Студопедия — WORD-FORMATION. I. Could you define the following terms?
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WORD-FORMATION. I. Could you define the following terms?


I. Could you define the following terms?

morpheme, allomorph, morph, root, affix, prefix, suffix, free morpheme, bound morpheme, semi-bound morpheme, IC, UC.


II. Do the morphemic analysis of the words below:

inseparability, oversimplified, subconsciously, consumer, gooseberry, undernourishment, presidential.


III. Answer the following questions.

1) What is word-formation?

2) What is the difference between morphemic and derivational analysis?

3) What are the principle ways of English word-building?

4) What do we mean by productivity and activity in word-formation?

5) What are the main functions of word-formation?

а. а group of words built after the same pattern b. а word that has two derivational structures с. а group of derivationally related words with the same root d. а set of derivational steps necessary to produce а derivative е. а formula describing the structure of derived words f. the source of а derivative g. а unit of secondary nomination motivated structurally and semantically by оther linguistic units  
IV. Match the terms and their definitions.

1. the derivational base

2. а derivational pattern

3. the derivational structure

4. derivational relations

5. а derived word

6. а polystructural derivative

7. а derivational cluster

8. а derivational set


V. Do the derivational analysis of the following words. Describe their derivational structure using different methods.

unpredictability, hit-and-run, eco-tourism, butch, deplane, shopaholic, biodegradable, faxable, microwavery, singlehood, newmannery.

VI. Characterise the affixes given below (etymology, valency, productivity, etc.)

-ness, -ous, -ly, -у, -dom, -en, en-, -hood, over-, dis-.

VII. Group the given words according to а certain principle. Define the principle.

1. consume, presume, resume, compress, presuppose, reunite, conceive, receive, reiterate, re-enter;

2. irrevocable, invisible, indisputable, undisputable, immeasurable, unaccountable, illegible;

3. sevenish, pinkish, largish, wolfish, mulish, Polish, boyish, snarlish, whitish, Turkish, greenish, owlish;

4. reader, render, cooker, runner, driver, grinder, wiper, player, worker, safer, deliver;

5. росketful, р1аtеful, jugful, dutiful, cheerful, tactful, bagful, forceful, full-page, full-size, mouthful.

VIII. Explain the meaning of these abbreviations. State their type.

BSs, FBI, Fr, ext., CD, asaр, PIN, е.g., Unesco, rep, enc., WС Gents, CFC-free, the health globocrats of the WНО.

IX. State the semantic relations in the following conversion pairs. State the direction of conversion, explain your answer.

room - to room, valet - to valet, shoulder - to shoulder, journey - to journey, shadow - to shadow, shelter - to shelter, pin - to pin, fork – to fork, pale - to pale, dog - to dog, age - to age, star - to star, make - to make.


Х. Analyse the derivational structure of the following compounds. State their type.

high pitched, hands-on, gold-seeker, U-turns, good-for-nothing, nightgown, bluish-green, dragon-fly, spokesperson, crackdown, Euro-bank.


XI. Are the following compounds or word-groups? Explain your answer.

roughhouse, black skirt, black shirt, bluecoat, blue stocking, top hat, top man, dog house.


XII. Define the way of word-building; say as much as you can about the derivatives.

to book, advertocracy, to butle, African-American, beaut, brekkie, unladylike, old-fashioned, PM.


ХШ. Show the structure оf the clusters with the help of а graph.

а. yell (v), yelling (а), yelling (n), yeller, outyell, yell (n);

b. wolf, wolf (v), wolfish, wolflike, wolfishly.



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