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Consumer Conflicts

Consumer conflicts include all forms of conflict between a private consumer (or family) and a business which has sold them a product or service. It can also include, for practical purposes, situations where the customer is at work, and is buying something for his or her employer’s use, as well as situations where the supplier is a unit of government, but one which is selling a product or service in the same manner as a private company.

An enormous number of consumer problems are resolved by simply returning the item, or with one or two phone calls. So for most purposes, a consumer conflict is considered to begin not when the consumer first identifies a problem with a product or service, but only after a first attempt has failed to get the business to repair the product, provide a refund or solve the problem in some other way.

Systems and structures for handling these conflicts vary greatly depending on the industry involved. Some types of businesses have elaborate procedures for claims, while others provide only a basic address or phone number of the business. States regulate certain kinds of transactions, and may provide consumer fraud assistance. Also, the Better Business Bureau provides mediation and arbitration services for many types of consumer complaints, while some entire industries, such as the automobile industry, provide dispute resolution systems for claims over defects. But most such conflicts, when they cannot be negotiated directly with the supplier, are still taken to Small Claim Court. These courts do not necessarily treat every case as a “court case”; increasingly, they provide mediation and other alternative dispute resolution options.

Every consumer needs a basic understanding of what rights he or she has. These rights vary enormously depending on the location as well as the particular type of purchase, so there is no one simple solution, nor even a single source of information. But the key advice is to do your homework. For advice about your rights and appropriate dispute resolution avenues, checking with the Better Business Bureau in your city is wise, and also looking up what services are available from your city government.

3.Answer the questions:

Is consumer conflict one of the most frequently used in workplace?

What are the parties involved in it?

Have you ever dealt with it as a consumer?

Is this type of conflict positive? Why?

What are the first steps of the consumers when they are sold indecent items?

What are the final steps if negotiations fails?

How does the state help the deceived consumers?

Who actually benefits from such conflicts?

4. Match the following words with the translation:

consumer– средство

supplier– возмещение., уплата

purchase– сделка

item– определять, устанавливать

refund– целый

transaction– покупка

entire– соответствующий

avenue– потребитель

to treat– отличаться

to identifу– предмет

appropriate– поставщик

to vary– рассматривать

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 477. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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