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As well as general vocabulary the dictionary includes

· Encyclopedic: religions, philosophies, historic events

· People: from ancient times to people in the news today


B. Longman Idioms Dictionary- Tearing your hair out over idioms?

Feel like you are always in the dark? Don’t worry- you can’t go wrong with the Longman Idioms Dictionary- a brand-new, up to the minute dictionary that will help you stay ahead of the game.

· Wide coverage of both American and British English

· More than 6000 idioms from spoken and written English, like go postal, it’s all gone pear-shaped, and be on the same page.


C. An A to Z of British Life

What would you buy at the bucket shop?

What lies North of Watford?

Can you eat Spaghetti Junction?

Interesting, amusing and puzzling references are explained in this alphabetical guide to Britain and the British way of life. Over 3000 entries give up-to-date coverage of wide range of topics, including famous people and organizations, government, politics, geography, food, the media, tradition, work and sport.

D. Right Word Wrong Word.

Do you know the difference between “a wage” and “a salary”?

When should you use “angry at” and “angry with”?

Right Word Wrong Word is a reference and practice book which helps students avoid common mistakes in grammar and vocabulary. It is useful for all students of intermediate level and above.


E. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Allusions - discover colourful references to literature and mythology, history and politics, science and sports.

· Discover the hidden meanings you’ve been missing.

Offers clear, concise definitions for more than 9000 allusions, from Achilles’s heel and alma mater to Zen Zuzu’s petals.

· Increase your knowledge beyond the definition.

Provides the term’s history, pronunciation and contemporary examples of the word or phrase used in the context.

· Learn the terms that are used today.

Features thousands of examples taken from today’s top publications, including The New York Times, Life, the Wall Street Journal.


F. Longman Language Activator- The World’s First Production Dictionary.

Calling all students and teachers of English-this revolutionary dictionary will help you expand your vocabulary and increase your proficiency in English!

· If you are a student at intermediate to advanced level, the Activator will help you choose the right word or phrase to express your ideas.

· If you are a teacher, the activator will help you prepare your students for exams.

1. Great Seal /’greı t ’’si: l/, the (government). The state seal of the United Kingdom used on documents of the greatest importance and kept in the office of the Lord Chancellor.

2. drink like a fish – (spoken) to frequently drink a lot of beer, wine, etc: My flatmate Ken drinks like a fish, but, then, so do I.

3. Nobel / nə u 'bel / (US) no v-stress shift, see compound ’’Nobel ’Prize

4. to find something or someone that is lost or missing


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1144. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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