Студопедия — Read the text . Use dictionary if necessary
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Read the text . Use dictionary if necessary

If a child has normal sight, hearing and intellect, but deviates markedly in speaking, we can speak about a special group of handicapped children, the children with speech infringements. The term “speech infringements” is also applied to speech underdevelopment, speech defects, speech disorders and speech pathology.

Speech pathology is different from speech underdevelopment caused by environmental factors or age peculiarities.

Speech infringements may have phonetic (sound), phonological (interfere with comprehension), lexical and grammar character. All of them require correctional work.

According to clinical-pedagogical classification which aims speech correction there are oral speech disorders (dysphonia, bradilalia, tahilalia, stuttering, dislalia, rhinolalia and disartria, alalia, aphasia) and written speech disorders (dyslexia, disgraphia).

There is also pedagogical classification of speech disorders which was founded in the middle of the 20th century. The principles of that classification are very useful for children grouping.

As for the causes of speech infringements, there are several of them:

- Pre-natal;

- Natal;

- Virus, infectious, somatic diseases of the 1st year;

- Brain traumas;

- Inheritance factors;

- Negative environmental factors.

Each of the listed reasons as well as their combination may cause speech infringements. That is why early diagnosis is of great importance.

The basic directions of speech infringements correctional work are:

- Medical treatment;

- Physical education;

- Development of cognitive activity;

- Early speech development (to understand addressed speech, to enlarge active and passive vocabulary, etc.);

- Logarithmic exercises;

- Drawing, painting, assembling puzzles etc.;

- Esthetic education;

- Social adaptation.


III.1.Answer the questions:

1) What is a speech disorder?

2) What other terms are used for speech infringements?

3) What classifications of speech infringements are used?

4) What causes speech infringements?

5) What are the general directions of speech correction work for speech infringements?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) If a child has normal sight, hearing and intellect, but deviates markedly in speaking, speech therapy correctional work is not required.

2) Speech pathology is different from speech underdevelopment.

3) All speech infringements require correctional work.

4) Speech infringements are caused by environmental factors.

5) The basic direction of speech correction work is physical education.


3. Continue the sentences:

1) If a child has normal…

2) Speech infringements may have…

3) According to clinical-pedagogical classification…

4) According to pedagogical classification…

5) The causes of speech infringements are …

6) The basic directions of correctional work…


4. Which word in the list is odd?

1) normal sight, normal hearing, normal intellect, handicapped children;

2) speech underdevelopment, speech defects, speech disorders, speech pathology, speech infringements, environmental factors;

3) Pre-natal, natal, speech defects, virus, infectious, somatic diseases of the 1st year, brain traumas, inheritance factors, negative environmental factors;

4) Medical treatment, physical education, early diagnosis, development of cognitive activity, early speech development (to understand addressed speech, to enlarge active and passive vocabulary, etc.), logarithmic exercises, drawing, painting, assembling puzzles, esthetic education, social adaptation;

5) phonetic (sound) character, pedagogical classification, phonological (interfere with comprehension) character, lexical character, grammar character.

5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

If a … has normal sight, hearing and …, but deviates … in speaking, we can speak about a special group of … children, the children with … infringements. The term “speech infringements” is also … to speech underdevelopment, speech defects, speech disorders and speech pathology.

Speech pathology is … from speech underdevelopment caused by environmental factors or age peculiarities.

Speech infringements may have phonetic (sound), phonological (interfere with comprehension), lexical and grammar…. All of them require … work.

According to clinical-pedagogical … which aims speech correction there are … speech disorders (dysphonia, bradilalia, tahilalia, stuttering, dislalia, rhinolalia and disartria, alalia, aphasia) and … speech disorders (dyslexia, disgraphia).

There is also pedagogical classification of speech … which was founded in the … of the 20th century. The principles of that … are very useful for … grouping.


6. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:

- speech infringements;

- subnormal children;

- 1950s;

- direction;

- principle.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 874. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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