Студопедия — To have
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To have

1. Before 1973, our University had only one faculty.

2. Each Sapsan train has 10 carriages, of which 2 are first-class and 8 are second-class.

3. Tomorrow I will have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic.

4. Railway cars have a very long service life – from 30 to 40 years.

5. We had unlimited access to all the facilities.

6. The London Underground has 273 stations with more than 470 trains running during peak periods.

7. All the railwaymen had the right of free travel by train once a year.

8. Each railway has two kinds of trains: regular trains and extra trains.

9. In 1840, the US had 2, 800 miles of railroad tracks consisting mainly of short lines.

10. The experimental locomotive will have a test run on a specially built track.


Ex. 2. Read the sentences and translate them, paying attention to the construction there + to be .

1. There is an escalator of only five steps at one of the Tokyo Metro stations.

2. There were no signaling devices at the first railways as there was no need for them.

3. There are four pairs of sliding doors on each side of a Metro car.

4. In April 1998, there was a 300 km traffic jam on the No 4 motorway (the main road from London to Wales) at the end of the Easter holidays.

5. There is one minute left before the train leaves.

6. Several people were injured (травмированы) in a train accident, but there were no fatalities.

7. In Britain, there are three types of passenger trains: fast intercity trains, stopping trains and commuter trains.

8. There will be a scheduled (предусмотренный графиком) train stop for 20 minutes at the next railway station.

9. There is usually a considerable increase in passenger traffic in summer.

10. In Metro, there are special pumps and fans that suck in the air from the street, purify it, and make it warm or cool on its way to the station.

11. Therewere locomotives at both ends of a heavy freight train.

12. Tickets cost £ 3; thereis a £ 1 discount for students.


Ex. 3. Complete the sentences with the verb to be in the required tense form and translate them.

1. There tobe a train at 6.15 and one at 10.30 but nothing in between. (Present)

2. In 1830, there tobe only 64 km of railroad track laid in America. (Past)

3. In the London Metro, there tobe 11 underground lines; each of them has its own color. (Present)

4. On each car of the first Metro trains, there tobe an attendant to operate the doors. (Past)

5. There tobe no trains today because the railroad workers are on strike. (Future)

6. Among the tunnels of the BAM, there tobe two of particular note: a 15-km Muisky tunnel and a 7-km Baikal tunnel. (Present)

7. There tobe one case of derailment of a freight train on a section of line at Bexley, Britain. (Past)

8. Nowadays, there tobe underground railways in 80 cities all over the world. (Present)

9. By 2030, there tobe a total of 1, 528 km of high-speed railway lines capable of handling passenger trains traveling at 350 km/h. (Future)

10. There tobe considerable public disquiet (беспокойство) about the safety of the new high speed trains. (Past)

11. In the US, there tobe a special discount for those passengers who buy return tickets. (Present)

12. On the first railways, there to be no conductors and an engine-driver collected the passengers’ fare (оплата за проезд) himself. (Past)


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