Quot;Take your boots. It_____ snow
" Good idea." a might b may с Both A and В 4 " Do I need a passport to go to Canada from New York? " " If you're a U.S. citizen, you_____one. It's not necessary." a don't have to have b must not have с should have 5" What does the law say about automobile inspections? "
6 " Do you exercise regularly? " " I___, but I don't. I guess I'm just too lazy." a am able to b should с Both A and В 7 " Does a barber need an occupational license in this state? " a should b must с can Exercise 13. Read the sentences given below. Translate them into Russian and explain the meaning of modals. 1. Maybe you have to give a presentation at a trade show. 2. You might be called upon to present your team's ideas to senior management. 3. You must speak to your audience. 4. They may not understand specialized language. 5. As a general rule, you should always look at one person as you speak and you should meet the eyes of each person in the audience. 6. This technique can help you control your nerves. 7. Graphs and other visual aids can be highly effective. However, they must be simple and easy to understand. 8. From time to time, you should use silence. 9. You could vary the volume of your voice. You might also change the pitch. 10. You don't have to tell your listeners everything you know.
For you to remember! Формы причастия настоящего времени (Participle 1) переводятся на русский язык следующим образом: 1. Причастием с суффиксами –ащ/ящ, -ущ/ющ 2. Деепричастием, отвечающим на вопросы «Что делая?» и «Что сделав? » 3. Придаточным предложением, начинающимся с: «Когда…» и «В то время как..» 4. Существительным с перелогом (например: having been formed = после создания)
Формы причастия прошедшего времени (Participle 2) переводятся на русский язык следующим образом: 1. Причастием с суффиксами –ин, -енн, -анн, -т, -вш, -ш, -м, -ом, -ем, -им 2. Придаточным предложением (например: If written well the composition will be read to the class = Если сочинение будет хорошо написано, его прочитают в классе).
Запомните синтаксические функции причастий: - составная часть сказуемого - определение - обстоятельство Exercise 14. Say what kinds of participles are used in the sentences and in what function. Change them into subordinate clauses where possible: 1. Two psychologists called Schachter and Singer performed a series of experiments designed to investigate just how much physiological changes do matter in emotions. 2. One group was given an injection of adrenaline and told what it was, and the sort of reactions that they could expect from it. 3. With the angry condition, he would become increasingly impatient, complaining about the experiments and the waiting period, and eventually showing every sign of becoming really angry. 4. With the happy condition, the stooge would appear euphoric, making jokes, and playing with paper aeroplanes. 5. The stimulus is interpreted in the brain, taking into account previous experiences of similar situations. Exercise 15. If possible, change attributive subordinate clauses given in the sentences into participles: 1. In 1962, they performed experiments that involved injecting people with adrenaline, and noting how they reacted. 2. The third group had a placebo – that is, they were given a harmless injection of saline solution, which wouldn’t have any effect at all. 3. In the waiting room, each subject met a ‘stooge’, who said that he was also waiting for the second part of the experiment. 4. But another thing which Schachter and Singer found, was that the degree to which their subjects reacted, depended on the injections that they had been given. 5. The subjects who had been given adrenaline, and misinformed about its effects, reacted very extremely – they either became very angry, or very happy. 6. Both cognitive and physiological factors play their part in the emotions that we feel. Exercise 16. Give different variants of translation from Russian into English, using participles or subordinate clauses: 1. Эмоции, которые мы испытываем, являются следствием когнитивных и физиологических факторов. 2. Шахтер и Зингер обнаружили, что настроение, в которое приходили испытуемые, полностью соответствовало настроению ассистента. 3. Ассистентом был актер, получивший распоряжение разыгрывать либо счастливое настроение, либо злость. 4. Испытуемые, получившие инъекцию адреналина, и предупрежденные об изменениях, которых седовато ожидать, не реагировали так бурно. 5. Реакция участников контрольной группы, получивших успокоительное, также не была сильной. 6. Мозг производит эмоции, которые испытывает человек, а АНС отвечает за силу переживаемых эмоций