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I. Skim the text to grasp the general idea

Tourism: the biggest business in the world

Tourism is one of the biggest businesses in the world. There are nearly 800 million international tourist arrivals every year. it employs, directly or indirectly, one in fifteen of all workers worldwide, from A to Z, from airport cleaners to zookeepers, and includes bar staff, flight attendants, tour guides, and resort reps. It is a huge part of the economy of many countries-in countries such as the Bahamas, over 60% of the economy is based on tourism.

Tourism is a fast-growing business. When Thomas Cook organized his first excursion from Leicester to Loughborough in 1841, he probably didn’t know what he was starting. Key developments in the last 150 years or so have led to the rise of mass tourism. There have been technological developments in transport, in particular the appearance of air travel and charter flights. There have been changes in working practices, with workers getting paid holiday time and working shorter and more flexible hours.

In recent years we have seen the growth of the Internet and globalization, making the world seems a smaller but very fascinating place. The tourism industry grows faster and faster each year. In 1950, there were 25 million international tourist arrivals. In 2004 it is predicted to be 1.6 billion.

But what are the challenges today? The tourism industry is affected by many different things: international events, economic change, changes in fashion. New concerns and worries appear every year, for example as people become more worried about security and international terrorism, or as the value of their currency changes. But new destinations and new sources of tourists also seem to emerge every year.

Tourism survives. It is a powerful and sometimes dangerous force in the modern world. Tourism creates many good jobs and careers, but it also produces many poor and badly paid jobs. Tourism can help to protect environments and animal life, but it can also damage them. Tourism can save cultures and local way of life, but it can also destroy them. Tourism can change countries and people for the better, but it can also change them for the worse.

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. It is perhaps also the most important.

Robin Walker, Keith Harding, Tourism1, Oxford University Press


Reading comprehension

I. Scan the text and find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Explain the following words in English. Make up your own sentences with these words.

бортпроводник/стюард, ключевые моменты, в частности, чартерный рейс, гибкий график работы, преграда/препятствие, безопасность, курс обмена валют, пункт назначения, появляться.

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