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Make a sentence with each word and word combination. 2.Read the text “Alexander Luria”

2.Read the text “Alexander Luria”

Luria was born in Kazan, a regional center east of Moscow, to Jewish parents. He studied at Kazan State University (graduated in 1921), Kharkov Medical Institute and 1st Moscow Medical Institute (graduated in 1937). He was appointed Professor (1944), Doctor of Pedagogical (1937) and Medical Sciences (1943). Throughout his career Luria worked in a wide range of scientific fields at such institutions as the Academy of Communist Education (1920-30s), Experimental Defectological Institute (1920-30s, 1950-60s, both in Moscow), Ukrainian Psychoneurological Academy (Kharkov, early 1930s), All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery (late 1930s), and other institutions. In the late 1930s, Luria went to medical school. Following the war, Luria continued his work in Moscow's Institute of Psychology. For a period of time, he was removed from the Institute of Psychology, mainly as a result of a flare-up of anti-Semitism and shifted to research on mentally retarded children at the Defectological Institute in the 1950s. Additionally, from 1945 on Luria worked at the Moscow State University and was instrumental in the foundation of the Faculty of Psychology at the Moscow State University, where he later headed the Departments of Patho- and Neuropsychology.

While a student in Kazan, he established the Kazan Psychoanalytic Association and exchanged letters with Sigmund Freud.

In 1923, his work with reaction times related to thought processes earned him a position at the Institute of Psychology in Moscow. There, he developed the " combined motor method, " which helped diagnose individuals' thought processes, creating the first ever lie-detector device. This research was published in the US in 1932 (published in Russian for the first time only in 2002).

In 1924, Luria met Lev Vygotsky, who would influence him greatly. Along with Alexei Leont'ev, these three psychologists launched a project of developing a psychology of a radically new kind. This approach fused " cultural, " " historical, " and " instrumental" psychology and is most commonly referred to presently as cultural-historical psychology. It emphasizes the mediatory role of culture, particularly language, in the development of higher mental functions in ontogeny and phylogenesis.

Luria's work continued in the 1930s with his psychological expeditions to Central Asia. Under the supervision of Vygotsky, Luria investigated various psychological changes (including perception, problem solving, and memory) that take place as a result of cultural development of undereducated minorities. In this regard he has been credited with a major contribution to the study of oral communication. Later, he studied identical and fraternal twins in large residential schools to determine the interplay of various factors of cultural and genetic human development. In his early neuropsychological work in the end of 1930s as well as throughout his postwar academic life he focused on the study of aphasia, focusing on the relation between language, thought, and cortical functions, particularly on the development of compensatory functions for aphasia.

During World War II Luria led a research team at an army hospital looking for ways to compensate psychological dysfunctions in patients with brain lesions. His work resulted in creating the field of Neuropsychology. His two main case studies, both published a few years before his death, described S. Shereshevskii, a Russian journalist with a seemingly unlimited memory (1968), in part due to his fivefold synesthesia. This case was presented in a book The Mind of a Mnemonist. Luria's other most well-known book is The Man with a Shattered World, a penetrating account of Zasetsky, a man who suffered a traumatic brain injury (1972). These case studies illustrate Luria's main methods of combining classical and remediational approaches.

III. 1. Answer the questions:

1) What was Alexander Luria?

2) What is he famous for?

3) Where did his scientific interest lie?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Alexander Luria was a teacher.

2) Alexander Luria was a philosopher.

3) Alexander Luria was the head of the Defectological Institute.

4) Alexander Luria was the founder of developmental psychology.

5) Alexander Luria was a friend of Sigmund Freud.


3. Continue the sentences:

1) Luria was …

2) He graduated …

3) In the late 1930…

4) Following the war…

5) Additionally, from 1945 on…

6) While a student…

7) In 1923…

8) In 1924…

9) This approach fused…

10) It emphasizes…

11) Later, he studied …

12) In his early neuropsychological work…

13) During World War II…

14) His two main case studies…


4. Give synonyms from the text:

- blaze up, burn up, flame out, flame up

- to move;

- the campaign against Jews.


5. Which word in the list is odd?

1) Kazan State University, Moscow Medical Institute, Burdenko Institute of Neurosurgery, Experimental Defectological Institute, Moscow's Institute of Psychology, Professor;

2) mentally retarded children, Defectological Institute, Moscow State University;

3) Luria, Lev Vygotsky, Alexei Leont'ev, a project;

4) perception, problem solving, memory, oral communication;

5) language, thought, cortical functions, compensatory functions.


6. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

Luria was born in …. He studied at …. Throughout his career Luria worked in a wide range of … … Following the war, Luria continued his work in Moscow's Institute of Psychology. For a period of time, he was … from the Institute of Psychology, mainly as a result of a … of anti-Semitism and shifted to … on mentally retarded children at the Defectological Institute in the 1950s. While a student in Kazan, he … the Kazan Psychoanalytic Association and … letters with Sigmund Freud.


5. Make up the plan of the text. Here are the topics\ paragraphs in the wrong order. Make it correct:

- background;

- scientific contribution;

- works and books;

- the field of scientific interest;

- life stages;

- a radically new kind psychology.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 714. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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