Студопедия — Study the second part of police vocabulary and translate the words and expressions into Russian
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Study the second part of police vocabulary and translate the words and expressions into Russian


Vocabulary part of speech Meaning   Write an example sentence (or translate)
  Part 1  
1) attacker noun police officer (common slang)  
2) cop/copper noun person who assaults or attacks  
3) night stick noun a person who enters a home or business illegally  
4) book someoneverb a call to the police to complain of disturbing noise (usually music or a party)  
5) domestic dispute adjective + noun register someone as a criminal составить протокол .
6) intruder noun heavy stick that police use for controlling crowds or defending themselves .
7) noise complaint noun argument/trouble in the home(often leads to violence)  
  Part 2  
8) be on the beat explain what smb is charged with(alleged to have done)  
9) catch somebody red-handed examine by questioning formally or officially  
10) interrogate interrogation discover smb doing smth illegal or wrong  
11) extort confession a member of civilian staff employed by a British police force to assist in regulating the flow of traffic  
12) bring charges/allegations against smb patrol the streets  
13) traffic warden make smb confess by improper means: blackmail or tortures  
  Part 3  
14) parking offence having no driver’s documents  
15) issue a (penalty) ticket a minor criminal who commits a crime (usually under age of 18)  
16) Driving without MOT test, insurance, driving licences leaving your car in the wrong place  
17) drunk driving hand in an order to pay a fine  
18) speeding including a car, bicycle, boat, or motorcycle, without permission from the owner.  
19) joyriding operating another person's vehicle, exceeding speed limit  
20) young offender (juvenile delinquent) noun driving under the influence of alcohol  

Fill the gaps with the words from above.

Part 1

1) We're taking your brother down to the station to ________ him. 2) Did somebody here call the ________? 3) Two of your neighbors have made a ____________ tonight. 4) We've had a number of calls reporting a ________________ in your hotel room. 5) The _________________ didn’t seem to be under alcohol influence. 6)Police claim they had to resort to _________________ to clear up the square. 6) Someone called to report an _____________ on the third floor.

Part 2

1) He was taken to police headquarters and _____________ for 36 hours without a break. 2) NATO officials say they have __________ Iran _________, shipping heavy arms, C4 explosives and advanced roadside bombs to the Taliban.3) The government ______________________ high treason and mutiny against Papadopoulos and other co-conspirators. 4) The protesters demanded to make it impossible for interrogators to ____________ by torture. 5) ________________ in Ireland are responsible for enforcing the law relating to the illegal parking and stopping of motor vehicles. 6) There are fears that police ____________ may disappear over a decade.

Part 3

1) The punishment will be less severe if the criminal is a ___________. 2) To avoid committing _____________, motorists need to comply with parking rules while parking in the car parks. 3) When the officer says that you were stopped for ____________ you ’d better admit it.

4) _____________ turned car crash early Sunday morning leaving three teenagers in critical condition. 6) Can I be charged with a _______________ if I was not given a roadside breath test? 7) If your vehicle is at least three years old, it needs to pass an _____________ before it can be considered roadworthy. This can land you a fine.You may also have your ___________ taken away. 9) I have been ________ with _______________ from a traffic warden which said I should pay a fine.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 696. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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