North Carolina State University
A. Match the words and their meanings. What clues did you use?
1. result 2. determine 3. influence 4. umpires/referees 5. athleticism 6. curling 7. participate
a. people who make sure that competitors follow the rules b. physical ability с decision d. take part in e. affect f. decide g. a game
B. Finish these sentences in all the ways that are true for you. 1. A sport must be (competitive, difficult, athletic, serious, skillful, exciting, etc.) 2. A sport must have (rules, competitors, a clear winner, judges, a time limit, fans) C. Do you agree with the following definition of a sport? Why or why not? A human activity that is competitive, has a definite result, requires physical activity and/or physical skill. D. Would the author of the article agree with this definition? Why or why not?
Study vocabulary Travelling by train Vehicles and parts of vehicles baggage car, buffer, car with reserved seats, coach (carriage; car), compartment, compartment train, day coach, dining car, engine, express train, fast train, first (second, third) class car, first class sleeper, freight (goods) train, irregular (emergency) train, local (suburban) train, long-distance train, luggage rack, luggage van, mail train, passenger train, slow train, through train; upper, lower berth (bunk), People driver, engineer, passenger, porter, signalman, station master, ticket collector, (ticket) inspector Kinds of tickets fare, full ticket, return ticket, round trip ticket, season tickets, single ticket, travel half fare Places and facilities information office, inquiry office, junction, miss a train, platform, point, railway line, signal box, station, terminus, timetable, waiting room, whistle Word combinations be due in … minutes, catch a train, change trains, come to a stop, get on a train, get off a train, have a seat facing the engine, have a seat with one’s back to the engine Travelling by air Vehicles and parts of vehicles (air)plane, airliner, fair (cross, head) winds, fuselage, glider, helicopter, jet engine, light aircraft, propeller, safety belt, seat-belt, wing People air hostess, air steward, captain, customs officer Places and facilities air terminal, check-in desk, control tower, customs hall, duty-free shop, gate, hangar, runway Word combinations aircrash, altitude, be delayed, boarding card, cancel the flight, carry-on luggage, cruising speed, fasten seat belts, forced landing, get on plane, get off plane, gather speed, hijack (a plane), hit an air pocket, land\make a landing, non-stop flight, passport, rock (v), take off, taxi(v), visibility Travelling by sea