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The Road Ahead in Afghanistan: Toward a Diplomatic Surge?

So what do Tehran, New Delhi, and Beijing have in common? Quite simply, they have a common enemy in the Taliban. But all three states arealso wary of seeing an indefinite US presence in Central Asia.

The Afghan problem, it seems, almost inevitably comes back to the all-important role of Pakistan. Because of its porous border with Afghanistan, Pakistan is frustrating coalition efforts to pursue the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Pakistan, in its mutual competition with India, is fuelingregional insecurity. This explains why NATO–ISAF commanders acknowledge that they are dealing with two sides of the same coin. Pakistan has a lot to lose from a coalition failure in Afghanistan, for example, its territorial integrity, or the loss of the United States as a staunch ally.

Islamabad also faces more practical problems caused by the continuing conflict in Afghanistan, such as a renewed influx of Afghan refugees. Although close to 2 million have returned from Pakistani camps since 2002, some 300, 000 or so remain across the border. Iran faces a similar problem. Aside from humanitarian considerations, both Tehran and Islamabad incur considerable costs from attending to the basic needs of that many extra human beings. A peaceful solution to Afghanistan’s wars, which have now destabilized the region for some 30 years, should be welcomed by most of that country’s near and distant neighbors. And it is within reach.

I. Find the equivalents in the text: Настороженно относиться; исключительно важный; прозрачная граница; нестабильность в регионе; территориальная целостность, надежный союзник; приток беженцев; нести значительные расходы; территориальная целостность; не за горами;


II. Answer the questions:

1) What states are Tehran, New Delhi, and Beijing, Islamabad capitals of?

2) What do you know about the Taliban and al-Qaeda?

3) What is ISAF?

4) What are the main problems of the region?


III. Make a report on the other regions in the world where there is a threat of terrorism.



UK faces 'generation of conflict'

Britain's armed forces must prepare for a " generation of conflict", the head of the Army has said.

General Sir Richard Dannatt's comments, released by the Ministry of Defence, were made to a Royal United Services Institute conference in June.

Gen Dannatt warned of the threat from a " strident Islamist shadow" over the world and the need for " some form of success" in Iraq to combat it.

He said the Army was facing a global " conflict of values and ideas".

At the conference, which members of the media were not allowed to attend, Gen Dannatt said the Army had held discussions on how to prepare for the possibility of " a generation of conflict".

He said troops must have the right training and equipment, but should also be prepared for a much longer fight for " hearts and minds".

" The heady appeal of 'go first, go fast, go home' has to be balanced with a willingness and a structure 'to go strong and go long'", the general said.

'Extremism and jihad'

Gen Dannatt stressed the need for some progress in Iraq and " significant achievement" in Afghanistan.

Gen Dannatt said Britain's mission in Iraq must be to help " construct a modern Islamic state in the tinderbox that is Iraq in the face of extremism and jihad".

He added in Afghanistan the Army was " on the edge of a new and deadly great game", referring to a phrase popularised by Rudyard Kipling.

The author used the term to describe the strategic battle between Britain and Russia during the 19th and early 20th Centuries.

Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he believed Gen Dannatt was referring to the UK's role in a long-term " military, diplomatic and ideological" battle against terrorism and extremism.

" Anyone who tells you there's a short-term fix in Afghanistan isn't telling you the truth, " Mr Miliband told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

Gen Dannatt also warned the high esteem in which the Army was held by British people was " fragile and under no circumstances must we take this for granted".

It " may be increasingly difficult to gain" the public's respect and trust, he added.


I. Find the equivalents in the text:

не сдаваться; иметь большое влияние; безрассудный призыв; пороховая бочка; долгосрочный; краткосрочный; считать само собой разумеющимся; ни при каких обстоятельствах.


II. Explain the expressions from the text:

a)" strident Islamist shadow"

b)" conflict of values and ideas";

c)“fight for " hearts and minds".

III. Answer the questions:

1) What does General Dannatt understand by “the need for some progress in Iraq and " significant achievement" in Afghanistan”?

2) Why do you think members of the media were not allowed to attend the conference?

3) Who and what is Rudyard Kipling? What were his political views?

4) Why does General Dannatt think that there is the possibility of " a generation of conflict"? And what does he mean by that?


Ethnic conflicts



Kurds are the fourth largest ethnic group in the Middle East, and the largest one

without their own state. They live in the territories of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Kurdish ethnic conflict in Turkey existed since the very early years of the Turkish Republic and continues to this day. In Turkey, the government has attempted to deny the very existence of Kurds as a separate people.

The Kurds seem further from autonomy or independence today than in the past. In part, the cause lies in their disunity in language, religious behavior, and especially tribal structure.

Some of the frequent Kurdish revolts in the twentieth century sought autonomy; others aimed at complete independence in a sovereign state. But the fate of all of these insurrections was the same. No Kurdish movement has succeeded over the long run even in extracting major concessions

Although the Kurds are easily distinguishable from the rest of the world, they are by no means united. Kurds are set apart from their neighbors chiefly by language. Kurdish belongs to the Indo-European family and is a close relative of Iranian. Yet Kurdish is not at all a unified tongue. It is divided into at least three major dialects.


Religious behavior also divides the Kurds. To be sure, the overwhelming majority are Sunnis of the Shafii rite, a version of Islam not widely practiced by others in this region. However, Kurds seem drawn to various dervish brotherhoods and to unorthodox Islamic sects. Even more significant, many tribal leaders also combine hereditary religious leadership with their temporal authority. This combination serves to intensify tribal distinctions among Kurds.
Tribal structure is no doubt an important impediment to a national movement



There are the instrumental and the symbolic theories which explain the sources of the ethnic conflict. While the instrumental theory argues that the nation and nationalism, thus the ethnic conflict, were artificial modern phenomena, and

invented by the elite, the symbolic theory brings historical explanations based on the ethnic symbols, shared cultural values and myths. The instrumentalist theory conceives the ethnicidentity* as created and constructed by the ethnic elite. The instrumental theory also argues that the modernization and the economic factors were the fundamental sources of the ethnic conflict. On the other hand, the symbolic theory does not associate the ethnic conflict with the modern era. According to the symbolists, there is continuity between the past and present time, and the ethnicityconcept is not invented. Symbols, myths and cultural values are the major constructors of the ethnicity


*Ethnicidentity – ethnic identity

I. Find the equivalents in the text:

уступки; суннитышафиитского толка; принадлежат различным братствам дервишей; светская власть; помеха; утверждать; этническая идентичность; с другой стороны; непрерывность; этническая принадлежность.

II. Answer the questions:

1) What prevents the Kurds from unity?

2) What are the theories explaining the Kurdish nationalism?

3) What, do you think, are the ways of solution/settlement of the ethnic conflict between the Kurds and the Turkey?

4) Find information and make a report on some other ethnic conflicts in the world.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 533. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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