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Make a sentence with each word and word combination. 2. Read the text “The hard of hearing”

2. Read the text “ The hard of hearing ”. Use dictionary if necessary.

Until the early 1900's everybody with a hearing loss was classified as «deaf».

The term «hard of hearing» has been adopted from the German expression «Schwerhorigkeit».

The hard of hearing is sometimes called «the partially deaf», «deafened» or «partially hearing». In school practice the fundamental difference between «the deaf» and the «hard of hearing» is established by the amount of speech and language they possessed, established before the onset of the hearing handicap.

The hard of hearing child has a distinct advantage over the deaf child in having some experience with speech and language. Regardless of the type and degree of his impairment, the hard of hearing person must learn to listen attentively if he wishes to learn to hear properly again. The use of a hearing aid is fundamental to any program of re-education people with residual hearing. The hard of hearing are provided with a rehabilitation program including auditory training, lipreading.

The hard of hearing children are expected to use the combined sense of hearing and sight in the perception of speech as they are instructed in lipreading and auditory training.

In almost all classes for hard of hearing children there are pupils of varying degrees of intelligence and language backgrounds. The academic group is composed of those who wish to continue through high school. The vocational group is for those who wish to go work soon after they have reached the limit of the compulsory school program. Children with slight loss of hearing can sometimes study at a usual school, but they always need special attention and supervision.


Guidance for class teachers and others on the proper treatment of children with defective hearing at school.


1. Place the child so that he or she can hear what is said in class by the teacher and by the other children. There are, therefore, two factors to be considered. It is by no means certain that the front desk will be the most suitable - unless the degree of hearing loss is such that the child would otherwise be unable to hear what is said from the teacher's desk. The second or third desk in a row by the window would in most cases be suitable.

2. Place the child so that he or she can see what is said during the periods. If the child sits at the second or third desk in the row by the window the light will fall on the teacher's and the other children's mouths and he will be able to lip-read.

3. Turn your head whenever possible so that the child can see your mouth. This is particularly important when telling a story or dictating or when asking questions. In mental arithmetic it is essential.

4. Always speak clearly, but if the child is using a hearing aid be careful not to speak above the normal level. Shouting must be absolutely avoided, for this is unbearable to anyone using a hearing aid.

5. It is the class teacher's duty to tell other children in the class of the difficulties of a hearing handicapped child. Other teachers who take the class should also be told.

6. Contact with the handicapped child's home is always desirable.

7. A child with impaired hearing may require to be treated in the same way as other children and not be shown unnecessary attention or consideration. What a hearing handicapped child wants above all else is to be like others.


III. 1. Answer the questions:

1) What is the advantage of hard of hearing children over the deaf?

2) What does the rehabilitation program include?

3) What senses do the hard of hearing use in perception of speech?

4) What must be taken into consideration when choosing a place for a child with defective hearing?

5) What is important when speaking to a hard of hearing child?

6) What are pedagogical aspects of teaching the hard of hearing?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) In school practice there is no difference between the deaf and the hard of hearing.

2) The use of a hearing aid is very important in any rehabilitation program.

3) Lip reading is not usually included in a rehabilitation program.

4) Teachers must always speak above the normal level.

5) It is very important to contact with child’s family.

6) The hard of hearing don’t like to be like others.

3. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:

- to have;

- understanding;

- control;

- very loud speech;

- problems;

- to inform.


4. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:

1) The hard of hearing child has a … … in having speech experience.

2) The use of a … … is very important in any rehabilitation program.

3) The rehabilitation program includes … … and…..

4) In … of … they use both sense of hearing and sight.

5) Teachers must always speak ….

6) Children with …. hearing want to be like others.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 797. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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