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Read the following text. Use dictionary if necessary. The treatment of intellectually disabled people has always reflected the changes in society

The treatment of intellectually disabled people has always reflected the changes in society. They have been officially referred to as the idiots and as the feebleminded. The introduction of the IQ test was followed by a classification system that used such terms as borderline, moron (IQ of 51–70), imbecile (26–50), and idiot (0–25); later these terms were softened and classifications redefined somewhat to mild (IQ of 55–70), moderate (40–54), severe (25–39), and profound (0–24) retardation. The term mentally retarded itself, although still commonly used, has been replaced in some settings by the term developmentally disabled or intellectually disabled. The exact limits of each of these categories are not agreed upon by authorities. The general characteristics of each of the categories are, however, fairly well established.

The lowest category of intellectually disabled children is the profound level (idiot). In terms of IQ the range is usually given as from 0 to 24. The diagnosis of this level depends upon many factors besides the IQ score. Children falling in this category are usually unable to care for themselves in even the most elementary manner. They cannot learn to dress themselves and may not, in many instances, be able to feed themselves in an adequate manner. They have to be constantly protected from physical dangers and supervised in many other ways. Speech functions are retarded and remain at a primitive level. Many of these children are mute and never develop speech function. Soiling is quite frequent and inability to control both bladder and bowel functions is not rare. These children cannot profit from the usual special class programs and at an adult age are not able to take care of themselves. They need continued custodial care throughout life.

The next highest category is that of severe level (imbecile) In terms of IQ the range is usually given as from 25 to 39 or 25-50. The child ranking at or near the upper limit of the moderate range is able with some help to learn to dress oneself. He learns to feed himself, although at a later age than does the child of average intellectual capacities. Speech functions are mastered, although they are very simple. Vocabulary remains at a very rudimentary level, but some children can learn to read a few words, and can, with considerable help, learn to write their names and a few simple words. Such a child can eventually be taught to do some simple tasks, and occasionally develops special skills in some art or craft. However, the child with severe level of retardation can never adequately function by himself in the society and needs a great deal of close supervision, attention and continuous help.

Ranking above the severe level is the moderate level (moron) – the level at which the greatest percentage of retarded children rank (IQ 40-54/51-70). The child with moderate retardation usually learns to dress himself adequately and does not usually soil himself. He feeds himself and is attentive to his surroundings. Speech functions, even though at a lowered level, are usually adequate, and he learns to read and write at an elementary manner. He can profit from the experiences of the special class, and in general is capable of reaching a school reading achievement level equivalent to the fourth grade. He learns to do many manual tasks and, with help, is certainly capable of holding a simple job. With proper guidance, training and help he can eventually support himself, but he needs guidance throughout life. Many individuals at this level marry and have families, but function best if they are given the continued support and help of an understanding person.

Children ranking at a borderline or mild level are not classified as mentally retarded, but they do have difficulties in making an adequate adjustment to the demands of daily life. The range of IQ of this group is usually given as from 70 to 80. The area of greatest manifest difficulty of borderline children is that of academic achievements. They are slow in learning such material. In particular, great difficulties are experienced with such school subjects as reading and arithmetic. Usually they are “carried along” at school and fail many grades. Frequently they are promoted solely on the basis of their age and size. They sometimes get as far as the high-school grades. Appropriate school programs for such children are usually not available. This is unfortunate because they would profit from specially modified school programs.


III. 1. Answer the questions:

1) What are the main categories of intellectual disability?

2) What IQ scores does each of them have?

3) What can be said about the speech functions and learning capacities of each group?

4) Why the “borderline group” is also distinguished? What are the characteristic features of this group?

5) What special methods can be applied to each of the mentioned groups?

6) Are IQ tests widely used in Russia?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Traditionally intellectually disabled children have been classified on the basis of intellectual capacities into six major categories.

2) The general characteristics of each of the category are fairly well established.

3) The lowest category of intellectually disabled children is that of the profound level.

4) Children falling in the category of borderline are usually unable to care for themselves in even the most elementary manner. They cannot learn to dress themselves and may not, in many instances, be able to feed themselves in an adequate manner.

5) The children with severe retardation (imbecile) cannot profit from the usual special class programs and at an adult age are not able to take care for themselves.

6) In terms of IQ borderline range is usually from 30 to 50.

7) In children with severe retardation speech functions are mastered, although they are very simple. Vocabulary remains at a very rudimentary level, child can learn to read a few words, and can, with considerable help, learn to write his name and a few simple words.

8) Ranking above the severe level is the moderate level (moron) – the level at which the greatest percentage of retarded children rank (IQ 40-54/51-70).

9) The child with profound level of retardation feeds himself and is attentive to his surroundings. Speech functions, even though at a lowered level, are usually adequate, and he learns to read and write at an elementary manner.

10) With proper guidance, training and help the child with severe level of retardation can eventually support himself, but he needs guidance throughout life.

11) Children ranking at a borderline level are not classified as intellectually disabled, but they do have difficulties in making an adequate adjustment to the demands of daily life.


3. Which word in the list is odd?

1) intellectually disabled, idiots, imbeciles, moron, borderline;

2) unable to care for themselves, cannot learn to dress themselves, may not be able to feed themselves in an adequate manner, borderline, have to be constantly protected from physical dangers and supervised in many other ways;

3) mute, speech function, vocabulary, intellectual capacities;

4) soiling, inability to control both bladder and bowel functions, specially modified school programs, custodial care throughout life;

5) borderline, intellectually disabled, academic achievements, adequate adjustment, demands of daily life;


4. Continue the sentences:

1) The treatment of intellectually disabled people …

2) The general characteristics …

3) The lowest category...

4) Children falling in this category …

5) These children cannot …

6) In terms of IQ…

7) Speech functions …

8) Ranking above …

9) With proper guidance, training and help …

10) Children ranking at a borderline or mild level …


5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

The treatment of … … people has always reflected the changes in society. They have been officially referred to as the idiots and as the…. The introduction of the IQ test was followed by a classification system that used such terms as…, …(IQ of 51–70), …(26–50), and …(0–25); later these terms were softened and classifications redefined somewhat to …(IQ of 55–70), …(40–54), …(25–39), and … (0–24) retardation. The term intellectually disabled itself, although still commonly used, has been replaced in some settings by the term… …. The exact limits of each of these categories are not agreed upon by authorities. The general characteristics of each of the categories are, however, fairly well established.

. Children falling in this category are usually unable to … … …in even the most elementary manner. They cannot learn to … …and may not, in many instances, be able to feed themselves in an… …. Such a child can eventually be taught to do some simple tasks, and occasionally develops special skills in some …or….

Ranking above the severe level is the … level (moron) – the level at which the greatest percentage of retarded children rank (IQ 40-54/51-70). The child with … …usually learns to dress himself adequately and does not usually … himself. He feeds himself and is attentive to his…

… …., even though at a lowered level, are usually adequate, and he learns to read and write at an elementary manner.

Children ranking at a … or mild level are not classified as… …, but they do have difficulties in making an adequate … to the demands of daily life. The range of IQ of this group is usually given as from 70 to 80. The area of greatest manifest difficulty of … children is that of … ….


6. Give synonyms from the text:

- cannot do anything;

- primitive;

- average, normal;

- adaptation.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 622. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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