Студопедия — Ex. 3. Name some words or phrases you know related to a series of acts performed by the above mentioned establishments as to the offender
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Ex. 3. Name some words or phrases you know related to a series of acts performed by the above mentioned establishments as to the offender

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

a) What state bodies are responsible for preventing any violations of law?

b) Do common people bear responsibility for preventing any offences?

c) Should we regard any person's attempt to help the law enforcement bodies to find a criminal as an act of courage?

Ex. 5. Paragraph check. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A~F for each paragraph (1-5) of the text. There is one extra head­ing which you do not need to use.

A. The sequence of actions performed by the investigator once a crime has been committed

B. The bodies through which the state combats crime

C. The functions of the militia

D. The ways the state makes citizens obey the law

E. The awareness of the laws

F. The juvenile delinquency


Ex. 6. Who performs the following actions? Choose the necessary words from the list given below.

1) _____perform a series of acts to establish the fact of the crime.

2) ______ makes the public aware of what the law is and tries to encourage social support for law and order.

3) _______ should take part in examinations and searches.

4) ________ authorizes courts to complete the investigation of criminal and civil offences and to pass sentences to punish the guilty and deter others.

5) ______ makes efforts to re-educate and reform people who have broken the law.

(the militia, citizens, governments, the state, the investigator, law en­forcement agencies)


Ex. 7. Read the text in detail to answer the following questions:


1) Through what bodies does the state combat crime?

2) What acts must these bodies perform?

3) What does the investigator do after receiving information that a crime has been committed?

4) What rights do the investigating bodies have during the investigation of a criminal case?

5) What functions does the militia have to perform in the law-enforcement process?

6) Is ignorance of the law a defence for breaking it? Give reasons for it?

7) What are the ways of making sure that citizens obey the law?


Ex. 8. Finish the sentences using the words in brackets.


1) The Supreme Court examines more serious... (crimes, article, case, clause, murder).

2) After receiving the information that a crime has been committed, the investigator commences the preliminary... (questioning, seizure, investigation, punishment, sentence).

3) The militia safeguards... (a criminal, an offender, the interests of citizens, an assessor).

4) The challenge of the militia has always been to protect..., to maintain... (state and personal property, criminals, offenders, public law and order).


Ex. 9. Word check. Read the following words and try to guess the mean­ing of their derivatives. Distribute them into 3 columns:


to investigate, investigation, investigator, to establish, establishment, to discover, discovery, to determine, determined, determination, to inspect, inspector, inspection, to question, a question, questioning, a suspect, to suspect, suspicious, person, personal, original, an original, to originate, offender, offence


nouns verbs adjectives

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