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Exercise 1. Read and translate the text, find equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions:

2) принимать что-либо всерьез

3) полагаться на собственные способности

4) со старыми привычками расставаться нелегко

5) боязнь неудачи

6) помешать кому-то в чем-то

7) попробовать что-то новое

8) это отнимает силы и время

9) образ жизни

10) решить (преодолеть) проблемы

11) общественная жизнь

12) войти в контакт с

13) стоять на пути, мешать

14) трата времени

15) перечислить события

16) каковы последствия

17) ставить/намечать цели

18) сильные и слабые стороны

19) обновить, модернизировать, привести в соответствие

20) откладывать что-либо

21) лови момент

22) дать волю фантазии


Knowing that we want to make a change in our lives is the easy bit - deciding what to do and how to do it is more difficult. First of all, we must learn to take our dreams seriously and to trust our abilities. Old habits die hard, and fear of failure may prevent us from even trying something new.



Making a fresh start takes effort and time. It is important to think carefully before you set off into something new, because it must be right for you and your way of life. You will need determination to overcome the problems that are sure to arise and the crises of confidence that you will face, so be sure that it's something you want to do - not what you think you can do, or what someone else thinks you should do.


Before you begin to think of specific projects, let your imagination fly beyond the here and now and think about what, in an ideal world, you would really love to do. This should help you to get in touch with the real you beneath the daily worries that drag you down. Don't let lack of money, time, qualifications or any other negative reasons why you cannot do what you want stand in the way of your fantasies. The time for assessing real possibilities will come later, when the various options can be considered in a systematic way.

Imagining the impossible need not be a waste of time. Such flights of fancy can provide clues as to where you would like to be, or what you might want to work towards. Try the following exercise. Imagine for a time that there are no restrictions for you of time, money, age, status, ties, etc. Then select one of the following –MY FANTASYJOB; MY FANTASY DAY; MY FANTASY LIFE.



Think through your chosen topic and write down your version of what would be involved. For example, in your fantasy job identify things such as status, salary, job specification, style of work, the lifestyle, which accompanies it, with whom you would work and in what surroundings. Your fantasy day is an invitation to list the events of what for you would be the 'perfect day'. Where would you be, what would you do, and with whom, if anybody? Your fantasy life offers an opportunity to consider your ideal life as a whole. This picture would include the work pattern, combining work, home and social life, status, income, lifestyle, etc. Whichever topic you choose, put in as many of the particulars as you can so that the fantasy becomes a full picture.



When you have written down your fantasy, think carefully through the following:

· What are my reactions to doing the exercise? What does the fantasy indicate about what I want for myself?

• What are the differences between my fantasy and my reality?

• How much of my fantasy is achievable at present or might be in the future? If I can't have it all,
can I have some of it?

• What are the barriers to my achieving some of my fantasy and how might these be overcome?

• What would be the consequences of my working to achieve some of the features of my fantasy, for myself and for other people?

• Would the pursuit of my fantasy be worth the possible consequences?
What objectives would I like to set myself on the basis of this exercise?



You then need to identify your strengths and weaknesses, update old skills or learn new ones. Look at your resources and, perhaps most important, what you enjoy and what you really can't bear doing. Be specific about your goals, and be careful not to try to do too much.



When you have decided what your goal is, and all the thinking, planning and preparation has been done, your fresh start can no longer be put off. Ban negative thoughts and seize the moment - fresh starters are determined to see the positive side of things and not to let problems, real or imagined, block their path. Good luck!

Exercise 2. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:


to stand in the way

to rely on

to make a fresh start

to solve the problem

to think something over (through)


way of life


to follow somebody



Exercise 3. Find in the text antonyms to the following words:







real problems

to save time, money


to help somebody


Exercise 4. Fill in prepositions:

1) Fear … failure prevented me … even trying something new.

2) To set … … something new takes effort and time, because it must be right for you and your way of life.

3) Are the differences … your fantasy and reality great?

4) How much of your fantasy is achievable … present or might be … the future?

5) What are the barriers … achieving your fantasy?

6) When you have decided what your goal is, don’t put … your fresh start.


Exercise 5. Explain the meaning:

To make a fresh start; a perfect day; an ideal world; old habits die hard; right for you; crises of confidence; let your imagination fly beyond the here and now; the real you beneath the daily worries; to stand in the way; to ban negative thoughts; to seize the moment; status.


Exercise 6. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A. Don’t limit your dreams

B. Analyze what you’ve thought of

C. Don’t delay

D. Don’t rush into something that doesn’t suit you

E. Don’t worry about past mistakes

F. Work out what you’re actually going to do

G. Add some details

H. Don’t just think about it – do something!

Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English and from English into Russian:

A: I would like to make a fresh start, a change in my life, but it’s easier said than done.

B: Прежде всего ты должен научиться всерьез относиться к своим фантазиям и полагаться на свои способности. Ты не должен позволить старым привычкам помешать тебе начать что-то новое.

A: But making a fresh start takes effort and time. It is important to think carefully before setting off into something new, or I may fail. Problems are sure to arise and I may face a crisis of confidence.

B: Конечно, на пути обязательно встанут проблемы, и тебе понадобится решительность, чтобы решить их. Не бойся дать волю фантазии, не беспокойся о недостатке денег, времени, квалификации или каких-либо других отрицательных факторах. Не медли, наметь цель и иди к ней. Лови момент, не позволяй проблемам, реальным или вымышленным, остановить тебя. Удачи тебе!

Exercise 8. Translate into English, basing on the article:

Начинать что-то новое всегда сложно: это требует усилий и времени. Для начала убедитесь, что Ваше начинание нужно именно Вам. Это придаст уверенность и поможет преодолеть стоящие на пути трудности. Не менее важно дать волю фантазии и заглянуть в самого себя, отбросив все повседневные заботы, обременяющие Вас. Такие полеты фантазии подскажут, что и как необходимо изменить в Вашей жизни. Постарайтесь продумать все до мелочей, чтобы картина стала как можно более реалистичной. Затем постарайтесь ответить на следующие вопросы:

В чем состоит отличие фантазии от реальности?

Что в моих фантазиях достижимо сейчас или в ближайшем будущем?

Если я не могу иметь все, могу ли я получить хотя бы часть того, о чем мечтаю?

Какие преграды стоят на пути и как их преодолеть?

Каковы могут быть последствия моих начинаний для меня самого и других людей?

Какие цели поставить, и стоят ли они потраченного времени и сил?

Если Вы нашли ответы на все вопросы, определили цель, все продумали, спланировали и подготовили, не откладывайте свое начинание. Помня о своих сильных и слабых сторонах, обновите старые и приобретите новые навыки, но не берите на себя слишком много. Отбросьте сомнения, используйте момент, и тогда удача Вам улыбнется.


Exercise 9. Say what advice you could give to a person who is going to make

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