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Word Combinations. athletic training, starting signal, to abide by the rules, to stop watch, to break/violate the rules

athletic training, starting signal, to abide by the rules, to stop watch, to break/violate the rules, to warm up, to kick the ball, to be scheduled for, to run a lap, morning setting up exercises/morning push-ups (coll.), On your marks! /Ready! Get set! /Steady! Go!, physical development/education/fitness/training, in top physical condition, to qualify for the finals/for the championship


contest - a formal game or match in which two or more people, teams, etc. compete and attempt to win

competition —1) a contest in which a winner is selected from among two or more entrants

e.g. Are you thinking of entering the fishing competition?

2) a series of games, sports, events, etc.

e.g. qualification competition

game (AmE)/ match (BrE) — 1) a contest with rules

e.g. Today's baseball game is very important

2) a single period of play in a contest, sport, etc.

3) a single contest in a series, match

e.g. cup/final/semi-final match

4) (pi.; often capitalized) an event consisting of various sporting contests, esp. in ath­letics

e.g. Olympic Games, Highland Games

meet (AmE)/ meeting (BrE) — a formal game or sports event in which people, teams, etc. compete to win

e.g. The all-American track meet is scheduled for Saturday.

(sport) event - any contest in a program of sporting or other contests

e.g. The high jump is his event.

tournament - 1) a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to determine an overall winner

e.g. Laura has never actually won a professional golf tournament but she still earns a good living by playing.

2) a meeting for athletic or other sporting contestants

e.g. an archery tournament, a chess tournament, a tennis tournament

championship - any of various contests held to determine a champion in a particular sport

e.g. Lendi was knocked out in the first round of the US Open tennis championship.



bout — a boxing or wrestling or sumo contest

half — (in soccer) either of two equal periods of time into which a sports game is divided

e.g. No goals were scored in the first half.

innings — 1) (in cricket) a time during which a team or single player is batting

e.g. England made 25 runs in their first innings.

2) (in baseball) a time during which one team is batting

e.g. After four innings the score remains 1 -1.

period - (in boxing) a definite, timed part of a game

e.g. a rest between two periods

round — (in golf, boxing) a stage in a contest, competition

e.g. a qualified round, to play a round of golf. The fight lasted only five rounds. Norwich were knocked out in the third round of the Cup.

run — a point scored in cricket or baseball

e.g. He was in for twenty minutes before scoring his first run. Our team won by 87 runs.

set - (in a tennis match) a group of six or more games forming part of a match

e.g. She won the first set easily. A five-set match.


Summer/Winter Olympics/Olympic Games

• Olympic events (sports)

• International Olympic Committee (IOC)

• opening (inauguration) ceremony

• Olympic motto - " Citius, altius, fortius"

• Olympic oath


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 912. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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