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Hearing the Case in a Criminal Court


Play participants: Ernest Brain, county presiding judge

Glen Robinson, prosecutor

Charles Bell, defendant (accused)

Mitchell Fisher, defendant's barrister

Linda Smith, victim's solicitor

Carol Evans, witness

the jury

Situation: 53-year-old Mr. Charles Bell committed a crime before (stealing a car) and was punished with every week visiting the police station during 6 months. He was also imposed a fine of £ 1500. Now he is accused of robbery and grievous bodily harm. A victim is 36-year-old mistress (сожительница) of Mr. Charles Bell, whose salary he took away and drank away, having beaten her (what resulted in concussion, of the brain (сотрясение мозга). A witness of the crime appeared to be the mistress's girl-friend, who had just come to see her.



Taking part in the play as acting characters of a criminal case give proof (обоснуйте) of your point of view, in particular:

a) Prosecutor, Glen Robinson, prosecuting a crime in the court, is making a report about the basic facts of the case, details of the process and the results of the investigation that completely proves the criminal essence of the offence, committed by Charles Bell, characterizes the personality of the accused... Mr Robinson taking into consideration all the circumstances of the crime that took place and were proved in the court, asks the jury to find the accused Charles Bell guilty according to three articles of the Criminal Code... He also demands punishment on the strength of these articles (по совокупности этих статей). The Prosecutor demands that he should go to prison for seven years and six months with the confiscation of property of £ 50 000 as compensation for physical and moral damages to the victim...

b) Witness Carol Evans testifies upon a trial about the circumstances of the crime... She saw Charles Bell cynically beat a defenseless woman, who did not even resist him... The witness said that she, in fact, had to tear the victim out of the hands of the malicious (злостный) hooligan, then to call for the ambulance and the police...

с) The defendant's barrister (барристер подсудимого / обвиняемого) Mitchell Fisher calls the jury's attention to a number of facts and circumstances that can influence the jury's opinion... He states that

Part of the money, taken away from the victim (потерпевшая), was really drunk away by Charles Bell, the accused, but the basic sum as given to the hospital, where his mother was to be operated on. In addition, the defendant understood that he had committed a crime and voluntarily gave himself up (явился с повинной) to the Police...

d) The victim's solicitor Linda Smith states that it is very dangerous for the society when family relations turn into a criminal act (уголовщина) and, what is more, weak persons (women and children) suffer in these cases... She finds the guilt of Charles Bell in this case completely proven: moreover, she does not think that he is recommended for mercy (заслуживает снисхождения), giving proof (подкрепляя доказательствами) of it by the facts... Linda Smith also calls the attention of the jury to the defendant's rudeness and lack of restraint (необузданность) in combination with hard drinking (пьянство) that became dangerous for the society...

e) Defendant Charles Bell pleads guilty according to all three articles of the Criminal Code, brought by the prosecutor... He deeply repents (разыскивается) and asks the jury to bear in mind the circumstances that he has a sick mother, who will feel very bad without his support... Besides, he thinks that his great services (большие заслуги) to his country must be taken into account (приняты во внимание) by the jury: he commanded the landing of troops (высадкой десанта) on the Falkland Isles (Фолклендские острова) and his hard service in the army had a bad influence on his character...

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 839. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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