уделяется особое внимание.

Exercise 4.1.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Airlines; destinations; mainland; pieces of luggage; jet fuel; workload; mapbooks; arrival routeings; approach procedures; runway contamination; missed approach procedure; minimum safe altitude; hilly terrain.

Exercise 4.1.13 Retell the text.

4.2 STARs for aircraft inbound to Chek Lap Kok

Exercise 4.2.1 Read and translate the text.

Aircraft inbound to Chek Lap Kok arrive along one or two routeings – the Astra One STAR is for aircraft from the east and northeast, and the Baker One STAR for all the other flights arriving from the southeast through to the southwest and the north. This is the routeing Speedbird 25 will use today. It is a lengthy procedure. If flown in its entirety, Baker One covers 200nm over the South China Sea to facilitate descents within the airspace controlled by Hong Kong ATC. However, recalling the NOTAMs that suggested there is a good chance of a shortened routeing, Harry suggests descending early so the jet won’t be left embarrassingly high if ATC provides a shortcut.

At Hong Kong, the north runway is used for arrivals and the south runway mainly for departures, so the crew can expect to land on Runway 07 Left or 25 Right, depending on wind direction. Eventually, a dual-operation – take-offs and landings on each runway – is planned as air traffic increases. Today, the wind favours Runway 07 Left. Looking at the approach chart, the pilots can expect to join the right downwind leg abeam the airport on the south side of Lantau Island, flying a heading of 250˚ at 7, 000 ft.

They will descent to 3, 000ft and at a waypoint called SOKOE, southwest of the field, will turn to 337˚ for the base leg. The jet will intercept the localizer 8.3nm from the runway, level at 2, 000ft. Tracking inbound on a heading of 073˚, the pilots will descend on the glideslope to a decision height of 230ft at which point the runway must be visible ahead to continue with the landing. Given today’s good weather, the pilots expect to have the airport in view well before that. However, if they were unable to see the field, they would immediately commence a missed approach, procedure that merits close attention because of the surrounding hills. It calls for a straight-ahead climb to Siu Mo To VOR (SMT) just east of the airport, then left to track the 047˚ radial from SMT to thread a gap between two hilltops, while climbing to 4, 500ft. The jumbo’s good climb rate should take it quickly above the terrain. From there, the crew would fly a pattern around the airport back to SOKOE to hold. A number of factors can cause a missed approach, such as bad weather or an aircraft blocking the runway. Depending on the reason, the crew would elect to try another approach, hold for a time for the weather to improve or proceed direct to their alternative.

Approach speed in a 747 can vary widely, from 158kt at 280 tonnes to 139kt at 220 tonnes. Today, the FMC predicts a landing weight of 250.7 tonnes, which would require a landing speed, or Vref, of 149kt. British Airways normally uses Flap 25 for landing. Flap 30 reduces the landing speed by about 6kt and is reserved for shorter runways, runways contaminated with snow or water, or when the autopilot is being used to land the jet.

The autobrake can be set to one of five settings, ranging from light to maximum braking. Since runway length today is more than ample and the terminal is located at the far end of the airport, the autobrake is set to 2 to provide moderate deceleration.

The FMC is programmed with the STAR, the landing runway and the missed approach.

Exercise 4.2.2 Answer the questions.

1. What routeings do aircraft inbound to Chek Lap Kok arrive along?

2. What kind of procedure is Baker One STAR and what area does it cover?

3. What runways are used for arrivals and departures at Hong Kong?

4. What approach procedure can the pilots of Speedbird 25 expect today?

5. In what case would the pilots commence a missed approach?

6. What is the standard missed approach procedure at Hong Kong?

7. What factors can cause a missed approach?

8. What can the approach speed be?

9. What settings can the autobrake be set?

10. What is FMC programmed with?

Exercise 4.2.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. Aircraft inbound Check Lap Kok arrive along one of two routeings.

2. The Astra One STAR is for aircraft from the east, and the Baker One STAR is for all the other flights arriving from the southeast through to the southwest and the north.

3. Baker One facilitates descents within the airspace by Hong Kong ATC.

4. At Hong Kong the South runway is used for arrival and the North runway mainly for departures.

5. The pilots can expect to join the right downwind leg abeam the airport on the north side of Lantau Island, flying a heading of 337º at 7, 000 feet.

6. The jet will intercept the localizer 8.3 nm from the runway.

7. The pilots will descend on the glideslope to a decision height of 2, 000 ft.

8. If they were unable to set the field, they would immediately commence a missed approach procedure.

9. Bad weather can cause a missed approach.

10. Approach speed in a 747 can vary widely, from 158kt at 220 tonnes to 139 kt at 280 tonnes.

11. A landing weight of 250.7 tonnes would require a landing speed of 149 kt.

12. Flap 30 reduces the landing speed by about 6kt and is reserved for shorter runways.

13. The FMC is programmes with the STAR, the landing runway and the missed approach.

Exercise 4.2.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

ВС прибывающие в аэропорт; растянутая процедура; воздушное пространство; контролируемое УВД Гонконга; укороченный маршрут; направление ветра; карта подхода; участок пути между вторым и третьим разворотом правого круга; на траверзе; точка маршрута полета; курсовой радиомаяк; глиссада; высота принятия решения; процедура ухода на второй круг; набор по прямой (без разворотов); радиал; скорость набора; над землей; самолет; блокирующий ВПП; запасной аэродром; скорость захода (на посадку); посадочный вес; посадочная скорость; ВПП покрытая (загрязненная) снегом; автопилот; автоматический тормоз; длина ВПП; умеренное торможение.

Exercise 4.2.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for.


Exercise 4.2.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Arriving aircraft, fast, extended procedure, choose, make easy, become better, proposed, need, chiefly; primarily, usually, glidepath, decrease, go on; carry on, enough, start; begin.

Exercise 4.2.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. facilitate a. посадочная скорость
2. require d. умеренное торможение
3. on glideslope c. облегчать
4. landing speed d. уход на второй круг
5. moderate deceleration e. курсовой радиомаяк
6. intercept f. укороченный маршрут
7. missed approach g. относительная высота
8. localizer h. принятие решения
9. shortcut i. перехватывать
10. decision height j. на глиссаде

Exercise 4.2.8 Fill in the gap with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. Aircraft _________ (inbound, outbound, arriving) to Chek Lap Kok arrive along one or two routeings.

2. It is a _________ (shortcut, lenghtly, mainly) procedure.

3. At Hong Kong, the _________ (south, north, east, west) runway is used for arrivals and the __________ (south, north, east, west) ranway mainly for departures.

4. Looking at the ________ (arrival, descent, approach) chart, the pilots can exept to join the right downwind leg _________ (abeam, above, along) the airport.

5. They will descend to 3, 000 ft at a ________________ (holding point, approach point, waypoint) called SOKOE.

6. Tracking _______________ (inbound, southbound, outbound) on a heading of 073°, the pilot will descend to a __________ (minimum safe altitude, minimum safe height, decision height) of 230 ft.

7. If they were unable to see the field, they would immediately ________ (begin, start, commence) a missed approach.

8. The crew would fly a pattern around the airport back to SOKOE to __________ (hold, approach, descend).

9. __________ (descend, approach, arrival) speed in a 747 can vary widely, from 158 kt at 280 tonnes to 139 kt at 220 tonnes.

10. British Airways for ___________ (approach, descent, landing).

Exercise 4.2.9 Fill in gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. It is a _____ procedure. (LENGTH)

2. If flown in its ____ Baker One covers 200 nm over the South Chine Sea. (ENTIRE)

3. There is a good chance of ______ routeing. (SHORT)

4. Harry suggested descending early so the jet won’t be left ____ high if ATC provides a shortcut. (ENBARRASS)

5. The north runway is used for ____. (ARRIVE)

6. The south runway is used for _____. (DEPART)

7. The pilot will descend on the glideslope to a _____ height of 230 ft. (DECIDE)

8. If they were unable to see the field, they would ___ commence a missed approach procedure. (IMMEDIATE)

9. They will proceed direct to their _____. (ALTER)

10. Approach speed in a 747 can vary ___. (WIDE)

11. British Airways _____ uses Flap 25 for landing. (NORMAL)

Exercise 4.2.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.

Route Airspace Departure Leg Heading To track Radials Localizer Intercept Missed approach

1. part of the ground based ILS equipment

2. part of the earth’s atmosphere above a country and legally controlled by that country

3. flying away; going away

4. follow the movement of an aircraft

5. airways or routes to and from a VOR station

6. reach/arrive at an airway or radial

7. procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be continued

8. way taken or planned to get from one place to another

9. direction in which the aircraft is pointed, usually expressed in degrees from north

10. section of a traffic circuit pattern

Exercise 4.2.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Стандартная схема прибытия Астра 1 – для ВС с востока и северо-востока.

2. Стандартная схема прибытия Бейкер 1 – для всех других полетов, прибывающих с юго-востока через юго-запад и север.

3. Бейкер 1 покрывает 200 морских миль над Южно-Китайским морем, чтобы облегчить процедуру снижения в пределах воздушного пространства, контролируемого УВД Гонконга.

4. В Гонконге северная ВПП используется для прилетов, а южная ВПП главным образом для вылетов.

5. Экипаж может ожидать посадку на ВПП 07 левую или 25 правую, в зависимости от направления ветра.

6. Пилоты ожидают вход в участок между вторым и третьим разворотом правого круга на траверзе аэропорта.

7. Реактивные ВС перехватили луч курсового маяка ИЛС на расстоянии 8.3 морских миль от ВПП, на высоте 2000 футов.

8. Пилоты будут снижаться по глиссаде до высоты принятия решения 230 футов.

9. Если бы пилоты не смогли увидеть аэродром, они бы немедленно начали процедуру ухода на второй круг, которая требует пристального внимания из-за окружающих возвышенностей.

10. Ряд факторов может вызвать уход на второй круг, такие как, плохая погода или ВС, блокирующее ВПП.

11. В зависимости от причины, экипаж выбрал бы попытку совершить повторный заход, ждать некоторое время улучшения погоды или же проследовать прямо на их запасной.

12. Скорость захода в 747 может значительно варьироваться, от 158 узлов при 280 тоннах, до 139 узлов при 220 тоннах.

13. Автоматический тормоз может быть установлен на один из пяти режимов от легкого до максимального торможения.

14. В электронную систему управления полетом введен стандартный маршрут прибытия, ВПП посадки и уход на второй круг.

Exercise 4.2.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Inbound aircraft; lengthy procedure; shortened routeing; wind direction; approach chart; right downwind leg; abeam; waypoint; localizer; glideslope; decision height; missed approach procedure; straight-ahead climb; radial; climb rate; approach speed; landing speed; autobrake; runway length.

Exercise 4.2.13 Retell the text.

4.3 Descent

Exercise 4.3.1 Read and translate the text.

The jet has turned on a southerly heading as it follows the dogleg routeing over the Pearl River delta and into Hong Kong airspace. John has set the range on his ND to 160nm and now the symbol for GYA, the Gaoyoa VOR, appears at the top of the screen. This is where the crew will commence the descent. At Mach 0.83/340kt, the jet will descent at 3, 000fpm clean speed and 4, 500 fpm with the speedbrakes deployed. Ideally, the pilots want to be 10, 000ft above the ground 30 track miles from the airport at 250kt and at the traffic pattern altitude at the flap up manoeuvring speed about 12nm out. Multiplying the altitude by three provides a rough guide for the distance required for a descent. For example, a crew going down to 7, 000ft from 33, 000ft – a descent of 26, 000ft – would start down 78nm from the airport, assuming ATC permits it.

At 04.00 UTC, the Captain calls the Chinese controller requesting descent and is cleared down to 8, 400m (27, 600ft).

Before the jet starts down, the two pilots switch roles. Harry will fly the descent and initial approach. John will handle the radios. He will resume control of the aircraft at the decision height, usually about 200ft, or sooner once the runway is in sight to perform the landing.

The Captain runs through the descent checklist: the EICAS is checked for any unresolved messages; the approach briefing has been completed; the speeds, decision height and autobrake are all checked set for landing.

Overhead GYA the 747-436 turns to an easterly heading for the 38 nm-leg to the Pingzhou VOR (POU). The jet passes POU descending through 32, 000ft and banks to the right to a heading of 164˚. John takes a few moments to update passengers on the progress of the flight.

Captain PA: ‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen, this is John Leahy, the Captain, speaking. I hope you’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet in the night. I’m sorry it was a bit bumpy from time to time. We’re now starting our descent into Hong Kong. The time in Hong Kong is 13 minutes past twelve and we’ll be getting off the aircraft in just over half an hour, touching down on schedule at quarter to one. The weather in Hong Kong is extremely pleasant. It’s clear skies, a light northwesterly wind and the temperature is 24 Celsius. Thank you! ’

While John was making his announcement, Guangzhou Control cleared the flight down to 17, 000ft.

The jet is headed to the Lianshengwei (ZUH) VOR near the Chinese coastline, dropping through 24, 000ft. Harry concentrates on the instruments as he guides the jumbo in its descent.

He levels the jet at 17, 000ft and 280kt. Control is transferred to Hong Kong Radar. John tunes the new frequency of 124.3 MHz as the flight nears SIERA, a waypoint southwest of the airport that marks one of the entry points for the Baker One STAR.

Exercise 4.3.2 Answer the questions.

1. What type of routeing does the jet follow over the Pearl River delta and into Hong Kong airspace?

2. Where will the crew commence descent?

3. What rate and speed will they descent at?

4. What distance is required for descent?

5. When does the Captain request descent and what altitude is he cleared down to?

6. What roles do John and Harry perform?

7. What is there in the descent checklist?

8. What does the 747-436 do overhead GYA?

9. What does John inform the passengers about?

10. What altitude did Guangzhou Control clear the flight down to while John was making his announcement?

11. What is Hong Kong Radar frequency?

Exercise 4.3.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. The symbol for GYA, the Gaoyoa VOR, appears at the bottom of the screen.

2. The crew will commence descent at GYA.

3. Multiplying the altitude by two provides a rough guide for the distance required for a descent.

4. At 04.00 UTC the Captain calls the controller requesting descent and is cleared to 8, 400m (26, 700 ft).

5. Harry will fly the descent and initial approach and John will handle the radios.

6. Overhead GYA the 747-436 turns to an easterly heading for the 39 nm-leg to the Pingzhou VOR (POU).

7. The temperature in Hong Kong is 24 Celsius.

8. The frequency of Hong Kong Radar is 124.4 MHz.

Exercise 4.3.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Ломаный маршрут, начать снижение, скорость при убранных механизации и шасси, аэродинамические тормоза, над землей, высота полета по кругу (над аэродромом), эволютивные скорость полета с убранными закрылками, расстояние, требуемое для снижения, первоначальный этап захода на посадку, высота принятия решения, ВПП в поле зрения, контрольный перечень операций при снижении, инструктаж при заходе на посадку, протекание полета, новая частота, точка входа.

Exercise 4.3.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

ND VOR fpm EICAS nm ft kt MHz STAR UTC

Exercise 4.3.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Begin, start, perfectly, around, approximately, allows, normally, finished, crosses, descend rapidly, approaches, indicates/denotes.

Exercise 4.3.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. checklist a. эволюторная скорость полета с убранными закрылками
2. clean speed b. контрольный перечень операций при снижении
3. entry point c. высота круга
4. dogleg routeing d. начальный этап захода на посадку
5. initial approach e. аэродинамический тормоз
6. speedbrake f. автоматический тормоз
7. flap up manoeuvring speed g. ломанный маршрут полета
8. autobrake h. точка входа
9. descent checklist i. скорость при убранных шасси
10. traffic pattern altitude j. контрольный перечень операций

Exercise 4.3.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. The jet follows the ___________ (dogleg routeing, initial approach, rough guide) over the Pearl River delta and into Hong Kong airspace.

2. This is where the crew will __________ (start, begin, commence) descent.

3. At Mach 0.83/ 340 kt, the jet will descend at 3, 000 fpm ____________ (approach speed, clean speed, descent speed).

4. Before the jet starts ___________ (descent, approach, down), the two pilots switch roles.

5. John will resume contrpl of the aircraft at the __________ (traffic pattern altitude, decision height, when the runway is in sight).

6. The EICAS is checked for any _______ (unresolved, resumed, resolved) messages.

7. Harry concentrates on the instruments as he guides the __________ (jet, jumbo, Boeing) in its descent.

Exercise 4.3.9 Fill in the gaps with the necessary from of the words given in brackets.

1. While John is making his _________, Guangzhou Control cleared the flight down to 17, 000 feet. (ANNOUNCE)

2. The jet has turned on a _________ heading. (SOUTH)

3. The pilots want to be at the traffic pattern altitude at the flap up ________ speed about 12 nm out. (MANOEUVRE)

4. The Captain calls the Chinese __________.(CONTROL)

5. John will resume control of the aircraft at the __________ height. (DECIDE)

6. John takes a few moments to ______ passengers on the progress of flight. (DATE)

7. The weather in Hong Kong is _________ pleasant. (EXTREME)

8. John tunes the new _________ of 124.3 MHz. (FREQUENT).

9. SIERA marks one of the _________ points for the Baker One Star. (ENTER)

Exercise 4.3.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.

Radar Aerodrome traffic circuit Decision height Touchdown Waypoint Briefing Bank Bumpy Extremely To update

1. a radio detection device which provides information on range, azimuth and/or elevation of objects

2. specific height in the precision approach at which approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue approach has not been established

3. travel with one side higher than the other, usually when turning

4. the point where the normal glidepath intercepts the runway

5. with an uneven surface

6. the specified path to be flown by aircraft operating in the vicinity of an aerodrome

7. a specified geographical location used to define an area navigation route or the flight path of an aircraft employing area navigation

8. giving sb detailed information or instruction in advance (before sth)

9. give sb the latest information

10. to a very high degree

Exercise 4.4.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Реактивный самолет разворачивается на восточный курс, так как он выполняет ломаный маршрут.

2. Джон устанавливает расстояние на своем навигационном дисплее в 160 морских миль.

3. Умножение высоты на три обеспечивает приблизительное наведение для расстояния, необходимого для снижения.

4. В 04.00 UTC Капитан вызывает китайского диспетчера, запрашивая снижение и получает разрешение на снижение до 8.400 метров.

5. Джон возвратится к управлению полетом на высоте принятия решения, обычно около 200 футов.

6. ЭЙЛАС проверена.

7. Инструктаж перед выполнением захода выполнен.

8. Скорости, высота принятия решения и автоматический тормоз проверены и установлены для посадки.

9. Реактивное ВС кренится направо на курс 164º.

10. Джон в течение нескольких минут сообщает пассажирам последнюю информацию о протекании полета.

11. Гарри сосредотачивает внимание на приборах, т.к. он управляет снижением ВС. Джон настраивает новую частоту в 124.3 мегагерца, когда полет подходит к точке СИЕРА.

Exercise 4.3.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Dogled routeing; commence descent; clean speed; speedbrakes; traffic pattern altitude; initial approach.

Exercise 4.3.13 Retell the text.

4.4 In contact with Hong Kong Radar

Exercise 4.4.1 Read and translate the text.

Captain R/T: ‘Hong Kong Radar, good afternoon, it’s Speedbird two five, flight level one seven zero, approaching Sierra.’

There is no response. The Captain switches back to the previous frequency and asks the Chinese controller to confirm the frequency for Hong Kong Radar.

Guangzhou Control: ’ Hong Kong Radar is one two four decimal three.’

John had the correct frequency dialed in the first time. So he tries again and this time gets a reply.

Captain R/T: ‘Hong Kong Radar, Speedbird two five.’

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, good afternoon, left heading one four zero and descend to flight level one two zero.’

Speedbird two five is operating in feet rather than metres, under the guidance of staff in the Hong Kong air traffic Control facility located at the airport.

Back on the flight deck, the controller calls with instructions to turn left to a heading of 120˚. Just as the NOTAMs hinted, it appears Speedbird 25 is being vectored off the STAR for an abbreviated arrival routeing. The controller’s next transmission confirms their suspicion.

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, about 65 track miles to touchdown.’

The controller’s vectors will shave some 50 nm off the published STAR, saving time and fuel. This has come as no surprise to the pilots who had anticipated the shorter route.

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, descend to niner thousand feet, QNH is one zero one six, information is Echo.’

‘Echo’ is the latest ATIS (automatic terminal information service) broadcast for Hong Kong International Airport and it reports good conditions. Scattered cumulus clouds are now visible in the haze, looking like bright white icebergs afloat in a murky grey ocean.

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, left heading zero eight zero.’

The First Officer has raised the nose of the jet slightly, slowing it to 250 kt, and reduced the rate of descent to 1, 250 fpm. He turns the control column to take up the new heading.

Other arriving aircraft are overheard on the frequency. ‘Dynasty 652’, a China Airlines Airbus A300-600R from Kuala Lumpur, and Asiana 301, a 747-400 inbound from Seoul, are ahead of the British Airways flight on the approach. Dragonair 435, an Airbus A330 arriving from Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan, checks in levelling at 11, 000ft. And China Eastern 537 from Fuzhou, China, is heard calling the arrival controller.

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, turn left heading three two zero, descend to five thousand feet.’

Exercise 4.4.2 Answer the questions.

1. Why does the Captain switch back to the previous frequency?

2. What level and heading instructions is Speedbird 25 given at first?

3. What is the distance from the touchdown?

4. How many nautical miles will the controller’s vectors shave off the published STAR?

5. What weather conditions at Hong Kong International Airport does information Echo report?

6. What speed has the First Officer slowed the jet to and what rate of descent has he reduced to?

7. What other aircraft are overheard on the frequency?

8. What was the onward heading and descent frequency?

Exercise 4.4.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. The captain has the immediate response on his initial contact with Hong Kong Radar.

2. The Hong Kong Radar Controller initially instructs the Speedbird to turn left heading 120 and descend to flight level 140.

3. Speedbird 25 is operating in metres.

4. The controller’s vectors will shave some 50nm off the published STAR, saving time and fuel.

5. “Echo” is the latest ATIS information.

6. Other arriving aircraft, Dynasty 652 and Asiana 301, are behind of the British Airways on the approach.

Exercise 4.4.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Нет ответа, предыдущая частота, подтвердить частоту, набранная частота, под управлением персонала, расположенный в аэропорту, сокращенный маршрут прилета, передача, опубликованный стандартный маршрут прибытия, рассеянные кучевые облака, яркие белые айсберги, ручка управления, штурвал, диспетчер прилета.

Exercise 4.4.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Exercise 4.4.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Reply; reveal; true; right; accurate; expected; answer; dark; gloomy; leadership; direction; in front of; situated.

Exercise 4.3.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.


1. anticipate shorter route a. подтверждать частоту
2. confirm the frequency b. ожидать укороченный маршрут
3. control column c. рассеянные кучевые облака
4. guidance d. предыдущая частота
5. scattered cumulus e. сокращенный маршрут прибытия
6. previous frequency f. видимый во мгле
7. flight deck g. ручка управления
8. abbreviated arrival h. кабина экипажа
9. routeing visible in haze i. скорость снижения
10. rate of descent j. наведение управления

Exercise 4.4.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. There is no _________ (reply, response, resume).

2. The captain switches back to the ___________ (previous, primary, secondary) frequency.

3. The Hong Kong Air Traffic Control __________ (instrument, equipment, facility) is located at the airport.

4. Speedbird 25 is being ________ (guided, controlled, vectored) off the STAR for a/an ________ (shortened, shorter, abbreviated) arrival routeing.

5. The controller’s _________ (radials, vectors, guidance) will shave some 50 nm off the published STAR.

6. Scattered cumulus clouds are now __________ (visible, unvisible, visual) in the haze.

7. The First officer has raised the nose of the jet ________ (slowly, slightly, lightly).

8. He turns the control ________ (column, yoke, stick) to take up the new heading.

9. Other _______ (inbound, arriving, arrival) aircraft are overhead on the frequency.

10. China eastern 537 from Fuzhou, China, is heard calling the ___________ (arrival, approach, ground) controller.

Exercise 4.4.9 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. It’s Speedbird 25, flight level 170, _____________ SIERRA. (APPROACH)

2. John had the correct frequency _________ in the first time. (DIAL)

3. Speedbird 25 is operating under the ______________ of staff in the Hong Kong ATC. (GUIDE)

4. The controller calls with _________ to turn left to a heading of 120. (INSTRUCT)

5. The controller’s next ________ confirms their suspicion. (TRANSMIT)

6. Descend to 9, 000 feet, QNH 1016, ____________ is Echo. (INFORM)

7. The First officer has raised the nose of the jet ____________. (SLIGHT)

8. An Airbus A330 checks in __________ at 11, 000 feet. (LEVEL)

Exercise 4.4.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.

Frequency Staff Facility Vector Transmission Confirm Broadcast Haze Slightly Control column

1. equipment

2. rate at which a sound wave or a radio wave vibrates

3. radio transmission of information relating to air navigation that is not addressed to a specific station

4. thin mist

5. not strongly

6. group of people working together responsible to a manager or a person in authority

7. guide a pilot in flight

8. stick

9. passing or handling on; sending on

10. establish the truth of

Exercise 4.4.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Эшелон полета 170, подхожу к СИЕРА.

2. Подтвердите частоту Гонконг Радар.

3. Влево, курс 140 и снижайтесь до ЭП 120.

4. Снижайтесь до 9.000 футов, QNH 1016, информация ЭКО.

5. Влево, курс 180.

6. Развернитесь влево курс 130, снижайтесь до высоты 5 000 футов.

7. Капитан возвращается на прежнюю частоту.

8. Спидберд 25 дается наведение с уклонением от схемы захода на посадку для укороченного маршрута прилета.

9. Наведение диспетчера срежет около 50 морских миль от опубликованной схемы, экономя время и горючее.

10. Пилоты ожидали укороченный маршрут.

11. Рассеянные кучевые облака сейчас видны во мгле.

12. Второй пилот немного поднял нос ВС, замедляя его до 250 узлов.

13. Он уменьшил скорость снижения до 1250 футов в минуту.

14. Он поворачивает ручку управления, чтобы взять новый курс.

Exercise 4.4.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Response; previous frequency; confirm frequency; dialed frequency; located at the airport; transmission; control column; arrival controller.

Exercise 4.4.13 Retell the text.

4.5 Slowing up and configuring the aircraft for the approach

Exercise4.5.1 Read and translate the text.

Harry decides it is time to start slowing up and configuring the aircraft for the approach. He calls: ‘Flap one’. The Captain moves the flap selector handle back one notch, deploying the inboard and midspan leading edge devices. John also dials up 220 kt in the airspeed window, moving the cursor on the airspeed tape for the easy reference. Through 9, 000 ft, Flap 5 is selected. The outboard leading edge device and the trailing edge flaps now extend from the wings as well. The outboard landing lights and logo lights are turned ON. The FASTEN SEATBELTS signs are checked ON. The pilots also conduct a height check, a cross-check of the altimeter to ensure the indications match and the altimeter settings are set. This check is done at 10, 000 ft and 20, 000 ft during both the climb and descent.

The flight has about 40 nm to go in its approach. The Captain makes a brief PA (Public Address) announcement to update passengers and cabin crew that touchdown is now expected in about 10 minutes. Flight attendants are busy gathering up the breakfast dishes and preparing the cabin for the arrival. They have to work fast to get the job done before landing.

In any aircraft, a good landing starts with a good approach. The trick to a good approach in a 747 is to get it established at the proper airspeed and in trim early. The pilots then make small, constant corrections to keep it on course. The 747 is a big jet and with so much inertia, significant deviations in heading and altitude can quickly lead to a destabilized approach. British Airways’ procedures state that the jet should be stabilized on the approach by 1, 000ft at the very latest – established on the centreline, descending on the correct glideslope, gear down, flaps set and at safe approach airspeed. If any of those parameters are not met, a go-around procedure is mandatory.

Like chess players plotting their next move, the pilots are thinking ahead of the jet, anticipating the next ATC clearance and deciding on their next action, such as extending the flaps further, reducing speed and requesting a lower altitude. Such planning is critical. At 250 kt – the typical speed in the airspace around airports – the 747 is moving at four miles a minute. It takes time and distance to slow down, about 45 seconds and 3-4 nm to slow from 290 kt to 250kt in level flight at idle thrust and another 6 nm or so to slow further to 170 kts. The speedbrakes are quite effective and will reduce the time and distance required to decelerate by 40% if required.

Exercise 4.5.2 Answer the questions.

1. What do John and Harry do on the call ‘Flap one’?

2. What is turned ON?

3. What check do the pilots conduct?

4. When is the touchdown expected now?

5. What are the flight attendants doing?

6. What is a trick to a good approach in a 747?

7. What do British Airways’ procedures state?

8. In what case is a go-round procedure mandatory?

9. How long does it take to slow down?

10. What is quite effective in reducing the time and distance required?

Exercise 4.5.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. John dials up 220 ft in the airspeed window.

2. Through 8, 000 ft, Flap 5 is selected.

3. The outboard landing lights and logo lights are turned OFF.

4. The FASTEN SEATBELT signs are checked ON.

5. A hight check and a cross-check of the altimetres are done at 10, 000 ft.

6. The cabin crew have to work fast to get the job done before landing.

7. Significant deviations in heading and altitude with the 747 can quickly lead to a destabilized approach.

8. It takes about 45 seconds and 3-4 nm to slow from 290 kt to 170 kt.

Exercise 4.5.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Посадочные огни; расположенные за бортом ВС; если требуется; рукоятка рычага управления закрылками; разрешение УВД; процедура ухода на второй круг; выпуск закрылков указатель воздушной скорости; уменьшение скорости; устройство; приспособление; безопасная скорость захода; табло “Пристегните ремни! ”; установка высотомера; середина размаха; правильная глиссада; передняя кромка; шасси выпущены; задняя кромка; закрылки установлены; сбалансированный; тяга на режиме малого газа; существенные отклонения; полет на заданном эшелоне; неустойчивый заход; запрос более низкой высоты; курсор; стрелка; указатель; перед посадкой; логотипные огни; бортпроводники; проверка высоты; одновременный контроль.

Exercise 4.5.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

ATC kt PA nm

Exercise 4.5.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Chosen; lower; carry out; guarantee; short; to inform; go-around procedure; obligatory; compulsory; slow down; flight attendant; pick up; get ready; quickly; permanent; essential; permission; ask for.

Exercise 4.5.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. slowing up a. замедление, уменьшение скорости
2. flap selector handle b. середина размаха
3. midspan c. выпустить закрылки
4. extend flaps d. рукоятка рычага управления закрылками
5. landing lights e. передняя кромка (крыла)
6. idle thrust f. ленточная шкала указателя воздушной скорости
7. leading edge g. перекрестный контроль
8. trailing edge h. посадочные огни
9. airspeed tape i. задняя кромка крыла
10. cross-check j. тяга в режиме молого газа

Exercise 4.5.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. Harry decides it is time to start slowing down and ________ (decelerating, stabilizing, configuring) the aircraft for the approach.

2. The captain deploys the inboard and midspan leading edge ____________ (devices, flaps, landing lights).

3. The outboard leading edge device and the trailing edge flaps now __________ (extend, deploy, stabilize) from the wings.

4. The _________ (inboard, outboard, midspan) landing lights and logo lights are turned ON.

5. The trick to a good approach in a 747 is to get it established at the proper airspeed and __________ (in trim, balanced, constant) early.

6. Significant deviations in heading and altitude can quickly lead to _________ (deviation, decelerated, destabilized) approach.

7. If any of the parameters are not met, a ___________ (missed approach, holding, go-around) procedure is mandatory.

8. It takes time and distance to ___________ (slow down, configure, decelerate) the aircraft.

9. The __________ (airspeed, airbrakes, speedbrakes) are quite effective.

Exercise 4.5.9 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. John moves the cursor on the airspeed tape for the easy _________.(REFER)

2. Through 9, 000 ft, Flap 5 is _________. (SELECT)

3. The Captain makes a brief PA _________ to update passengers and cabin crew that touchdown is now expected in about 10 minutes. (ANNOUNCE)

4. Flight attendants are busy gathering up the breakfast dishes and __________ the cabin for the __________. (PREPARE + ARRIVE)

5. The pilots make small, constant _________ to keep the plane on course. (CORRECT)

6. The pilots anticipate the next ATC ________ and deciding on their next ______. (CLEAR + ACT)

7. Such ________ is critical. (PLAN)

Exercise 4.5.10 Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.

Centerline Decelerate Device Automatic terminal information service Glidepath Clearance Inboard Outboard Airspeed Flap

1. authorization or permission

2. thing made or adapted for a special purpose

3. slow down

4. situated outside of an aircraft

5. speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving

6. part of the wing on an aircraft that can be lifted to change the aircraft’s upward direction.

7. a descent profile determined for vertical guidance during a final approach.

8. midpoint of the airway, runway, taxiway

9. situated within the sides of an aircraft

10. the provision of current, routine information to arriving and departing aircraft by means of continuous and repetitive broadcasts throughout the day or a specified portion of the day.

Exercise 4.5.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Джон набирает 220 узлов на индикаторе воздушной скорости.

2. Устройство внешней передней кромки крыла и закрылки задней кромки выпущены из крыльев.

3. Внешние посадочные огни и логотипные огни включены.

4. Табло “Пристегните ремни! ” включено.

5. Пилоты выполняют проверку высоты, одновременную проверку высотомеров, чтобы убедиться в соответствии показаний.

6. Капитан делает краткое объявление по громкоговорящей бортовой системе, чтобы сообщить пассажирам и обслуживающему экипажу, что посадка ожидается приблизительно через 10 минут.

7. Бортпроводники готовят салон к прилету.

8. Хорошая посадка начинается с хорошего захода.

9. Пилоты делают небольшие постоянные поправки, чтобы удерживать ВС на курсе.

10. Существенные отклонения в курсе и высоте могут быстро привести к дестабилизированному заходу.

11. Согласно процедурам “Бритиш Эйрвейз” реактивное ВС должно быть стабилизировано на заходе к высоте как минимум 1 000 футов.

12. Пилоты думают раньше ВС, предвосхищая следующее разрешение УВД и принимая решение о своих последующих действиях.

13. Требуется время и расстояние, чтобы уменьшить скорость.

14. Аэродинамические тормоза достаточно эффективны и сократят время и расстояние, необходимое для уменьшения скорости на 40%, если потребуется.

Exercise 4.5.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Flap selector handle; midspan; leading edge; trailing edge; device; airspeed tape; cursor; outboard landing lights; logo lights; height check; cross-check; flight attendants; in trim; significant deviations; a go-around procedure; ATC clearance; idle thrust.

Exercise 4.5.13 Retell the text.

4.6 Establishing ILS

Exercise 4.6.1 Read and translate the text.

At 4.29 UTC, Speedbird 25 turns to 330˚ to join an extended right base leg and receives clearance first to 3, 000 ft, then to 2, 000 ft. The flight has 24 nm to go. Passing through 6, 000 ft, small islands are seen below.

The radio frequency is busy as the controller issues heading and altitude clearances to marshal the arriving aircraft into sequence for the approach.

Hong Kong Radar: ’China Eastern five three seven descend to four thousand feet … Speedbird two five, descend to one thousand five hundred… Dragon four three five, speed not above two one zero knots, descend to three thousand feet… Speedbird four three five right heading two eight zero… China Eastern five three seven, right heading two six five.’

The crew of Speedbird 25 are kept busy complying with a quick series of instructions to slow to 180 kt, descend to 1, 500 ft and then turn to 360˚. The jet is southwest of Lantau Island and the controller has put the jet in position to join the final approach course in about 8nm. Harry requests Flap 10 and slows the jet to comply with the controller’s instructions. The flaps can be set to 1, 5, 10, 20, 25 and 30 and for each new setting, the speed can be reduced by 20kt. The Captain watches the flap indicator on the upper EICAS and when the flaps have moved to the new setting, he calls ‘Flap ten green’.

Since the ILS will be joined low and close to the airport, Harry elects to ‘dirty up’ the jet early. At his call, the Captain reaches across to the forward instrument panel and moves the wheels lever down to lower the landing gear. The gear indication appears on the upper EICAS, first as a box with white-hatched lines indicating the wheel bogies and in transit and then green once the wheels are down and locked. Flap 20 is selected and the Captain runs through the Landing checklist: speedbrakes are checked that they are armed to deploy on touchdown; the landing gear is confirmed down; and the CSD (Cabin Service Director) has just reported that the cabin is ready for landing.

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, three miles for the localizer, turn right heading zero four zero, cleared ILS/DME zero seven left, report established.’

Captain R/T: ‘Roger, heading zero four zero to pick up the ILS zero seven left, Speedbird two five.’

On the PFDs, the localizer needles move off the stops, indicating the jet is nearing the extended centerline of the runway. Harry turns the control column to the right to intercept the ILS localizer signal.

Captain R/T: ‘Speedbird two five established zero seven left.’

Hong Kong Radar: ’ Speedbird two five, contact the tower north one one eight decimal two, good day.’

Exercise 4.6.2 Answer the questions.

1. What does Speedbird 25 do at 4.29 UTC and what clearance does it receive?

2. What altitude and heading instructions are given to China Eastern 537? Speedbird 25? Dragon 435?

3. What is the direction of the jet in relation to Landau Island?

4. What position does the controller put the jet in?

5. What flaps settings can be set?

6. What flaps settings does Harry request?

7. What lever does the Captain move to lower the landing gear?

8. Where does the gear indication appear? What forms and colours do they have?

9. What is there in the Landing checklist?

10. What runway is Speedbird 25 cleared to make an ILS/DME approach?

11. What is the Tower frequency?

Exercise 4.6.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. At 4.29 UTC Speedbird 25 turns to 330º to join an extended left base leg.

2. Passing through 3, 000 ft, small island are seen below.

3. The controller has put the jet in position to join the final approach course in about 8 nm

4. The flaps can be set to 1, 5, 10, 20, 25 and for each new setting, the speed can be reduced by 20 kt.

5. Harry elects to “dirty up” the jet early.

6. Flap 10 is selected and the Captain runs through the Landing checklist.

7. On the PFDs, the localizer needles move off the stops, indicating the jet is nearing the extended centreline of the runway.

8. The Tower frequency is 119.2.

Exercise 4.6.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Участок между третьим и четвертым разворотами правого круга полетов; радиочастота; разрешение на изменения курса и высоты; очередность захода на посадку; быстрая серия инструкций; курс конечного этапа захода на посадку; указания диспетчера; указатель закрылков; передняя приборная панель / доска; рычаг выпуска и уборки колес шасси; белые штрихованные линии; колесная тележка; контрольный перечень посадочных операций; старший бортпроводник; стрелка курсового посадочного прибора; продолжение оси ВПП.

Exercise 4.6.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Exercise 4.6.6 Find in the text synon

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Эффективность управления. Общие понятия о сущности и критериях эффективности. Эффективность управления – это экономическая категория, отражающая вклад управленческой деятельности в конечный результат работы организации...

Мотивационная сфера личности, ее структура. Потребности и мотивы. Потребности и мотивы, их роль в организации деятельности...

Ученые, внесшие большой вклад в развитие науки биологии Краткая история развития биологии. Чарльз Дарвин (1809 -1882)- основной труд « О происхождении видов путем естественного отбора или Сохранение благоприятствующих пород в борьбе за жизнь»...

Этапы трансляции и их характеристика Трансляция (от лат. translatio — перевод) — процесс синтеза белка из аминокислот на матрице информационной (матричной) РНК (иРНК...

Условия, необходимые для появления жизни История жизни и история Земли неотделимы друг от друга, так как именно в процессах развития нашей планеты как космического тела закладывались определенные физические и химические условия, необходимые для появления и развития жизни...

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