Студопедия — B) alphabetical order
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

B) alphabetical order

C) empirical order

D) logical order


8) The word “seal” (a sea animal) and “to seal” (to close tightly) are:

A) lexical homonyms

B) lexico-grammatical homonyms

C) paronyms

D) grammatical homonyms


9) Choose the word for which the others are euphemisms:

A) goofy

B) loony

C) nutty

D) mad


10) The word “lord” used to mean “master of the house, head of the family”. How has the semantics of the word changed?



Set 2

1) All semantic fields have a certain…

A) order

B) structure

C) clear-cut boundary

D) number of items


2) What branch of Linguistics studies the nominative function of lexical units?

A) phraseology

B) onomasiology

C) semasiology

D) morphology


3) Words belonging to the same part of speech which have a common denominator of meaning make up:

A) a lexical field

B) a lexico-semantic group

C) a lexical set

D) a semantic field


4) Morphemic analysis is completed, when we get…

A) Ultimate Constituents

B) Immediate Constituents

C) a derived word

D) a derivational base



5)The antonyms “lucky – unlucky” are…

A) relational opposites

B) contraries

C) incompatible terms

D) contradictories


6) Which of the following words belongs to the core of the LSG

A) scarlet

B) red

C) maroon

D) crimson


7) _____________________________________________________________

These different phonetic variants of the French borrowing “boulevard” illustrate:

A) graphical assimilation

B) gradual phonetic assimilation

C) complete phonetic assimilation

D) lexical assimilation


8) Pick out a subordinative compound:

A) girl-friend

B) zigzag

C) queen-bee

D) wrist-watch


9) Define the nature of the semantic change in the word “camp” (original meaning: ‘the place where troops are lodged in tents’; acquired meaning: ‘temporary quarters, eg. of travellers, nomads, etc.’)

A) specialization of meaning

B) generalization of meaning

C) similarity of meaning (metaphor)

D) contiguity of meaning (metonymy)


10) The words “” kolkhoz” and “collective farm” are both borrowings from Russian with the same meaning. Still, they appeared in English due to two different processes. What were they?


Set 3

1)Theinnerfacet of the word is…

A) a linguistic sign

B) its sound form

C) its meaning

D) a concept



2) Semantically, all morphemes are classified into:

A) prefixes and suffixes

B) roots and prefixes

C) affixes and prefixes

D) affixes and roots


3) Food, GM, wholesome, eat, cholesterol. These words make up…

A) a thematic group

B) a lexical field

C) a lexico-semantic group

D) a semantic field


4) There are two main criteria for distinguishing between free word-groups and phraseological units. They are:

A) syntactic and semantic

B) substitutional and structural

C) semantic and structural

D) morphological and semantic


5) Which of the following does not belong to word-formation?

A) blending

B) back-clipping

C) conversion

D) sound interchange


6) What is the type of the definitions given in the following examples: “despicable – vile, contemptible”; “to experience – to undergo, to suffer”; “hope – expectation, anticipation”?

A) encyclopedic definition

B) descriptive definition

C) cross-reference

D) synonymous definition

7) The word “timbre” which has a number of meanings in French was borrowed into English as a musical term only. This phenomenon is called

A) phonetic assimilation

B) grammatical assimilation

C) lexical assimilation

D) graphical assimilation


8) Pick out a fore-clipping:

A) phone

B) coke

C) maths

D) a.m.


9) What is the semantic relation in the conversion pair “crowd – to crowd”?

A) agent of the action

B) instrumental relationship

C) instance of the action

D) action characteristic of the object


10) An observing man claims to have discovered the colour of the wind. He says he went out and found it blew.” On what linguistic phenomenon is the joke based?




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Studopedia.info - Студопедия - 2014-2024 год . (0.01 сек.) русская версия | украинская версия