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Offences against law (2)

Category Of crime Definition Sentence
1) financial crime a crime against property, involving the unlawful conversion of the ownership of property to one’s own personal use and benefit Financial crime is often integral part of indecent policy of an authoritarian state.
2) international crime may refer to the crime against international law, crime against humanity, crime against peace, war crime   Smuggling of cultural artifacts is a kind of international crime  
3) computer or cyber crime criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, Today computer crime has penetrated all spheres of life.
4) white-collar crime a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation  
5) organized crime a transnational grouping of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals for the purpose of engaging in illegal activity, most commonly for the purpose of generating a monetary profit  

Crimes and criminals (2)


Translate and learn vocabulary of the first column.

Match definitions and the crimes. Mind the definitions are unjumbled in parts, not inthe whole list of words.

Write the name for the criminal who committed this crime and his actions.


Crime Definition Criminal (what he does)
  Part 1  
1) terrorism   a) criminal organizations that have infiltrated the social and economic life  
2) smuggling   b) agreements or practices that restrict free trading and competition between business entities.  
3) hijacking   c) acts of crime against a group (political/religious) or another country)  
4) drug trafficking   d) giving money to influence any participant not to give his best efforts in a publicly exhibited contest  
5) organized crime e) holding people in transit hostage (usually on a plane)  
6) sports bribery   f) trading illegal drugs  
7) antitrust laws violation   g) bringing products into a country secretly and illegally  
  Part 2  
1) bankruptcy fraud a) a broad variety of criminal actions where the intent is to materially misrepresent or omit information on a mortgage loan  
2) mortgage fraud b) A crime of fraud that involves someone pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits  
3) identity theft   c) several practices which involve the unauthorized copying of computer software.  
4) money laundering d).unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network.  
5) software piracy e) an application legally declared inability or impairment of ability of an individual or organization to pay its creditors  
6) hacking   f) the process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained from serious crimes, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source  
  Part 3  
1) child grooming a) establishing an emotional connection with a child, in preparation for sexual abuse  
2) bribery   b) an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient  
3) arms trafficking   c) gunrunning, is trafficking in contraband weapons and ammunition.  
4) forgery d) making or imitating objects or documents with the intent to deceive.  
5) extortion e) obtaining money, property or services from a person through coercion.  
6) blackmail   f) threatening to reveal substantially true information about a person to the public unless a demand made upon the victim is met.  
7) foreign exchange offences   g) illegal operations with another state currency  
8) smuggling of cultural artifacts   h) bringing extremly valuable paintings, books and other artifacts into a country illegally  

3. Write what these criminals were suspected of doing/reported to do.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 567. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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