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Read the following text. Use dictionary if necessary. According to the American classification of mental deficiency, intellectual disability is defined as sub average general intellectual functioning that


According to the American classification of mental deficiency, intellectual disability is defined as sub average general intellectual functioning that originates during the developmental period (prenatal to 16 years) and is associated with impairment in adaptive behavior.

There are many degrees of intellectual disability. Persons who are severely retarded are able to learn only the most basic self-care skills. Those who are mildly retarded are able to learn so much that, as adults, some are no longer identified as being retarded. Three common classifications used include:

- Mildly (educable) – mental age 8-12; learn to approximately 6th grade level;

- Moderately (trainable) – mental age 5-8; cannot learn academic subjects in school;

- Severely (profoundly) – many require life –long care and supervision and are often confined to institutions.

Not all the causes of intellectual disability are known; however, more than 200 have been identified, and many others are suspected. The known causes can be placed into five categories:

Genetic irregularities – for example x-ray exposure, incompatibility of genes inherited from parents, Rh blood factor incompatibility, Down`s syndrome, error in metabolism, or recessive genetic traits;

Pregnancy complications - for example poor nutrition, German measles, tumors, glandular disorders, infections, exposure to toxic agents, or radiation;

Birth Problems - for example premature birth, too rapid birth, prolonged birth, or any circumstance that reduces the oxygen supply to the infant`s brain;

Post Birth Situations - for example childhood diseases, especially in the very young (chicken pox, measles, meningitis, whooping cough); high fevers, severe injuries to the brain, lack of certain chemicals in the blood, or glandular imbalance;

Environmental factors - for example being born and reared in a deprived environment where there is little opportunity to learn; or serious emotional problems.


An intellectually disabled person is slow to learn and may be slow or limited in the development of physical skills. Additionally, physical handicaps maybe present, such as speech impairments, visual impairments, hearing defects, or epilepsy. Because these secondary handicapping conditions are common among people with intellectual disability, this does not mean that individuals who have a speech impairment or epilepsy are intellectually disabled.

It is often thought that it takes a certain kind of person or an individual with special education to work with people who are retarded. The fact is that anyone who is patient and kind and who has a sincere interest in working with people can be successful. As a volunteer, you can contribute greatly to the happiness and accomplishments of individuals who have intellectual disability.

One of the most important things to remember when teaching an individual with intellectual disability is to break down the skill or project being taught into small tasks. This is called task analysis. A woodworking project provides a good example. If an individual is not successful at completing the tasks it may be that the task being taught is not broken down far enough. Give simple step-by-step directions, and repeat it to be sure that it is understood. Task analysis will help not only his students, but it will also help the leader be well-organized and successful. Establish realistic, attainable goals, and allow plenty of time for achieving them. It may take several months to teach a new skill. Concentrate on concrete ideas and skills. Children have problems with abstract concepts. Be patient, persistent and consistent. Provide warmth and acceptance. Recognize each individual`s potential to grow, learn, and develop. Promote a sense of security through a smile or by providing a word of praise. Demonstrate. Showing is often more effective than telling. Use a combination of two. “Tell me something a hundred times, and I may still not fully understand what you want me to do. Show me what you mean, demonstrate clearly and slowly, just once or twice and I will be close to the goal”.

3. Give the title to the second part of the text.


Ш. 1. Answer the questions:

1) What is intellectual disability?

2) How many grades of intellectual disability are defined in the USA and in Russia?

3) What are the main categories of causes of intellectual disability?

4) What can an intellectually disabled individual learn? Are those attainments different for each grade?

5) What is the general guidance to the teachers of intellectually disabled individuals? Can anybody fulfill that task?

6) What personal features should a teacher for intellectually disabled children have?

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Intellectual disability is defined as average general intellectual functioning.

2) There are five degrees of intellectual disability.

3) More than 200 causes of intellectual disability have been identified, and many others are suspected.

4) The known causes can be placed into five categories.

5) An intellectually disabled person is fast to learn

6) An intellectually disabled person may be slow or limited in the development of physical skills.

7) Individuals who have a speech impairment or epilepsy are intellectually disabled.

8) Secondary handicapping conditions are common among people with intellectual disability.

9) It is thought that it takes a certain kind of person or an individual with special education to work with people who are retarded.

10) Anyone can work with people who are retarded and be successful.

11) Volunteer can contribute greatly to the work with individuals who have intellectual disability.


3. Continue the sentences:

1. Intellectual disability is …

2. There are many degrees …

3. Not all the causes of intellectual disability…

4. An intellectually disabled person …

5. The secondary handicapping conditions are …

6. It is often thought that …

7. A volunteer…


4. Which word in the list is odd?

1) mental deficiency, intellectual disability, life–long care and supervision, sub average general intellectual functioning;

2) genetic irregularities, pregnancy complications, birth problems, post birth situations, environmental factors;

3) x-ray exposure, life –long care and supervision, incompatibility of genes inherited from parents, Rh blood factor incompatibility, Down`s syndrome, error in metabolism, recessive genetic traits;

4) poor nutrition, German measles, impairment in adaptive behavior, tumors, glandular disorders, infections, exposure to toxic agents, radiation;

5 ) premature birth, too rapid birth, degrees of intellectual disability, prolonged birth, any circumstance that reduces the oxygen supply to the infant`s brain;

6) childhood diseases, chicken pox, measles, meningitis, whooping cough, high fevers;

7) to be patient, persistent and consistent, to provide warmth and acceptance, to recognize each individual`s potential to grow, to promote a sense of security through a smile or by providing a word of praise, to demonstrate an impairment in adaptive behavior.


5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

One of the most important things to remember when teaching an individual with … … is to break down the skill or project being taught into small…. This is called task analysis. A woodworking … provides a good example. If an … is not successful at completing the … it may be that the task being taught is not broken down far enough. Give simple… …, and repeat it to be sure that it is understood. Task … will help not only his students, but it will also help the leader be well-organized and successful. Establish realistic, attainable…, and allow plenty of time for achieving them. It may take several months to teach a new skill. Concentrate on concrete … and skills. Children have problems with abstract…. Be patient, … …. Provide warmth and acceptance. Recognize each …`s potential to grow, learn, and develop. Promote a sense of … through a smile or by providing a word of…. Demonstrate. Showing is often more effective than telling. Use a combination of two.


6. Give synonyms from the text:

- Intellectual disability;

- Sciences taught at school;

- A person who works for free;

- To give a definition;

- Underdeveloped;

- A person with intellectual insufficiency;

- The teacher in the class;

- About smth.


7. Make up the plan of the text. Here are the titles in the wrong order. Make the order correct:

1) Secondary handicapping conditions.

2) Degrees of intellectual disability.

3) A volunteer can help an intellectually disabled person to be successful.

4) An intellectually disabled person is slow in learning.

5) Not all the causes of intellectual disability are identified.

6) It is often thought that an intellectually disabled person cannot learn anything.

7) Intellectual disability is sub average intellectual development.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 806. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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