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See hear smell taste feel remember understand

• When we went into the house, we could smell burning.

• She spoke in a very low voice, but I could understand what she said:

We also use could to say that somebody had the general ability or permission to do something: e My grandfather could speak five languages.

• We were completely free. We could do what we wanted. (= we were allowed to do...)


We use could for general ability. But if we are talking about what happened in a particular situation, we use was/were able to... or managed to... (not could):

• The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody was able to escape.
or...everybody managed to escape, (but not 'could escape')

• They didn't want to come with us at first but we managed to persuade them.
or...we were able to persuade them, (but not 'could persuade')



• Jack was an excellent tennis player. He could beat anybody. (= he had the general
ability to beat anybody)


* Jack and Alf had a game of tennis yesterday. Alf played very well but in the end Jack
managed to beat him. or... was able to beat him. (= he managed to beat him in this
particular game)


The negative couldn't (could not) is possible in all situations:

• My grandfather couldn't swim.

• We tried hard but we couldn't persuade them to come with us.

• Alf played well but he couldn't beat Jack.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. Use can if possible; otherwise use (be) able to.

1 Model: George has travelled a lot. He...can... speak four languages.

2 I haven't....been able to... sleep very well recently.

3 Sandra…………… drive but she hasn't got a car.

4 I can't understand Martin. I've never…….. understand him.

5 I used to………….. stand on my head but I can't do it now.

6 I can't see you on Friday but I…………… meet you on Saturday morning.

7 Ask Catherine about your problem. She might………….. help you.


Exercise 9. Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.

1 Model: (something you used to be able to do) I used to be able to sing well.

2 (something you used to be able to do) I used……………………….

3 (something you would like to be able to do)


4 (something you have never been able to do)



Exercise 10.. Complete the sentences with can / can't / could / couldn't + one of these verbs:
come eat hear run sleep wait

1 Model: I'm afraid I ...can't come to your party next week.

2 When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He……………. 100 metres in 11 seconds.

3 'Are you in a hurry? ' 'No, I've got plenty of time. I…………………………… '

4 I was feeling sick yesterday. I…………………………………………… anything.

5 Can you speak up a bit? I………………………………………... you very well.

6 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I………………………………………………... last night.'


Exercise 11. Complete the answers to the questions with was/were able to.

1 Model: A: Did everybody escape from the fire?

B: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody...was able to escape.

2 A: Did you have difficulty finding Ann's house?

B: Not really. Ann had given us good directions and we…………………….

3 A: Did you finish your work this afternoon?

B: Yes. There was nobody to disturb me, so…………………………………

4 A: Did the thief get away?


Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using could, couldn't or was/were able to.

1 Model: My grandfather was a very clever man. He...could.. speak five languages.

2 I looked everywhere for the book but I...couldn't... find it.

3 They didn't want to come with us at first but we...were able to... persuade them.

4 Laura had hurt her leg and………………………………. walk very well.

5 Sue wasn't at home when I phoned but I………… contact her at her office

6 I looked very carefully and I…………….. see a figure in the distance.

7 I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn't have any but I
…………... get some in the next shop.

8 My grandmother loved music. She……………… play the piano very well.

9 A girl fell into the river but fortunately we……………… rescue her.


Exercise 13. Choose the correct answer (answers)

1. The fire spread through the building quickly but everybody................

A was able to escape В managed to escape С could escape

2. The phone is ringing. It.................... be Tim.

A might В can С could

3. Why did you stay at a hotel when you went to New York? You.....................

with Barbara.

A can stay В could stay С could have stayed

4. I've lost one of my gloves. I.................... it somewhere.

A must drop В must have dropped С must be dropping D must have been ropping

5. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It.................. ram later.

A may В might С can D could

6. What was wrong with you? Why................. go to hospital?

A had you to В did you have to С must you

7. There's plenty of time. You................... hurry.

A don't have to В mustn't С needn't

8. It was a great party last night. You.................. come. Why didn't you?

A must have В should have С ought to have D had to

9. Jane.................... a car.

A suggested that I buy В suggested that I should buy С suggested me to buy

10. I think all drivers.................... seat belts.

A should wear В had better wear С had better to wear

11. It's late It's time.................... home.

A we go В we must go С we should go D we went



Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1910. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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