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Перекладіть словосполучення на англійську мову, складіть з ними речення 7 страница

To determine pyelonephritis the following examinations are necessary to make: urinalysis to show the signs of urinary tract infection (UTI); a urine test strip to reveal the presence of nitrite and white blood cells; blood tests; microbiological culture of the urine and antibiotic sensitivity testing.

Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention such as percutaneous nephrostomy or percutaneous nephrolithotomy, as well as treatment of any underlying causes to prevent its recurrence.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1. What is pyelonephritis?

2. What can it lead to?

3. What are the symptoms of pyelonephritis?

4. What is the cause of pyelonephritis?

5. What are the types of pyelonephritis?

6. How does acute pyelonephritis manifest itself?

7. What can chronic pyelonephritis result in?

8. What is the clinical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis?

9. What examinations are necessary to make to determine pyelonephritis?

10. How is pyelonephritis treated?


Exercise 6. Give the English equivalents:

висхідна сечова інфекція, потрапляти з оточуючої середи, нагноєння навколо нирки, серйозні випадки пієлонефриту, болісне сечовипускання, черевний біль, уражений бік, гнійне локалізоване запалення, втрата функції, значна деструкція нирки, лікування антибіотиками, хірургічне втручання.


Exercise 7. Match the corresponding pairs:

1. urinary a. blood pressure
2.renal b. inflammation
3.accelerated c. culture
4.white d. shivering
5.dicreased e. stones
6. antibiotic f. heart rate
7.microbial g. therapy
8.kidney h. blood cells
9.purulent i. infection
10.violent j. pelvis


Exercise 8. Find synonyms to the following words:

treatment – hemorrhage –
sharp – purulence –
reaction – occlusion –
persistent – cancer –
trembling – to find out –


Exercise 9. Fill in the table:

English Ukrainian English Ukrainian
1. пієлонефрит 6.accumulation  
2.UTI   7. хірургічне втручання
3. прискорене дихання 8. підшкірний
4. pyonephrosis   9.require  
5. уражена нирка 10.antibiotic sensitivity  


Exercise 10. Match the following symptoms of the UTI with their definitions:

1. frequency a) urination at night
2. dysuria b) difficulty starting to pass urine
3. nocturia c) involuntary passing of urine
4. urgency d) macroscopic blood in the urine
5. hesitancy e) burning pain in the urethra when passing urine
6. urinary incontinence f) frequent passing of urine
7. haematuria g) urgent need to pass urine


Now match the patients’ descriptions of their symptoms (1-7) with the medical terms (a-g).

1. “I have to pee every half hour or so.”
2. “I get a burning pain when I pass water.”
3. “I have to get up several times to pass water at night.”
4. “I have to rush to go to the toilet.”
5. “I have trouble getting started.”
6. “I can’t hold my water.”
7. “I passed some blood in my urine.”


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined words:

Pyelonephritis can lead to pyonephrosis, kidney failure and even death.

Pyelonephritis manifests itself with painful urination, abdominal pain, etc.

Tenderness is one of many symptoms of pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis can be acute, chronic or xanthogranulomatous.

Chronic pyelonephritis can result in scarring of the renal parenchyma.

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is characterized by severe kidney destruction.

A clinical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis may resemble renal cell carcinoma.

Patients with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis complain of painful renal mass.

Pyelonephritis requires antibiotic therapy and sometimes surgical intervention.

Another common manifestation of pyelonephritis includes kidney stones.


Exercise 12. Explain the terms:





1. Kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are the main components of the …

a) alimentary tract b) circulatory system c) urinary tract system d) nervous system


2. When a kidney becomes infected, the condition is medically referred to as …

a) cystitis b) nephritis c) cholecystitis d) pyelonephritis


3. Severe cases of pyelonephritis can lead to...

a) kidney failure b) heart failure c) hepatic impairment d) venous insufficiency


4. Usually, pyelonephritis manifests itself with …

a) cough with sputum discharge b) squeezing chest pain c) painful urination

d) heartburn


5. Chronic pyelonephritis implies …

a) localized inflammation b) recurrent infection c) tumour d) suppuration


6. A clinical picture of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis may resemble …

a) carcinoma b) purulent inflammation c) suppuration d) systemic inflammatory response to infection


7. To determine pyelonephritis it is necessary to make...

a) percussion b) auscultation c) inspection d) urinalysis


8. A urine test strip helps to reveal the presence of …

a) sugar b) white blood cells c) carbon dioxide d) nitrite


9. Pyelonephritis requires …

a) only antibiotic therapy b) only surgery c) both surgery and antibiotic treatment d) vitamins


10. A surgical procedure to remove stones from the kidney is called …

a) nephrostomy b) nephrolithotomy c) puncture d) catheterization




Exercise 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

Nephrolithiasis [nefrə liθ i'eisis], calculi ['kæ lkjulai], pyelonephritis [paiə lə uni'fraitis], gravel ['græ v(ə)l], rough [rΛ f], hydronephrosis [haidrə ni'frə usis], ureter [juə 'ri: tə ], excruciating [iks'kru: ∫ ieitiŋ ], stasis ['stæ sis], anuria [ə 'njuə riə ], uremia [juə 'ri: miə ], ensue [in'sju: ]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:

Calculus (calculi) – камінь (каміння)

Gravel – галька

Stag-horn - розгалужений

Rough – грубий

Persistent - тривалий

Flank – бік, сторона

Groin - пах

Soreness – чутливість, болючість

Intermittent – переривчастий, періодичний

To ensue – виникати

Excruciating – болісний, нестерпний


Exercise 3. Form the verbs from the following nouns and translate them:

Manifestation, infection, destruction, obstruction, radiation, origination, involvement, examination, development, production, migration.


Exercise 4. Translate the word combinations:

Renal calculi, loss of kidney, renal colic, spasm of the abdominal muscles, stasis, albuminuria, haematuria, renal destruction, hydronephrosis, urine, bilateral obstruction of the ureter, pyonephrosis, renal pelvis, cortex of the kidney, shock, examination of the kidneys, migration of the stone.


Exercise 5. Memorize the meaning of the following term-elements.

Nephr(o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the kidney

Reni- (reno-) - combining form of Greek origin denoting the kidney

Ureter (o) - combining form of Greek origin denoting the ureter

Sphincter (o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the sphincter

Pyelo(o) – combining form of Greek origin denoting the pelvis of the kidney


Exercise 6. Choose the correct definitions to the following terms:

1) calculus 1) obstruction and infection of the kidney resulting in pus


2) obstruction 2) denoting stoppage of a flow of liquid, stagnation;

3) renal (adj.) 3) a term indicating the blockage of a body vessel. It may

by caused by foreign objects by naturally formed “stones” (gallstones);


4) pyonephritis 4) relating to or affecting the kidney;

5) stasis 5) a stone a hard pebble-like mass formed within the body,

particularly in the gall bladder or in the urinary tract

6) kidney 6) the tube that conveys urine from the kidney to the urinary

bladder or cloaca

7) ureter 7) either of two bean-shaped organs at the back of the

abdominal cavity in man, one on each side of the spinal column. They maintain water and electrolyte balance and filter waste products from the blood, which are excreted as urine


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:


The manifestations of renal calculi are extremely variable. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for years without producing any symptoms. More commonly, a mild infection develops in the pelvis about the stone and gradually involves the cortex of the kidney until a severe pyelonephritis develops. If the stone is large, or several are present, the infection may progress to pyonephrosis, resulting in the destruction and ultimate loss of the kidney.

The size of a calculus varies from very small gravel to a large stag-horn stone which may fill the renal pelvis. Calcium oxalate stones usually are small, dark, rough and hard, while calcium phosphate stones tend to be soft, white, chalky and frequently stag-horn in shape. Migration of a stone may cause obstruction with resultant stasis, infection and clinical manifestations. Persistent or repeated obstruction leads to pyonephrosis or hydronephrosis. When a stone enters and obstructs the ureter, renal colic occurs. There is excruciating pain which originates in the back of flank and radiates across the abdomen and into the groin, genitals and inner aspect of the thigh. There may be nausea, vomiting, sweating, frequency, urgency of urination, chills and shock. Examination reveals slight soreness over the involved kidney and ureter, spasm of the abdominal muscles, albuminuria and microscopic haematuria.

Intermittent or persistent obstruction to the flow of urine leads to stasis, infection, hydronephrosis and renal destruction if the obstruction is bilateral, anuria and uremia ensue.


Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:

1. How are the stones carried in the kidneys for years?

2. Where does a mild infection develop?

3. In what case may the infection progress to pyonephrosis?

3. Where does the pain radiate across?

4. When does renal colic occur?

5. What may the migration of stone cause?

6.Where does the excruciating pain originate?

7.What does the examination of the kidneys reveal?

8. What symptoms may occur in case of excruciating pain?

9. What does the size of a calculus vary from?

10. What is the difference between calcium oxalate stones and calcium phosphate stones?


Exercise 9. Read the text and say whether the following statements are true to the text.

1. When a stone enters and obstructs the ureter, renal colic does not occur.

2. Intermittent or persistent obstruction to the flow of urine leads to stasis, infection, hydronephrosis and renal destruction.

3. Calcium oxalate stones usually are small, white, rough and not hard.

4. The pain in case of calculi originates in the back or flank and radiates across the abdomen and into the groin.

5. There may be only nausea and vomiting in calculi.

6. A mild infection develops in the cortex of the kidney.

7. Migration of a stone may cause obstruction.


Exercise 10. Give the English equivalents:

Повна втрата, випадок, дрібна галька, повторна закупорка, нестерпний біль, болючисть, ниркова різь, клінічні проявлення,, часте сечовипускання, ниркове руйнування, обстеження нирок, течия сечі, блювання, потіння, стегно, застій, поступово, сечовід, пах, черевні м’язи.


Exercise 11. Find antonyms to the following words:

1. acute hard

2. destruction to be absent

3. bilateral to regress

4. microscopic formation

5. soft lateral

6. to progress severe

7.to be present macroscopic


Exercise 12. Make the following sentences interrogative:

1. The manifestations of renal calculi are extremely variable.

2. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for years.

3. Persistent or repeated obstruction leads to pyonephrosis or hydronephrosis.

4. Calcium oxalate stones usually are small, dark, rough and hard.

5. Migration of a stone may cause obstruction with resultant stasis.

6. The excruciating pain originates in the back of flank.

7. A mild infection develops in the pelvis.

Exercise 13. Read the definition and fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets:

1. Any non-inflammatory degenerative kidney disease - …..

2. Pain in a kidney - ….

3. A medical instrument for examination the urethra - ….

4. Inflammation of the urethra - ….

5. Surgical removal of a kidney - ….

6. Plastic surgery on the pelvis - ….

7. Any pelvis disease - ….

(Pyeloplasty, nephrosis, urethritis, nephralgia, urethroscope, pyelitis, nephrectomy)


Exercise 14. Insert modal verbs:

1. If the stone is large, the infection …. progress to pyonephrosis.

2. You … check up your kidneys. Your urinalysis is not good.

3. Examination of the kidneys … reveal slight soreness over the involved kidney.

4. If the obstruction to the flow of urine is bilateral, anuria and uremia … occur.

5. You … be hospitalized immediately because of renal colic.

6. … I take your temperature?

7. You … go for a walk every day to improve your health after uretoplasty.


Exercise 15. Explain the following terms in English:

a) pyelonephritis

b) haematuria

c) urine

d) albuminuria


Exercise 16. Read and try to guess what this dialogue is about:

Doctor: Are you having any trouble with your waterworks?

Mr. Jones: Well, I do seem to have to go to the toilet more often that I used to.

Doctor: How often is that?

Mr. Jones: It depends, but sometimes it’s every hour or even more often.

Doctor: What about at night? Do you have to get up at night?

Mr. Jones: Yes. Nearly always two or three times.

Doctor: Do you get any burning or pain when you pass water?

Mr. Jones: No, not usually.

Doctor Do you have any trouble getting started?

Mr. Jones: No.

Doctor: Is the stream normal? I mean is there still a good strong flow?

Mr. Jones: Perhaps not quite so good as it used to be.

Doctor: Do you ever lose control of your bladder? Any leaking or dribbling?

Mr. Jones: Well, perhaps a little dribbling from time to time.

Doctor: Have you ever passed blood in the urine?

Mr. Jones: No, never.



1. The manifestation of renal calculi are...

a) rare b) frequent c) constant d) variable e) unchangeable


2. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for...

a) hours b) days c) years d) weeks e) several minutes


3. More commonly, a mild infection develops in the pelvis about the stone and involves... of the kidney.

a) nephron b) body c) cortex d) artery e) medulla


4. The infection may progress to...

a) cancer b) pyonephrosis c) nephritis d) pyelonephritis

e) glomerulonephritis


5. Calcium oxalate stones usually are...

a) small and hard b) large and soft c) irregular d) enormous e) tiny


6. Migration of a stone may cause... with resultant stasis, infection and clinical manifestations.

a) destruction b) inflammation c) necrosis d) cyanosis e) obstruction


7. When a stone enters and obstructs the ureter,... occurs.

a) inflammation b) renal colic c) necrosis d) pain e) nephritis


8. Persistent or repeated obstruction leads to....

a) nephritis b) pyelonephritis c) glomeronephritis d) pyonephrosis

e) acute inflammation.


9. Examination reveals... over the involved kidney and ureter.

a) acute pain b) severe inflammation c) slight soreness d) calculus

e) no pain


10. Anuria and uremia ensue if the obstruction is....

a) lateral b) bilateral c) partial d) complete e) long-term



Infertility - Безпліддя


1. Topic vocabulary:

To refer to - стосуватися

To conceive - зачати

To bypass - обходити

Glue - клей

Volatile solvents –летючий розчинник

Fertilization – запліднення


2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

Biological inability, to carry a pregnancy to a full term, medical intervention, thyroid disorders,

environmental factors, chemical dusts, common causes, tubal blockage, age-related factors, previous tubal ligation, in vitro fertilization, a full term pregnancy


4. Read and translate the text:


Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a person to conceive. Infertility may also refer to the state of a woman who is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some of which may be bypassed with medical intervention.

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