| Definition
| Criminal
(what he does)
| Part 1
1) abduction,
| a) going into another person's home or business with force
2) armed robbery
| b) injuring a child on purpose
3) arson
| c) using a weapon to steal
4) assault
| d) hurting another person physically
5) attempted murder
| e) trying to kill someone (but failing)
6) burglary
| f) taking a person to a secret location using force
7) child abuse
| g) setting fire to a place on purpose
| Part 2
1) contract murder, killing
| a) driving after drinking too much alcohol
2) domestic violence
| b) the crime of colliding with somebody’s motor vehicle and failing to stop and identify oneself afterwards.
Driving Under the Influence/drunk driving
| c) a form of assassination where a criminal is hired to kill a target individual
4) fraud
| d) the killing of a human being, in a manner considered by law as less culpable than murder.
5) hit and run
| e) physical assault that occur within the home
6) manslaughter
| f) lying or cheating for business or monetary purposes
7) mugging
| street robbery
8) murder/homicide
| taking someone's life through violence
| Part 3
1) pickpocketing
| a) stealing
2) sexual harassment
| b) intimidation, bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors
3) shoplifting
| c) a form of larceny, stealing of money and valuables from a victim without their noticing
4) premeditated murder
| d) the crime of wrongfully causing the death of another human being after rationally considering the timing or method of doing so
5) raid
| e) damaging public or private property (for example with spray paint)
6) rape
| f) sexual assault by a person involving sexual intercourse
7) theft
| g) stealing merchandise from a store
8) vandalism
| h) a sudden, hostile attack, esp. by troops, military aircraft, etc., or by armed, usually mounted, bandits intent on looting
3. Write what these criminals were suspected of doing/reported to have done smth.
For example:
The arsonist is suspected of setting fire to his neighbour’s house in revenge.
The kidnappers are reported to have abducted children from the school playgrounds.
4. Which of these crimes can be regarded as felonies? Which of them are misdemeanors? Argue for your viewpoint.
5.Arrange these crimes into two groups: violent crimes, property crimes.
Divide into three teams and write three CRIME NEWS items. Three items for each teams. Choose an “editorial board” which will have to select the best items for today’s issue