Ex. 8. Match the verbs in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B. Consult the dictionary if necessary
Ex. 9. Complete the sentences with the required verbs from Ex. 7. Four verbs should be used twice. Mind your grammar! 1. I ___ that you are very busy, but could I talk to you for a few minutes? 2. You don’t have to ___, no one can hear us. 3. In English the letter Q is always ___ by a U. 4. The plane came down so low that its wings ___ the trees. 5. She watched the boat sail out to sea until it ___ over the horizon. 6. That security guy never ___ me. I always have to show him my ID. 7. The teacher ___ at Marcus and told him to come to the front of the class. 8. An average household candle will ___ for about six hours. 9. Alice ___ deeply ___ that he hadn’t called back. 10. Sorry to ___ you, but could you help me one more time with the copier? 11. You should ___ the jeans ___ before you wash it. 12. The project’s organizers hope the government will ___ funding it next year. 13. She’s hard to ___. Everything has to be perfect. 14. We hadn’t seen each other in thirty years, but I ___ her right away. 15. The compass arrow always ___ north. 16. Train service was ___ for about ten minutes. 17. The patrol car ___ the BMW for a few miles and then lost it. 18. The letter had mysteriously ___ from the file overnight. 19. As the delegates entered the room; they were each ___ a name-badge. 20. When on stage, try not to ___ on the audience.