Conflicts of interest related to the practice of law
Judicial disqualification, also referred to as recusal, refers to the act of abstaining from participation in an official action such as a legal proceeding due to a conflict of interest of the presiding court official or administrative officer. Applicable statutes or canons of ethics may provide standards for recusal in a given proceeding or matter. Providing that the judge or presiding officer must be free from disabling conflicts of interest makes the fairness of the proceedings less likely to be questioned. In the legal profession, the duty of loyalty owed to a client prohibits an attorney (or a law firm) from representing any other party with interests adverse to those of a current client. The few exceptions to this rule require informed written consent from all affected clients. In some circumstances, a conflict of interest can never be waived by a client. In perhaps the most common example encountered by the general public, the same firm should not represent both parties in a divorce or child custody case. A prohibited or undisclosed representation involving a conflict of interest can subject an attorney to disciplinary hearings, the denial or disgorgement of legal fees, or in some cases (such as the failure to make mandatory disclosure), criminal proceedings. In the United States, a law firm usually cannot represent a client if its interests conflict with those of another client, even if they have separate lawyers within the firm, unless (in some jurisdictions) the lawyer is segregated from the rest of the firm for the duration of the conflict. Law firms often employ software in conjunction with their case management and accounting systems in order to meet their duties to monitor their conflict of interest exposure and to assist in obtaining waivers. 3.Answer the questions: What is a judicial disqualification? When does it occur? What is forbidden in legal profession? Are there any exceptions to this rule? What punishment can a lawyer involved in a conflict of interest be subjected to? How can law firms meet their duties? 4. Match the following words with the translation: to abstain– возвращать незаконно присвоенное аpplicable– нынешний recusal – разоблачение to owe– изолировать to waive– подвергать to prohibit– отказываться to segregate– приносить, дать to subject– запрещать adverse– применимый current– пострадавший consent– попечительство affected– враждебный custody– согласие disgorgement– воздерживаться exposure– неподчинение