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Ex. 14. Complete the diagram. Remove or add the names of law enforcement bodies if necessary


Text 2.


Ex. 15. Read the text “Role of Police Force” and describe the functions of the police. Compare the responsibilities of the police and the militia. In what way are they similar and in what way are they different?


Role of Police Force

The police have many functions in the legal process. Though they are main­ly concerned with criminal law, they may also be used to enforce judgements made in civil courts. As well as gathering information for offences to be pros­ecuted in the courts, the police have wide powers to arrest, search and ques­tion people suspected of crimes and to control the actions of members of the public during public demonstrations and assemblies. In some countries, the police have judicial functions; for example, they may make a decision as to guilt in a driving offence and impose a fine, without the involvement of a court. In Britain, when someone is found in possession of marijuana, the po­lice may confiscate it and issue a formal warning rather than refer the mat­ter to a court.


Ex. 16. Discuss the problem questions.

a) Why are the agencies combating the crimes so numerous?

b) Should all the combating the crime bodies communicate and cooperate with each other?


Ex. 17. Discuss the role of the militia in law enforcement. Do you know any cases when the militia or other law enforcement agencies ex­ceeded or abused their powers?


Text 3.


Ex. 18. Skim the text “ Courts and Their Functions ”. Are these statements true or false?

1. There are courts of first instance and second instance.

2. A court of first instance examines appeals and protests against sentences and decisions of other courts.

3. Any court, from the district court to the Supreme Court of the state, may sit as a court of first instance.

4. Higher courts hear and determine cases of major importance.

5. The basic judicial body is the Supreme Court.


Courts and Their Functions

In all legal systems there are institutions for creating, modifying, abolish­ing and applying the law. Usually these take the form of hierarchy of courts. The role of each court and its capacity to make decisions is strictly defined in relation to other courts. There are two main reasons for variety of courts. One is that a particular court can specialize in particular kinds of legal ac­tions. The other is so that a person who feels his case was not fairly treated in a lower court can appeal to a higher court for reassessment. The decisions of a higher court are binding upon lower courts.

The court is a state body that administers justice on behalf of the state.

There are courts of first instance (original jurisdiction) and second instance (appellate jurisdiction). A court in which a case is first heard is called the court of first instance. A court of original jurisdiction is one which first exam­ines a case in substance and brings in a sentence or decision. Any court, from the district court to the Supreme Court of the state may sit as a court of first instance. In almost all cases it is possible to appeal to higher court for recon­sideration of the decision of the original court. A court of second instance is one which examines appeals and protests against sentences and decisions of courts of first instance.

The Constitutional Court ensures that the laws and other normative acts passed or being considered by the supreme and local legislative branches are constitutional.

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body for civil, criminal, admin­istrative and other cases under the jurisdiction of common courts. It exercises judicial supervision over the activities in the procedural forms envisaged by federal law and provides interpretation on the issues of court practice. It tries the most important criminal and civil cases and likewise hears appeals against the judgements and sentences of other courts.

The basic judicial body is the district court. District courts try both crimi­nal and civil cases. It is also the duty of the district courts to protect the electorial rights of citizens. The higher courts of constituent entities of the Rus­sian Federation hear and determine cases of major importance. They are courts of appellate jurisdiction.

The Supreme Arbitration Court is the highest judicial body for settling economic disputes and other cases examined by courts of arbitration; it ex­ercises judicial supervision over their activities in the procedural forms en­visaged by federal law and provides interpretation on issues of court pro­ceedings.

In all courts cases are tried in public. The participants in the trial (the prosecutor, the lawyers, the plaintiff, the judge, the defendant and the oth­ers) speak in the open court. The accused is guaranteed the right to defend. The press has the right to be present.

During the hearing of a case any citizen may enter the courtroom and be present during the trial from the beginning to the end. The hearing of cases in closed session is allowed only in exceptional cases. Closed sessions are only allowed if it is in the interests of both sides or for the necessity to keep state secrets. Trial without participation of both sides is not allowed. The judges are independent and they must obey the law.



1. abolish, v – отменять, аннулировать

2. capacity, n – способность

3. reassessment, n – пересмотр

4. bind, v – связывать, обязывать

5. on behalf of – от имени

6. original jurisdiction – юрисдикция суда первой инстанции, рассмотрение дел по первой инстанции

7. envisage, v – предусматривать

8. constituent, n – составная часть

9. entity, n – самостоятельная правовая единица; организация – субъект права


Ex. 19. Scan the text to find the answers to the 8 " What" -questions.


1. What is the role of each court?

2. What is the function of a court of first instance?

3. What is the basic judicial body of state?

4. What is the function of a court of second instance?

5. What cases does a district court consider?

6. What are the functions of the Supreme Court?

7. What is the status of judges?

8. What are the participants of the trial?


Ex. 20. Word check: word formation. Noun or verb? These words from the text can be verbs or nouns. Read the text and decide which they are.

practice, appeal, protest, state, sentence, judge

Ex. 21. Match English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents.


a) to administer justice b) to bring in a sentence c) to examine a case d) an appeal e) the power of supervision f) to be subject to removal g) a prosecutor h) an accused i) a defendant j) a victim k) a plaintiff 1) judicial 1. рассматривать дело по существу 2. жалоба 3. вынести приговор, решение 4. отправлять правосудие 5. подлежать отзыву 6. право надзора 7. обвиняемый 8. обвинитель 9. ответчик 10. истец 11. потерпевший 12. судебный

Ex. 22. Find five words in the text which mean the same as «consider». Write out the sentences with these words.

Ex. 23. Here are some dictionary definitions of words. Name the jobs.


a)... a public officer with authority to hear and decide a case in a law court.

b);.. a person who practices law.

c)... a person who starts legal proceedings against smb. (who prose­cutes).


Ex. 24. Read the text in detail to answer the following questions:

a) What does " one" mean in the sentence:

A court of first instance is one which first examines the case in substance.

1. a case

2. a court

3. an instance

b) What does " one" mean in the sentence:

A court of second instance is one which examines appeals and protests against sentences and decisions of courts of first instance.

1. an appeal

2. a court

3. a sentence

Ex. 25. Finish the following sentences:

1. There are courts of first...

2. A court of first instance examines...

3. A court of second instance examines...

4. The basic judicial body is...

5. The highest judicial body is...

6. It has the power of supervision of...

7. It gives interpretation...

8. It tries the most...

9. It hears appeals against...


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