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Ex. 15. Say the same, using the Passive Voice

Model: The designerswill testthe new locomotive tomorrow.

The new locomotivewill be tested by the designers tomorrow.


1. The London Underground transports around a billion passengers a year.

2. The Cherepanovs constructed the first steam locomotive in Russia.

3. The conductor will check the tickets during the journey.

4. A dispatcher controls the movement of trains over a definite section of track.

5. Last year, Taiwan Railways bought 225 trailers and 56 power cars (вагон-электростанция).

6. The engineers will install the new equipment next week.

7. The state spends large sums of money to train skilled engineers.

8. Heavy snowstorms disorganized the movement of trains in this region.

9. At present, diesel locomotives handle about 50 % of the transportation.

10. Rudolf Diesel got his first patent for developing the internal combustion engine.


Ex. 16. Say the same, using the Active Voice.

Model: The heavy freight trainsare hauled by two locomotives.

Two locomotiveshaulthe heavy freight trains.


1. Two Japanese islands are connected by the long railway bridge.

2. The first electric locomotive was developed by Werner von Siemens.

3. The trains of the future will be operated by automatic drivers.

4. Before 1947, the Britain’s railways were owned by four private companies.

5. The Internet is often used by people to work at home.

6. Wood was replaced by steel as a material for constructing passenger cars.

7. The articles about high speed trains are published in each issue of the journal.

8. The renewal of signaling equipment of all the railroads will be financed by the government.

9. The passengers were invited to get on the train. (the attendant)

10. This distance is covered by train in an hour.


Ex. 17. Find grammar mistakes and correct them. The number of mistakes is pointed out in brackets.

1. When our train will start? (1)

2. Electrical equipment will be export from the France. (2)

3. There is two types bus stops in Britain – compulsory stops and request stops. (2)

4. We were inform of our train delay. (1)

5. Where did he bought the train tickets? (1)

6. The length the Great Trans-Siberian Mainline are 8, 000 km. (2)

7. Nowadays all the rail are make of steel. (2)

8. There are 3, 000 Americans who likes to collect antique cars. (1)

9. Does the railways play an important role in the transportation of freight? (1)

10. How often are trains run in our Metro? (1)

11. Werner von Siemens was constructed first experimental electric locomotive. (2)

12. What the equipment do this plant produces? (3)

13. There are twelve bridges and viaducts at these railway line. (2)

14. The profession an engineer require special training. (2)

15. How much students will works as car attendants in this summer. (3)



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