I. Find in the list of English words and word combinations equivalents to the following Russian words: 1. ладить (с коллегами) 2. ранжировать (располагать по степени важности) 3. общие показатели (признаки) 4. выработать ряд правил 5. близкий друг 6. взаимоотношения с супругами 7. подчиненные 8. вышестоящие (сотрудника) 9. публично критиковать 10. обсуждать по секрету 11. возвращать долги 12. нарушать правила; 13. замещать кого-то; 14. чернить, клеветать на (оговаривать) кого-то
a) get on well, b) to denigrate somebody, c) one of the main sources of job satisfaction; d) general markers; e) to repay debts; f) a close friend; g) relationships with spouses h) work colleagues, i) subordinates; j) to look in the eye; k) to criticize publicly; l) to discuss in confidence (privately); m) to generate a number of rules; n) to break the rules; o) to ask for help; p) to stand up for somebody; q) to rate r) superiors II. Give synonyms to the following words: 1. to range 2. to say bad things about somebody in his (her) absence 3. to pay back 4. recommendations 5. to replace somebody in his (her) absence 6. a fair part of work III. Choose the correct answer: 1. Be cooperative with regard to the shared physical working conditions. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 2. This usually lets the other person feel that what he is saying is interesting, and encourages him to continue speaking. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 3. Smiling does not mean that a person you are speaking to is your close friend. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 4. Leaning forward slightly while a person is talking you indicate your interest to him. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 5. Don’t display hypocritical liking. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 6. A warm and firm handshake is a safe and positive way of showing an open and friendly attitude toward the people. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 7. Another approach to the resolving of interpersonal conflicts is increasing the amount of communication between those involved. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 8. Another approach to r esolving interpersonal conflicts is increasing the amount of communication between those involved. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 9. In many cultures the most acceptable form of first contact between two people who are just meeting is a warm handshake. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 10.Work cooperatively despite f eelings of dislike. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 11. It is common to look up, down, and all around when speaking to others. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 12. To his horror the patient suddenly stopped breathing. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun 13. The patient’s breathing was hoarse and the temperature was elevating rapidly. A –gerund; B-participle I; C- noun