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Study the first part of police vocabulary and translate the words and expressions into Russian

Vocabulary part of speech Meaning   Write an example sentence (or translate)
  Part 1  
1) arrest verb police car, patrol car  
2) assailant noun not caught, running free  
3) at large (on the loose) preposition + adjective take smb into police control  
4) armed and dangerous adjective large amount of money that someone pays as a promise to appear in court  
5) back-up noun is carrying a weapon and has a violent background  
6) bail noun release on bail person who assaults or attacks  
7) baton (night stick) noun put under police control  
8) crime scene noun police officer responsible for solving crime the place where a crime happened  
9) cruiser (squad car) noun police that are called in to support or help  
10) take (in) custody noun heavy stick that police use for controlling crowds or defending themselves  
11) detective noun the place where a crime happened  
  Part 2  
1) detain get away from a holding place  
2) detention cell A person held in custody or confinement  
3) detainee a group of people often associated with crime and drugs  
4) escape verb arrest smb to keep in custody or temporary confinement  
5) fingerprints noun marks left by fingers that identify a person  
6) firearms noun a large cell where people awaiting trial or sentence are confined together temporarily  
7) cold arms metal rings that attach to wrists to keep criminals (or the accused)from escaping  
8) gang noun weapons that shoot  
9) handcuffs noun handcuff verb cutting and thrust weapon  
  Part 3  
1) partner noun another officer that a policeman drives and works with  
2) patrol (on patrol) verb observe and protect an area  
3) pistol noun a hand held firearm  
4) pursuit noun the act of searching for  
5) radar noun/adjective radio wave transmission that helps police track cars and map crime scenes  
6) walkie-talkie noun hand held radio each partner carries  
7) wanted adjective being searched for by police  
8) investigation n investigate verb a careful search or examination in order to discover facts  
9) search warrant an order that authorizes law enforcement to conduct an examination of a person or location for evidence  
10) arrest warrant an order issued by and on behalf of the state, which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual  
11) offer resistance refuse to follow police to the policу station  
12) warning shots firing guns into the air to signal that in case of resistance police will have to shoot at the fugitive  

Fill the gaps with the words from above.

Part 1

1) Now police didn't carry guns. They had only ______. 2) Please step out of your vehicle and get into the police ________. 3) You will be happy to know that we have taken the kidnapper into_ _______. 4) Your husband will be released on _______ posted at 20, 000 dollars. 5) The _________ is going to ask you a few questions about the man's appearance. 6) We're calling for ________ now that we know that the gang is armed. 7) I'm afraid that the man who robbed the bank is still __________. 8) My partner __________ the man who set fire to the building. 9) Did you see the ___________ run away? 11) Do not approach the thief if you see him. He is considered ______________. 12) Please stay outside the yellow tape. This is a ___________.

Part 2

1) We put your boyfriend in ________________, because we saw him climbing through your window and thought he was an intruder. 2) Stay away from this area at night as there is a lot of __________ activity. 3) If you try to __________ we will have to handcuff you. 4)) Some teenagers carry __________ as they feel unsafe. 5) In October a suspected bomber was found dead in his ____________; police alleged that he committed suicide by hanging himself. 6) The police ____________ several suspects for questioning. 7) We're going to have to check your personal belongings for ___________. 8) It is illegal to carry firearms such as rifles and pistols. 9) A senior Pentagon official claimed Monday that interrogators had tortured a Guantá namo _____________.


Part 3

1) We are in __________ of a man in a green jacket and orange pants. 2) I heard my partner mention your registration number over his ______________. 3) A new Mercy For Animals undercover _______________ reveals shocking abuse at New England's largest egg factory farm.

4) A judge last week warned detectives that the next time they pull a suspect out of bed they should get an __________________. 5) The police have to tell you that they have a __________

_____ and are at your house to look over to find evidences. 6) We always __________ the downtown core on the weekends. 7) I'm going to get you to tell your story to my ___________.

8) According to our ___________ you were driving well above the speed limit. 9) Our local cops may carry __________ but rarely use them. 10) The man didn’t ________ any ___________ but the officer struck him from behind with a stick and push him in the back. 11) A man from your hotel is ______________ for his involvement in a murder. 12) The police were said to have fired several __________________ into the air to scare him to a stop but he ignored this and sped on.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 712. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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