A abatement procedure 106 abbreviated arrival routeing 207 abeam 76 abort 98 acceleration 114 accelerometer 37 acknowledge 121 Advisory 32 aerodynamic characteristics 42 aerodynamic theory 98 aft cargo compartment 6 aft cargo heat 67 After Start check 67 After Take-off check 121 aileron 83, 106 aileron trim 84 anti-ice 67 air current 218 air distribution system 145 air 37 air traffic control delay 13, 17, 25, 51 air traffic Control facility 207 airborne 51, 106, 138, 146, 161 airborne community aerodrome radio station 84 air-conditioning 91, 121, 145 air-conditioning pack 42, 61, 67, 84, 145 air-conditioning system 106 aircraft communication addressing and reporting system 42 aircraft 57, 142, 198 aircraft performance 17, 42 aircraft weight 169 airflow 106 airframe 67 airport of origin 13 airport 42, 50, 198, 203, 207, 211, 215, 219 airspace 198, 202, 211 airspeed indicator 32 airspeed 210 airway 42, 156 airworthiness defect 230 Aktyubinsk 161 alarm 121 allocation 9 Almaty 146 alternate light 76 alternative airport 17 alternative route 21 altimeter 32, 50, 121 altimeter setting 210 altitude 169, 174, 214 Amazon 187 Amsterdam 129 Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport 17 anti-collision light 156 anti-ice 42 anti-ice system 230 anti-icing 37 approach briefing 203 approach 25, 211, 222 Approach speed 198 APU 37 APU switch 226 APU generator 230 arrival airport 17 arrival 138, 198 Asia 25 Asiana 207 asphalt 97 ATC agency 138 ATC shortcut 150 ATC clearance 211 ATIS (automatic terminal information service) 207 attitude 37 aural alert 32 auto start 61 auto start switch. 57 auto throttle 98 autobrake 50, 198, 203, 223, 226 autobrake switch 50 automated voice 121, 222 autopilot control 37 autopilot 42, 51, 121, 129 autopilot panel 106 auxiliary power unit 61 B Baby Boeings 21 Baikonur 165 Balkhash 174 Baltic Sea 17, 138 barometer setting 50 barometric pressure 121 base leg 198, 214 bay window 76 BBC studio 28 beacon strobe 230 beeper 32 Before Take-off Check 83 Before Take-off checklist 91 bell 32 below-deck hold 6 belly 6, 145 bin 52 binder 42 bleed air 37 block 75 board 28 body gear steering 76 Boeing 32 book performance 21 border 161 bound 9 boundary 76, 106 brake 67, 76, 97, 230 brake system 57 brake wear 37 briefing notes 13 briefing 28 briefing room 37 British Airways 6, 9, 42, 51, 76, 106, 121, 142, 169, 207 British Airways’ operations complex 9 Brookman 50 Brookmans Park 42, 106 Brookmans Park VOR 17 bypass air 42 C cabin 211 cabin crew 51, 231 cabin crew signal 84 cabin defect report 230 cabin door 6, 230 cabin emergency equipment 37 cabin pressure 145 cabin pressurization 91 cabin staff 25, 28 camber 68 capacity 42 Captain Cook 37 captain 21, 50 CARD 42 cargo 195 cargo compartment door 57 cargo container 76 cargo heat 230 cargo load. 84 Caspian Sea 161 catering vehicle 6 Cathay Pacific 6 cathode ray tube 32 Caution 32 centerline 98 central time 13 centre console 37 centre console 42 centre of gravity 42 centre tank 42, 179 centre wing tank pump switch 51 centreline light 76 channel 142 chart 13, 230 Chek Lap Kok 195, 198 Chengdu 17, 187, 191 chime 91 China Airlines 207, 219 China Eastern 207, 214 China 13, 17, 25, 129, 146, 165, 169, 174, 179, 187, 191, 195 circulation 145 civilian controller 13 Clacton VOR 17 clean speed 202 clearance 42, 57, 67, 138, 214 climb 42, 50, 84, 114, 121, 128, 129, 138, 154, 210 climb rate 121, 198 climb speed 106 climb-out 67 clipboard 150 coach bay 28 cockpit 37 Codan VOR 17, 138 Colchester, 17 collision alert 121 collision course 84 combustion chamber 62 commander 37 communication 42 Compass Centre 9, 42 compressed air 61, 91 compressor blade 62 compressor 67 compressor speed 32 computerized fuel and flight planning system 17 configuration 32 consume 146 contingency fuel 21 contingency plan 9 Control Centre 138 control column 83, 98, 207, 215 control 37, 42 control panel 154 control surface 57, 83 controller 128 co-ordinated universal time (UTC) 13 co-ordinates 42 Copenhagen 138 co-pilot 37 cosmodrome 165 cowling 222 crew alerting system 57 crew 42, 68, 106, 114, 154, 174, 202, 230 cross-check 42 crossfeed valve 179 crosswind 76, 187 cruise 42, 115, 138 cruise speed 157 cruising altitude 129, 169 crunch data 17 curfew 25 D damage 37 Danish island 138 datalink printer 42 datalink system 42 decision height 198, 203, 222 decision point 169 deck ventilation 145 decompression 169 deficiency 25 deflection 83 de-ice 67 delay 9, 52 delivery 52 departure 50, 138, 198 departure clearance 51 departure profile 106 departure routeing 42 depressurized 51 descend 84, 42, 169, 202, 210 descent checklist 203 destination 9, 42, 156, 169 deviation 13, 211 directional radio beacon 157 discharge 51 disconnect autothrottle 51 dispatch 42 display units 42 disruption 9 diversion 9, 13, 146 DME station 37 door system 32 double-check 42, 84 Dragonair 207 drift 129 Dutch coast 129 Dynasty 219 E eak 37 edge lights 76 EICAS 67 electrical system 32, 37 electronic engine control box 42 elevation 91 elevator 83 emergency 28, 51, 91, 98, 146, 169 emergency drill 32 emergency route 169 en route alternative 21 engine 32, 37, 42, 51, 61, 98, 121, 150, 157, 169, 179, 222, 230 engine core 62 engine fire handle 37 engine ignition 37 Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 32 engine indication system 57 engine instrument 98 engine limits 42 engine parameters 32 engine pressure ratio 32 engine start 37, 51 engine’s front fan 32 engineer 37 En-route cruising level 114 entry point 203 environmental system 32 esscissor lift 6 Essex 17 estimated take-off weight 42 evacuation checklist 51 evacuation 28 exhaust 62, 98 exhaust blow 76 exhaust gas temperature 32 exhaust pressure 42 exterior inspection 50 external lighting 37 F fan blade 61 fiberglass 68 final approach 42, 215 fire checklist 51 fire handle 51 First Officer 42, 51 flap 106, 114, 121, 210, 215, 219 flap selector handle 37 flap selector 106, 226 flap setting 42 fleet 37 flight 150 flight attendant 28, 52, 84, 91, 142, 183, 191, 211 flight computer 32 flight control 83 flight deck 42, 76, 121, 207 flight director bar 98, 106 flight director 42, 51 flight engineer’s panel 32 flight information system 154 flight instrument 50 flight level 138 flight management computer 115 flight management computer system 37 flight planner 13, 21 flight progress map 169 flight time 25 flightdeck 52, 174, 179, 183, 219 flightdeck instrumentation 37 flightlog 37 flightplan 42, 138, 150, 230 FMC 42 fog 9 forecast 25 forward cargo hold 6 forward instrument panel 215 forward thrust 51 France 161 Frankfurt 156 freight containe 6 freight 42, 57 frequency 42, 57, 106, 128, 154, 157, 161, 206, 203, 214 front panel 32 fuel 21, 42, 129, 146, 150, 157, 161, 165, 174, 230 fuel burn 138 fuel calculation 21 fuel consumption 21 fuel control switch 51, 62 fuel crossfeed switch 51 fuel estimates 21 fuel flow 42 fuel load 21, 129 fuel pump 32, 230 fuel requirement 13 fuel synoptic 42 fuel system 32, 37 fuel truck 6 fueller 42 full arrival procedure 25 full power 42 fuselage 37, 42, 57, 68, 76, 106, 183 Fuzhou 207 G Gaoyoa VOR 202 gate 28, 42, 57, 226, 230 gauge 32 gear door 106 gear handle 106 gear 51, 68 gear steering 76 gear system 32 German coast 138 Germany 138 ghost waypoint 187 glare 121 glareshield 32, 37, 51 glideslope 198, 211 global positioning system 37 go-around 98, 222 go-around procedure 211 Gobi Desert 179 Great Britain 161 gross error check 21 ground base 42 ground control 57 ground controller 226 ground equipment 67 ground handling 76 ground staff 57 ground-based aid 37 groundspeed 150, 157, 174 Guangzhou Control 203 Guangzhou 146 Guiyang Control 191 gusty wind 219 H handling pilot 37 hatch 67 hatch-marked box 13 haze 114 haze 25 heading 32, 129, 138, 198, 202, 207, 214 headwind 150 Heathrow 42, 50, 52, 57, 75, 76, 121, 157, 223, 231 heavy departure 42 height check 210 Helgoland VOR 17, 138 high-pressure rotor 62 holding area 76 holding point 42 ‘honey’ truck 6 Hong Kong 17, 21, 25, 42, 52, 91, 129, 142, 146, 157, 169, 179, 183, 191, 195, 202, 203, 206, 231 Hong Kong ATC 198 Hong Kong Tower 226 hose 6 hot bleed air 67 hot departure 42 hot start 62 hung start 62 hydraulic demand pump 67 hydraulic motor 219 hydraulic pump 57 hydraulic system 32, 37, 57, 230 I ice detector 67 identifier 42 idle 50, 76, 222 idle power 62 idle speed 62 Igniter 62 ILS 222 ILS localizer 215 inboard 32, 68, 106, 210 inbound 42, 50, 121, 198 increment 129 indicating the wheel bogies 215 inertial reference system 37, 106, 230 in-flight entertainment system 42 inlet 42 input 42, 106, 142 instrument panel 32, 106 instrument strip 76 instrumentation 98 intake 62 intercom 57, 67 interior inspection 37, 50 interlock 51 Islamabad 91 isolation valve 106 J jet fuel 98 jet 28, 42, 37, 50, 52, 57, 67, 68, 75, 76, 84, 106, 121, 129, 145, 150, 156, 161, 165, 169, 174, 183, 198, 202, 203, 207, 215, 218, 222, 230 jet stream 25 jetway 230 Jiayuguan 179 jumbo 32, 37, 42, 57, 68, 91, 98, 106, 121, 129, 165, 169, 198, 218 jumpseat 51 K Kaohsiung 21, 207 Karaganda 165 Kazakhstan 17, 146, 161, 165, 174 Krueger flap 68 Kuala Lumpur 207 L ladder 183 Lambourne 115 landing 203, 211 landing alternative 21 Landing checklist 215 landing clearance 222 landing gear door 57 landing gear 121, 215 landing light 91 landing weight 198 Lantau Island 198 Lantau 215 lateral navigation 42, 106 latitude 42 Latvia 17, 145 lavatory tank 6 leading edge 6, 67 leading edge device 115, 223 leading edge flap 68 level 84 Lianshengwei 203 Liepaja 17 lift 68 lift characteristics 68 light 84 line up 91 LNAV 51 load 21 load sheet 84 loader 6 locked 215 logo light 210 London 21, 28, 25, 106, 115, 121, 129, 156, 157 London Control 106, 114 London Operations 42 London time 13 longitude 42 Los Angeles 42 luggage 21 Luxembourg 138 M Maastricht Upper Area 138 Mach 150, 157, 174, 179, 202 magnetic heading 37 main deck 183 main pump switch 51 main tank 179 maintenance 106, 230 maintenance area 76 maintenance log 42 malfunction 42 mandatory reserve 21 mapbook 42 master caution light 32 master warning light 32 maximum gross weight 21, 91 maximum take-off weight 21, 42, 91 mean aerodynamic chord 42 Memo Message 32 Mexico City 91 microburst 218 mid-air crash 121 mid-section 42 midspan leading edge device 210 military control 13 minimumsafealtitude 195 missed approach 198 missedapproachprocedure 195 mixture 62 mode control panel 51 Mongolia 17, 179 Moscow 17, 153, 156, 157, 161 N nacelle 67 Navigation Display 32 navigation display 84 navigational database 37, 42 Netherlands 17, 129, 138 New Zealand 142 night-time restriction 25 Nile 187 no smoking sign 32 noise 106 noise abatement procedure 114 Noise Monitoring Point 114 noise sensitive airport 223 non-handling pilot 222 North Atlantic 42 North Sea 17, 129, 138 Norway 161 nose 67, 121, 219, 222 nose wheel asse 68 nose wheel 84, 98, 223 nose wheel steering 84 NOTAM 25, 198 Notices to airmen 25 Novosibirsk 146, 169 O obstruction 57 ogistic 9 oil level 37 oil pressure 62 oil temperature 32 Onboard 142 operations staff 9 optimum altitude 17 optimum profile 42 optimum routeing 42 Option 13, 142 outboard landing light 210 outboard leading edge device 210 outboard 68, 106 outbound flight 37 outflow valve 51, 145 outlet 6 outstanding deficiency 50 outstanding snag 37, 42 overhead panel 37, 57, 62 override pump 179 override pump switch 51 oxygen mask 169 oxygen system 50 P PA announcement 211 Pakistan International Airlines 91 paperwork 13 Paris 156 parking brake 32, 50, 57, 91 pavement 98 payload 21 Pearl River 202 performance database 42 performance 68, 91, 169 performance restriction 50 performance-restricted airfield 91 pilot 13 pilot flight display 98 pilot flying 37 pin 68 Pingzhou VOR 203 pitch attitude 98, 106, 222 pitch 32, 121 plot position 37 position fix 37 Position Indicator Board 76 position 37 potable water tank 6 power 106, 121 power setting 42, 84 preflight 106 preflight briefing 50 preflight routine 37, 42 pressure 32 pressurisation emergency 169 pressurization 37, 145, 169 pressurize 57 Primary Flight Display 32 print-out 13, 17, 42 procedure 198 profile 129 prohibited 13 provisional loadsheet 42 proximity 84, 121 pump 195 pushback 57 Q Qianxi 191 R radar transponder 37 radar vector 25, 42 radial 50, 198 radio beacon 25, 32, 42, 138 radio call 37 Ramp check 37 ramp 6, 52, 57, 62, 76 rapid-exit taxiway 226 ratio 97 reduced thrust take-off 42 refueling 42 reject take-off 51 rejected take-off 50 repair 42 reserve tank 179 residual thrust 76 rest break 138 retrace 13 revenue payload 21 reverse idle 223 reverse thrust handle 222 Riga 17, 145 right isolation valve 91 ring-laser gyro 37 rocket 165 roll control 106 roll 32 Rolls-Royce 61 rotate 51, 98 rough rule of thumb 21 route 13, 76 routing 13 rudder 84 rudder pedal 76, 84, 98, 223, 226 rudder trim 84 rule of thumb 21 runway 42, 67, 76, 91, 203, 222, 226 runway centreline 76 runwaycontamination 195 runway heading 50 runway light 98 Russia 17, 129 Russian ATC 165 S safety 28, 32 satellite communications system 42 satellite signal 37 scan check 37, 42 scattered clouds 25 scheduled 13, 52, 138, 150, 187, 230 Schiphol airport 129 screen 32 seatbelt 84 seatbelts sign 210, 230 security 28 selective switching 76 seniority 28 separation 121 sequence 214 set flap 68 sextant 37 shift 17 shortcut arrival 25 shuttle bus 28 Siberia 146 SID chart 114 SID routeing 50 significant weather map 25 significant weather 17, 50 simulator 32 siren 32 Siu Mo To VOR 198 slip road 42 snowstorm 9 South China Sea 187, 198 Spain 161 speed 84, 226 speed restriction 106, 115 Speedbird 6, 13, 50, 51, 91, 97, 98, 106, 121, 129, 138, 142, 145, 154, 165, 183, 187, 191, 198, 206, 214, 218, 226, 230, 231 speedbrake 37, 51, 211 speedbrake lever 226 Spijkerboor VOR 17 spoiler 37, 50, 106 spoiler panel 222, 226 Sputnik 165 squawk 106 stabilizer 42 stabilizer trim 84, 226 Stalingrad 161 standard instrument departure 42 standard terminal arrival route 42 star shot 37 Start check 50 start sequence 57 start valve 62 Status 32 steer 68 steering lockout pin 68 steering tiller 76, 91 “step-climb” technique 129 Stop bar 76 strobe 91 strobe light 57 superheated gase 62 Sweden 17, 161 switch 37 SWORD flight plan 13, 17, 52 SWORD system 42 synoptic diagram 32 synoptic 83 System for Worldwide Operational Route Data 13 T tactical planning chart 169 tail 83 tailwind 150, 157 Taipei 142 Taiwan 21, 142, 207, 231 take off runway 42 take-off 67, 68, 91, 97, 98, 129 take-off power setting 42 take-off trim setting 42 take-off weight 42, 84 tank 6, 21, 42, 146, 150 tanker 21 target setting 98 tarmac 67 taxi 42, 67 taxi chart 75 taxi clearance 68 taxi procedure 25 taxiing 21 taxiway lighting system 76 taxiway 75, 91 TCAS 91, 121 technical log 37 terminal 28, 67, 76, 198, 231 terrain 50 terrorist bomb attack 28 threat 51, 121 threshold 222 throttle 50, 51, 62, 76, 97, 106, 121, 222 thrust lever 37, 42, 51, 98 thrust limits 42 thrust 62, 76, 91, 222 Tian Shan 175 tiller 84, 226 time zone 13 total load 42 touchdown 211, 215, 222 tow 76 tower 215, 218 track line 129 traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) 84 traffic 121 traffic control agency 17 traffic pattern altitude 202 trailing edge flap 210 trailing edge 68 transponder 52 triple IRS location 37 triple-slotted flap 68 true heading 37 tug 57, 67 tuner panel 37 turbine 62 turbulence 25, 165, 218 turn 75 turn-off 76 typhoon 9 tyre 76 tyre pressure 37 tyre wear 37 U universal time coordinated 57 upper weather chart 187 Urumqi 169, 174 V variable camber flap 68 vector 13, 207 Velikiye Luki 153 vertical navigation 42, 106 vertical speed indicator 32 vertical speed 37 VHF omni-directional radio range 17 Virgin Atlantic Airways 6 visibility 76 VNAV 51 voice 32 Volga 161 Volgograd 161 VOR 42, 50, 114, 203 W walk-around 37 warm-up 37 warning 32 warning message 98 waste 6 waypoint 17, 42, 129, 161, 165, 191, 198 weather radar 32, 37, 129 weather report 25 weather roadblock 9 weather update 42 wheel 37 wheel bogy 106, 219 wheels lever 215 wind direction 165 winddirection 37 windscreen wiper 37 windshear 218 windspeed 37 wing 6, 37, 61, 67, 68, 83, 210, 222 wing tank 42 Woodward 28 Y Yabrai 187 Yangtze 187 Yuri Gagarin 165 Z Zakharovka NDB 157 zero fuel weight 42