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Workplace Conflict

Workplace conflict includes any type of conflict which takes place within a workplace or among workers, potentially including conflict between employees out of work hours. It is a broad concept that includes several types of conflict that are normally treated separately, including employment conflict and labor– management conflict. Unlike those two types, however, workplace conflict may not involve the employer as a party; a workplace conflict may be between two or more employees.

Because workplace conflict inherently includes several other kinds, it can be difficult to distinguish from them. But it is not difficult to describe: Any type of conflict which involves employees, managers, owners, customers, or others present in a workplace can be an example of workplace conflict. Typically, because more precise definitions of several sub– categories of workplace conflict exist, the term “workplace conflict” is used to define interpersonal or employer– employee conflict in the workplace which does not involve a union or an allegation of discrimination based on race, gender, or another legally protected criterion.

There is hardly anyone in the work force who has not been exposed to a workplace conflict at one time or another. The concept is therefore almost universally relevant. But relatively few understand the intricate distinctions between types of workplace conflict, which heavily influence how they are actually handled in contemporary life. For example, the rights which U.S. workers now have were not all established at once, but over decades, and the resulting patchwork of laws, regulations, and agencies can be very confusing. A basic understanding of how labor law and employment law have developed, of why they are separate concepts, and of the different mediation and arbitration procedures that now exist to streamline the handling of large numbers of cases, can help anyone understand better how the workplace works.

3. Answer the questions:

Who is involved in a workplace conflict?

What parties are not involved in it?

Can a qualified employee avoid such conflicts? How?

In a broad sense it includes several other kinds of conflicts. What are they?

How are workplace conflicts handled today?

What is your personal understanding of laws and regulations?

Is there any difference between them?

What may help better understand how the workplace works?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

to involve– устанавливать

to expose– упрощать

to handle– в своей основе

to establish– предполагать, включать в себя

to streamline– подвергать

allegation– путаница

patchwork– посредничество, медиация

confusing– сложный

intricate– запутанный

inherently– управлять

mediation– заявление

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 525. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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