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Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову, складіть з ними речення 6 страница


Exercise 14. Read the sentences and say whether the following ones are true to the text:

1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes.

2. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute cholecystitis.

3. The cardinal symptom of acute gastritis is belching and when enteritis is superadded constipation also supervenes.

4. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means frequent disease.

5. Much of the treatment of chronic gastritis is essentially prophylactic.

6. The cardinal symptoms and signs of an established case which demand treatment are vomiting, diminution and anorexia.

7. Vomiting occurs especially in the morning and is always associated with an excessive secretion of blood into the stomach.

8. Diminution or frequently complete presence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice.

9. Gastric lavage carried out always after breakfast and in the severe cases at intervals during the day, after meals.

10. Treatment by lavage is continued until improvement is manifested when its use can be gradually discontinued.


Exercise 15. Translate the following word combinations.

Ряд причин, повна відсутність соляної кислоти, погані звички, зловживання алкогольними напоями, занадта секреція слизи, виконувати орошення порожнини, проявляти покращення, повний стакан теплої води, впродовж дня, співвідносна кількість рідини, покращити апетит, профилактичне лікування, виділення гною з порожнини, ентерит, прояв покращення.


Exercise 16. Write the translation of the word.

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
1. diminution 1. 7. indiscretions in food 7.
2. 2. закреп 8. 8. призначення лікаря
3. contaminated food 3. 9. to induce 9.
4. 4. відрижка 10. 10. ліки
5. consequence 5. 11. to discontinue 11.
6. 6. блювота 12. 12. прояви хвороби


Exercise 17. Translate into English phrases in bold type.

1. Gastritis may be caused by поганого пережовування їжи.

2. If any side effects appear – припинити прийом ліків.

3. Treatment of gastritis складається з mostly appropriate diet.

4. Погані звички харчування are common in patients with gastritis.

5. Treatment by lavage can припинити until improvement з’явиться.

6. It is important to treat gastritis in an early stage to prevent the serious наслідки such as carcinoma.

7. The causes of gastritis may be зловживання алкоголем, переїдання, скарлатина та ін.

8. If there are any side effects – you should зупинити treatment immediately.


Exercise 18. Choose proper variant of Participle:

1. The prescribed/prescribing drug was ineffective.

2. The surgeon observed marked/marking improvement in patient’s condition.

3. Children sleeping/slept in their beds are recovering.

4. Symptoms, accompanying/accompanied flue are fever, muscular pain, vomiting.

5. The wounded/wounding arm was bandaged.

6. The X-ray examination was rather disappointing/disappointed.

7. These drugs left/leaving in a dry, dark place are best to be used during 1 year.

8. She fainted, shocking/shocked by the news.

9. A man injured/injuring in a car crash, was brought into the reception ward.


Exercise 19. Translate phrases with Participles in English.

1. I know the doctor, який лікує цього пацієнта.

2. А man, страждаючий від острого болю, was given an injection of painkillers.

3. Викликаючи лікаря, in panic, we forgot to tell the address.

4. Оглядуючи пацієнта, the doctor discerned rales in the lungs.

5. Прописанні уколи should be given twice a day.

6. Роблячи ранковий обхід, a doctor asked every patient about his complaints.

7. She fell on the ice, поранив руку.

8. Залишаючи лікарню, a patient got a long prescription of different medicine.

9. Оглянутий пацієнт was sent to an in-patient department.

10. Gastritis, ускладнена гастроентеритом, needs treatment with medications.


Exercise 20. Transform the sentences with subordinate clauses in sentences with Participle II.

Example: The patient who was examined by the doctor was sent to the 3d ward. – The patient, examined by the doctor, was sent to the 3d ward.

1. The child that was left alone in the doctor’s cabinet, began to cry.

2. The microbes that caused so many illnesses, was distinguished.

3. A patient, who was X-rayed, was sent for blood analyses.

4. A man, who was vaccinated, managed to catch a flu.

5. The man, who had broken his leg, was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

6. The analyses, which showed the microbes of pneumonia, turned out to be false.

7. A man, who was operated on malignant tumor in his stomach died 3 days ago.


Exercise 21. Put questions to the underlined members of sentences.

1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due to a great variety of causes.

2. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute gastroenteritis.

3. Treatment consists of the removal of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis and deficient mastication of food.

4. The first essential in treatment is gastric lavage.

5. In severe cases gastric lavages are carried out at intervals during the day, before meals.

6. After gastric lavage for some weeks, the secretion of hydrochloric acid frequently returns in adequate amount.

7. Later in the day the appetite generally improves.


Exercise 22. Open the brackets and put the verbs in a correct tense.

1. The surgeon (to perform) this operation from 10 till 11 o’clock.

2. Two hours ago, a boy (to bring) to the pediatrician with a cough.

3. Eye drops may (to use) for the prevention of ocular infection after removal of a corneal or conjuctival foreign body.

4. The patients (to examine) by a doctor in charge now.

5. If the patient has TB bacilli in the sputum, he (to stay) in the hospital for six or eight months.

6. The patient cannot be discharged from the hospital because he not (to recover) yet.

7. When we came, the solution (to boil) in the water-heater system.


Exercise 23. Describe the terms.

Gastritis, cholecistitis, gastric lavage, anorexia.


Exercise 24. Read and translate the text. Additional reading.

A Case of Gastritis

A 75 yrs old lady came with the complaint of burning pain in the abdomen. She was made a diagnose of chronic gastritis with ulcerations in the stomach. Chronic indigestion always goes with every meal she takes. She had no history of nausea, vomiting, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. Her burning pain was relieved by cold milk. She was on antacids which did not relieve her burning pain at all.

Along with this, she suffered from chronic constipation. She had to take laxatives. She also had backache radiating to both lower limbs. Her backache was aggravated by standing, walking, and was relieved by rest. The patient was also suffering from diabetes mellitus. She had itching all over the body without any eruptions, along with dryness of the skin. Her appetite was good.

Endoscopic features showed hemorrhagic erosions, which were compatible with acute gastric mucosal lesion. Although the lesions disappeared after administration of roxatidine (150mg/day), chief complaints did not disappear but were repeatedly worsened. Serum antibody and histologic examination for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) showed positive results. The administration was changed for another medication after the use of which repeated endoscopy showed only chronic gastritis with mild mucosal atrophy. Heartburn also disappeared. After 6 months of regular treatment and a strong diet, patient reports of 75 to 80% relief in her burning pain. She can pass stools without the use of laxatives. She is off antacids now.


Exercise 25. Translate into English:

Укривання виразками, розлад травлення, закреп, погіршувати стан, печія, призначення ліків, висипання, цукровий діабет, ураження слизової оболонки шлунка, призначення ліків, сумісний, роз'їдання з кровотечею, випорожняти калові маси.


Exercise 26. Complete the table with necessary information from the text.

1. Patient’s complains  
2. Data of examination  
3. Diagnosis  
4. Treatment  
5. The course of the disease  



1. Acute gastritis (catarrhal gastritis) is due … a great variety of causes.

a. from b. to c. on d. in e. off


2. Contaminated food, “chill" and scarlet fever in … acute stage may induce very acute gastric catarrh.

a. its b. it’s c. her d. his e. your


3. The inflammation may spread downwards to cause acute ……

a. gastritis b. gastroenteritis c. enteritis d.all variant are true e. dyspepsia


4. Chronic gastritis is regarded as an important and by no means … disease.

a. frequent b. common c. general d. infrequent e. rare


5. It is important to treat this disease in as early a stage as possible for the serious consequences such as…, which may possibly result from it.

a. oleoma b.pappiloma c. myolipoma d. dentinoma e. Carcinoma


6. Much of the treatment is essentially prophylactic and consists in … of such well-known causes as alcoholism, oral sepsis and deficient mastification of food.

a. the removal b. the insertion c. the resection d. the implantation e. the grafting


7. The prime causes favoring continuation of the disease…, the first essential in treatment is gastric lavage.

a. have been removed b. has been removed

c. having been removed d. to have been removed e. had been removed


8. Treatment by …is continued until improvement is manifest when its use can be gradually discontinued.

a. lavement b. lavation c. irrigation d. ablution e. lavage


9. The next best substitute of lavage is the administration of a teaspoonful or more of … in a tumblerful of warm water.

a. sodium benzoate b. sodium chloride c. sodium fluoride

d. sodium bicarbonate e. sodium sulfate


10. …is commonly greatly diminished or absent in an untreated case of chronic gastritis.

a. Hydrocyanic acid b. Hydrochloric acid

c. Hydroiodic acid d. Hydrosulfuric acid e. Hydroxyacetic acid

ACUTE NEPHRITIS – Гострий нефрит

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:

Appendiceal [ə pə n'disiə l], media ['mediə ], glomeruli [glə 'merulai], nitrogen ['naitrə dʒ ə n], hematuria [hi: mə 'tujə riə ], albuminuria [æ lbju: mi'njuə riə ], albuminuric [æ lbju: mi'njuə rik], oliguria [ɔ li'guriə ], edema [i'di: mə ], feature ['fi: t∫ ə ], Hg [hai'fra: rdʒ irə m], lesion ['liʒ (ə)n]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

To precede – передувати Predisposing – сприятливий Glomerulae tufts – громерулярні пучки Lesion – ураження Predominant – переважаючий To line – вистилати To involve – залучати Retention – фіксація, утримання, відкладення Outflow – відтік Scanty – мізерний, убогий Oliguria –відсутність виділення сечі Eye fundus –очне дно Cast – циліндр (уроліт) To be responsible for – відповідати за To look for – шукати To overlook – не помітити


Exercise 3. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Suppurative lymph nodes, predominant role, chief changes, acute infection, renal inflammation, clinical features, scanty outflow of urine, unfavourable prognosis, grave sign, extensive involvement of the kidney, mild edema, rare cases, pus cells.


Exercise 4. Match medical terms with the proper definitions

1) kidney   2) nephritis   3) urine   4) stone calculus   5) diabetes   6) ureter   7) creatininc     8) nephrology 1) any disorder of metabolism causing excessive thirst and the production of large volumes of urine; 2) a substance derived from creatine and creatine phosphate in muscles; 3) either of a pair of tubes, 25—30 cm long, that conduct urine from the pelvis of kidneys to the bladder; 4) the branch of medicine concerned with the study, investigation and management of diseases of the kidney; 5) the fluid excreted by the kidneys- which contains many of the body's waste products; 6) a hard pebble-like mass formed within the body, particularly in the gallbladder or anywhere in the urinary tract; 7) either of the pair of organs responsible for the excretion of nitrogenous wastes, principally urea, from the blood; 8) Bright's diseases — inflammation of the kidney


Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


Etiology. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute nephritis. Diphtheria, measles, chicken-pox, suppurative lymph glands, chills, appendiceal abscess, or almost any infection in the body may be responsible for nephritis, but tonsillitis, septic sore throat, and otitis media are the main predisposing diseases.

Pathology. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems of the body as well as the glomerulae tufts. The term " acute glomerular nephritis" is used, because the capillaries of the glomeruli are practically always the site of the initial lesion. The chief changes occurring in acute glomerular nephritis are swelling and disintegration of the endothelial cells which line the capillaries of the tufts. The process is a diffuse one involving all glomeruli in the tufts.

Symptoms. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days. The classical textbook picture of hematuria, hypertension, edema, and nitrogen retention is not always present; in fact, it seldom is. More often the patient has only evidences of renal inflammation as shown by the urine examination. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs, and are often overlooked if symptoms are absent. Edema, hypertension, and nitrogen retention may be present or absent. Disturbances of urination characterized by a scanty outflow of urine or even complete anuria may be present.

Hypertension is the most characteristic symptom. If hypertension makes its appearance and the blood pressure keeps rising little by little after the renal disease is in progress, this is a sign of unfavourable prognosis. Sometimes the blood pressure rises rapidly to 200/ 120 mm Hg. The eye fundus in these cases often shows evidences of the so-called albuminuric retinitis. This is a grave sign, though some of these patients do recover.

Edema is not an important syndrome unless it makes its first appearance after the disease is in progress for a week or two. Sometimes the edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of renal insufficiency. Frequently the rise is rapid in the early stages of acute anuria.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

1. What always precedes the onset of acute nephritis?

2. What are the main predisposing diseases?

3. Why is the term acute glomerular nephritis used?

4. What is the site of the initial lesion?

5. What is the clinical picture of acute nephritis?

6. How are evidences of renal inflammation shown?

7. What are disturbances of urination characterized by?

8. What is the sign of unfavourable prognosis?


Exercise 7. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Початок захворювання, лімфатичні вузли, будь-яка інфекція, септичний фарингіт, різні системи організму, місце первинного ураження, симптом, що загрожує життю, набухання та розпад, велике залучення, відкладення азоту, незначний набряк, дифузний процес, підвищуватись, порушення виділення сечі, несприятливий прогноз, небілковий азот.


Exercise 8. Choose proper adjectives to the following nouns:

Scanty Acute Clinical Various Respiratory Endothelial Examining Blood Chief Predisposing Initial Grave Nephritis Diseases Systems Lesion Changes Cells Infection Picture Outflow Pressure Sign Physician


Exercise 9. Find antonyms to the following words in the text:

Severe, chronic, rare, lower, partial, favourable, last, slow, late, unknown


Exercise 10. Approve or contradict the following;

1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of acute scurvy.

2. Acute glomerular nephritis is not merely a disease of the kidney, but may involve various systems of the body as well as a gallbladder.

3. Following an acute infection, for example, an upper respiratory infection, the patient may develop the clinical picture of acute nephritis within a period of from two to eight days.

4. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are the only signs of the disease.

5. If hypertension makes its appearance and the blood pressure keeps rising little by little after the renal disease is in progress, this is a sign of recovery.

6. Sometimes the edema is very mild and hardly recognized by the examining physician.


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. I will hospitalize you as soon as we have a vacant bed.

2. Nervous tissue consists of nerve cells and nerve fibres.

3. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly.

4. The surgeon on duty has arrested a profuse abdominal bleeding.

5. She had an attack of pain behind the breastbone last night.

6. When we came the child had been sleeping for an hour.

7. She has been complaining of pain in the left shoulder since 2010.

8. Aristotle made a mistake – he believed that men had32 teeth and women only 28!

9. The working day of a district doctor begins at 8 o’clock.

10. Third-year students will study cardiosurgery next year.


Exercise 12. Translate the sentences:

1. Клінічна картина гострого нефриту розвивається протягом 2-8 днів.

2. Типові клінічні ознаки гострого нефриту рідкісні.

3. Аналіз сечі показує еритроцити, гній і циліндри.

4. Гіпертонія є найхарактернішим симптомом.

5. Іноді тиск піднімається до 200/120 мм рт.ст.

6. Основні зміни відбуваються в ендотеліальних клітинах, які розбухають і розпадаються.


Exercise 13. Read the text and

a). open the brackets and use the verb in the correct form

b). translate the underlined words into English:

The treatment of nephritis (to depend) on the type and cause of the condition. The aim (to be) to reduce inflammation, limit the ураження to the kidneys and support the body until kidney function (to be) back to normal. Обмеження of sodium (salt), калію, protein and fluids in the diet may be necessary. Sometimes bed rest (to advise). Steroids, or more powerful імунопригнічуючі drugs, may (to give) to reduce the inflammation. Antibiotics may be needed too, although у багатьох випадках the infection that initially triggered the nephritis has long since gone. Medication may also (to need) to control blood pressure. In тяжких cases, renal dialysis may be necessary, although this may only be a временная мера. Adults (to be) slower to recover than children and more likely to develop ускладнення or progress into chronic nephritis. Acute nephritic syndrome is unlikely рецидивувати, but if it does there's at least a one in three chance that an adult (to develop) what is known as 'end-stage kidney disease', leaving them in need of permanent dialysis or a kidney transplant.


Exercise 14. Put verbs from brackets in a proper tense and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. They (to work) hard at that problem for the whole year.

2. Latin (to be) a dead language now, but it (to be) an international language many centuries ago.

3. He knew that I (to study) at the Medical University for 2 years.

4. As soon as all analyses (to be ready) the doctor (to make) the diagnosis.

5. George (to help) the nurse in the hospital.

6. After the patient (to suffer from) profuse external bleeding, he (to develop) severe anemia.

7. The man (to loose) consciousness after he (to be run over) by a car.

8. After the patient (to take) pills, he (to sleep) for some hours.

9. The patient (not to operate) yet as not all analyses (to make).

10. The doctor (to study) the patient’s sensitivity to penicillin before the treatment (to begin).

11. This short-sighted man (to loose) his spectacles. We (to look) for them everywhere but still can’t find.

12. The doctor (to write) a prescription when a short man (to open) the door and (to ask) for help.


Exercise 15. HEALTH. The following problems and pieces of advice have got all mixed up. Can you match them correctly?

1. I keep getting headaches   2. I can't get into my clothes   3. I can't sleep at night   4. My eyes are often sore and I sneeze a lot.   5. I'm going to Nepal on business   6. I've got a bad stomach   7. I feel much better now, doctor   8. I've got a terrible cough a. Good, you needn't come back for a month. b. You really must stop smoking. c. Perhaps you should have an eye test. d. You ought to do more exercise— it's very relaxing. e. You'll have to have a few injections. f. You shouldn't eat so much fried food. g. You really must lose some weight. h. You should have some allergy tests.



1. Acute infections practically always precede the onset of … nephritis.

a) chronic b) acute c) prolonged d) contagious


2. The main predisposing diseases of acute nephritis are:

a) diphtheria, measles b) myocardial infarction c) tonsillitis, sore throat


3. The site of initial lesion in acute nephritis is:

a) capillaries of glomeruli b) tonsils c) throat membrane d) adenoids


4. Acute nephritis may develop within:

a) one-two weeks b) two-eight days c) a month d) half a year


5. Patients are known to suffer from renal inflammation as shown by:

a) X-rays b) blood test c) urinalyses d) renal examination


6. Albuminuria, red blood cells, pus cells, and casts in the urine are frequently the only signs, and are often … if symptoms are absent.

a) indicated b) overlooked c) diagnosed d) present


7. The sign of unfavorable prognosis is:

a) a scanty flow of urine b) chronic migraines c) hypertension


8. The eye fundus in these cases often shows evidences of the so-called …:

a) albuminuric retinitis b) jaundice c) liver cirrhosis


9. Sometimes the edema is … and hardly recognized by the examining physician.

a) severe b) acute c) grave d) very mild


10. The rise in the nonprotein nitrogen is a sign of ….

a) renal insufficiency b) angina pectoris c) heart failure





Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words. Find their translation:

pyelonephritis [ˌ paiə lə uni'fraitis], pyonephrosis [ˌ paiə lə uni'frə ʋ sis], urosepsis [ˌ jʋ ə rə ʋ 'sepsis], costovertebral [ˌ kɔ stə 'və: tibrə l], granulomatous [ˌ ɡ ræ njʊ 'lə ʊ mə tə s], percutaneous [ˌ pə: kjʊ 'teiniə s], nephrostomy [ni'frɔ stə mi], exudative [ˌ eksju: 'deitiv], xanthogranulomatous [ˌ zæ nƟ ə uˌ ɡ ræ njʊ 'lə ʊ mə tə s], pathognomonic [ˌ pæ Ɵ ə ɡ nə 'mɔ nik], suppuration [ˌ sʌ pjə 'reiʃ n], catheterization ['kæ θ ɪ tə ˌ raɪ zə ʃ n], nephrolithotomy[ˌ nifrə li'Ɵ ɔ tə mi]

нефролітотомія (видалення каменя з нирки); марення, розлад свідомості; підшкірний; пієлонефрит; ексудативний, випітний; нагноєння; реберно-хребтовий; піонефроз; нефротомія; ксантогранулематозний; уросепсис; патогномоничний, характерний для даного захворювання; катетеризація; гранулематозний


Exercise 2. Translate the word combinations:

severe cases of pyelonephritis, pus accumulation around the kidney, a systemic inflammatory response of to infection, accelerated heart rate, abdominal pain, to radiate to the back, at the costovertebral angle, on the affected side, decreased blood pressure, a purulent inflammation, bleeding.


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the use of infinitives and their forms:

1. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to kidney failure and even death.

2. Pyelonephritis may be accompanied by tenderness at the costovertebral angle on the affected side.

3. Pyelonephritis can be acute, chronic or xanthogranulomatous.

4. A clinical picture may resemble renal cell carcinoma and other inflammatory renal diseases.

5. To determine pyelonephritis the following examinations are necessary to make: a urinalysis and urine test strip.


Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are the main components of the urinary tract system. Any part of the urinary system may become infected and this is generally referred to as urinary tract infection (UTI). When a kidney becomes infected, the condition is medically referred to as pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis is caused by bacteria which gain access to the urinary system from outside through the urethra and, thus, leads to the UTI.

Pyelonephritis is an ascending urinary tract infection that has reached the pelvis of the kidney. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to the following complications: pyonephrosis (pus accumulation around the kidney), urosepsis (a systemic inflammatory response of the body to infection), kidney failure and even death.

Usually, pyelonephritis manifests itself with such symptoms as: fever, accelerated heart rate, painful urination, abdominal pain radiating to the back, nausea, and tenderness at the costovertebral angle on the affected side.

Classification. Pyelonephritis can be acute, chronic or xanthogranulomatous.

Acute pyelonephritis is an exudative purulent localized inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidney. Gross pathology often reveals pathognomonic radiations of bleeding and suppuration through the renal pelvis to the renal cortex.

Chronic pyelonephritis implies recurrent kidney infections, and can result in scarring of the renal parenchyma and impaired function. A perinephric abscess (infection around the kidney) and/or pyonephrosis may develop in severe cases of pyelonephritis.

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is an unusual form of chronic pyelonephritis characterized by granulomatous abscess formation and severe kidney destruction. A clinical picture may resemble renal cell carcinoma and other inflammatory renal parenchymal diseases. Most patients complain of recurrent fevers and urosepsis, anemia, and a painful renal mass. Other common manifestations include kidney stones and loss of function of the affected kidney.

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Что такое пропорции? Это соотношение частей целого между собой. Что может являться частями в образе или в луке...

Растягивание костей и хрящей. Данные способы применимы в случае закрытых зон роста. Врачи-хирурги выяснили...

Виды сухожильных швов После выделения культи сухожилия и эвакуации гематомы приступают к восстановлению целостности сухожилия...

КОНСТРУКЦИЯ КОЛЕСНОЙ ПАРЫ ВАГОНА Тип колёсной пары определяется типом оси и диаметром колес. Согласно ГОСТ 4835-2006* устанавливаются типы колесных пар для грузовых вагонов с осями РУ1Ш и РВ2Ш и колесами диаметром по кругу катания 957 мм. Номинальный диаметр колеса – 950 мм...

Философские школы эпохи эллинизма (неоплатонизм, эпикуреизм, стоицизм, скептицизм). Эпоха эллинизма со времени походов Александра Македонского, в результате которых была образована гигантская империя от Индии на востоке до Греции и Македонии на западе...

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