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Make a sentence with each word and word combination. 2. Read the text “Children who are intellectually disabled”

2. Read the text “Children who are intellectually disabled”. Use dictionary if necessary.

The term " intellectual disability" is often misunderstood and seen as derogatory. Some think that retardation is diagnosed only on the basis of below-normal intelligence (IQ), and that persons with intellectual disability are unable to learn or to care for themselves. Actually, in order to be diagnosed as a person with intellectual disability, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning. Most children with intellectual disability can learn a great deal, and as adults can lead at least partially independent lives. Most individuals with intellectual disability have only the mild level of intellectual disability. Intellectual disability may be complicated by several different physical and emotional problems. The child may also have difficulty with hearing, sight or speech.

In the past, parents were often advised to institutionalize a child with significant intellectual disability. Today, the goal is to help the child with intellectual disability stay in the family and take part in community life. In most states, the law guarantees them educational and other services at public expense.

It is very important that the child has a comprehensive evaluation to find out about his or her strengths and needs. Since no specialist has all the necessary skills, many professionals might be involved. General medical tests as well as tests in areas such as neurology (the nervous system), psychology, psychiatry, special education, hearing, speech and vision, and physical therapy are useful. A pediatrician or a child and adolescent psychiatrist often coordinates these tests.

These physicians refer the child for the necessary tests and consultations, put together the results, and jointly with the family and the school develop a comprehensive treatment and education plan.

Emotional and behavioral disorders may be associated with intellectual disability, and they may interfere with the child's progress. Most children with intellectual disability recognize that they are behind others of their own age. Some may become frustrated, withdrawn or anxious, or act " bad" to get the attention of other youngsters and adults. Adolescents and young adults with intellectual disability may become depressed. These persons might not have enough language skills to talk about their feelings, and their depression may be shown by new problems, for instance in their behavior, eating and sleeping.

Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in children with intellectual disability leads to early treatment. Medications can be helpful as one part of overall treatment and management of children with intellectual disability.

Periodic consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist may help the family in setting appropriate expectations, limits, opportunities to succeed, and other measures which will help their child with intellectual disability handle the stresses of growing up.


Ш. 1.Answer the questions:

1) What is intellectual disability?

2) Can the children with intellectual disability survive in modern society?

3) Was it always like that?

4) How are the children with intellectual disability diagnosed?

5) What can the children with intellectual disability learn to do?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) Intellectually disabled children are treated derogatory in the modern society.

2) All the intellectually disabled children are institutionalized.

3) Intellectually disabled children can attend mainstream schools.

4) The children with intellectual insufficiency can learn to be at least partially independent.

5) Most individuals with intellectual disability have only the mild level of intellectual disability.

6) It is very important that the child has a comprehensive evaluation to find out about his or her strengths and needs.

7) The child may also have difficulty with hearing, sight or speech.

8) Emotional and behavioral disorders may be associated with intellectual disability, and they may interfere with the child's progress.

9) In order to be diagnosed as a person with intellectual disability, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning.

10) Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in children with intellectual disability leads to early treatment.

3. Continue the sentences:

1. Intellectual disability is…

2. Children with intellectual disability are…

3. The medical diagnosis is…

4. The treatment is…

5. The level of intellectual insufficiency is…

6. The evaluation is necessary…

7. IQ scores should be…

8. Emotional and behavioral disorders may be…

9. Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in children with intellectual disability…

10 Periodic consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist…

4. Which word in the list is odd?

1) intellectual disability, below-normal intelligence, low IQ, physical and emotional problems;

2) to institutionalize, to help the child stay in the family, to take part in community life;

3) comprehensive evaluation, general medical tests, comprehensive treatment, education plan, a pediatrician;

4) general medical tests, neurology, physicians, psychology, psychiatry, special education, hearing, speech and vision, physical therapy;

5) frustrated, withdrawn, anxious, act " bad", adolescents.

5. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

1) The term " intellectual disability" is often … and seen as ….

2) Some think that … is diagnosed only on the basis of below-normal intelligence (IQ), and that persons with… …. are unable to learn or to care for themselves.

3) Actually, in order to be diagnosed as a person with… …, the person has to have both significantly low IQ and considerable problems in everyday functioning.

4) Most children with… … can learn a great deal, and as adults can lead at least partially independent lives.

5) Most individuals with… … have only the mild level of … ….

6)… …may be complicated by several different physical and emotional problems.

7) The child may also have… with hearing, sight or speech.

8) Today, the goal is to help the child with … … stay in the family and take part in community life.

9) In most states, the law guarantees them … and other services at public….


6. Give synonyms from the text:

- abusive treatment;

- target;

- mental and intellectual insufficiency;

- authorities.


7. Make up the plan of the text. Here are the titles in the wrong order. Make the order correct:

1) The placement of intellectually disabled children;

2) The definition of intellectual disability;

3) Low IQ and additional disabilities;

4) Special diagnosis and placement;

5) Periodic consultation and treatment.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 757. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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