VOCABULARY LIST 3. The Judicial Systems of the USA and the UK. Legal Issues
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
Crime, to commit a crime, criminal
Criminal Law/Civil Law
offence against the law
felony, misdemeanor; petty crime
criminal offence/tort
violent crime: attempted murder, contract murder, premeditated murder, voluntary/ involuntary murder, manslaughter, homicide
kidnapping/ abduction, to pay ransom
to blackmail, blackmail
property crime:
raid, mugging, smash-and-grab raid, ram-raiding, hold-up
burglary, house-breaking, break-in
theft, thief, larceny
arson, to set fire to the building
car-theft, joyriding, carjacking
pickpocketing, shoplifting
high crime: high treason, treason
sexual crime: harassment, rape, molestation
child abuse
international crime
terrorism, hijacking, hold smb hostage
smuggling, drugtrafficking
organized crime
Italian Organized crime, mafia
Eurasian criminal Enterprises
Sports Bribery
white-collar crime:
antitrust laws violation
bankruptcy fraud, mortgage fraud
identity theft
money laundering, to launder money
computer /cyber crime
copiright infringement, software piracy, warez,
child grooming, child pornograpy
financial crime: tax evasion/avoidance
fraud, con, scam
forgery, fake
extortion, to blackmail, blackmail
foreign exchange offences
money-laundering, to launder money
bribe, bribery
Police, police station, policeman
Law-enforcement agencies
To handcuff smb, handcuffs
To detain a person, a detainee,
preliminary detention cell
to release a person, to release on bail
to investigate the case
to plant evidence on smb, extort evidence
search warrant, arrest warrant
to bring charges/allegations against smb.
to examine, to cross-examine, interogate, interrogation
witness, evidence, summons,
to serve summons on somebody
alibi, to have an alibi
plotter, malefactor
Lawyer, solicitor, attorney, barrister, counsel
Prosecutor(prosecution counsel), defender (defence counsel)
Attorney, Attorney General, District Attorney
solicitor, barrister
prison,, jail
accomplice, complicity
traffic violations: speeding, driving without (licence, registration, insurance), running a red light, seat belt violations
motoring offences: DUI, hit and run
disturbance of peace, ASBO, domestic violence
Court, court-house, courtroom
First, second instance, apellate court/court of last resort
Trial, hearing, proceeding
Jury, juror
Defendant/the accused, plaintiff/claimant
Custody: to be in custody, to take smb into custody, remand smb in custody
in the dock
witness, to testify/give evidence, testimony
perjury, perjuror
acquittal, to acquit
appeal, to reject an appeal
extenuating/lenient circumstances;
aggravating features
To deliver a verdict, to plead guilty/innocent
to sentence one to…
Punishment, punish
Sentence, to sentence smb to smth
Prison, jail, gaol, penitentiary
A cell, solitary confinement cell, preliminary detention cell,
Prisoner, prison officer, ward
capital punishment/death penalty,
to abolish/to introduce capital punishment
to imprison smb
to serve a term in prison, to do the time
(life) imprisonment
To languish in prison, to escape from prison
prison breakout
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