Студопедия — Ex. 8. Use the correct form of the verb in passive
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Ex. 8. Use the correct form of the verb in passive


1. There isn't any food left. All of it (eat)! 2.1 couldn't wear my suit last Saturday. It (clean). 3. We didn't go to the party on Saturday because we (not/invite). 4. Wine (produce) in many parts of France. 5.1 can't find my car anywhere. I think it (steal). 6. By the time I arrived at the concert hall, there were no tickets left. They (all/sell). 7. How many languages (speak) in Switzerland? 8. The Tower of London (build) at the beginning of the eleventh century. 9. " What's going on in the hall? " " The windows (wash)". 10. Our house (break into) last week. 11. We couldn't use the photocopier yesterday morning. It (repair). 12. When (television/ invent)? 13. A compass (use) for showing direction. 14. Have you heard? The old police station (repaint). 15. The 1986 World Cup for soccer (play) in Mexico. 16. Millions of cars (export) from Japan every month. 17. Football (play) all over the world. 18.I (frighten) to death when I drove through Paris last month. 19. His car (damage) in an accident last month. 20. " What's happened? " " The window (break)." 21. " Can I take the documents? " " I'm afraid not. They (not/type) yet." 22. An island (surround) by water. 23. The electric bulb (invent) by Thomas Edison. 24. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory (build) next year. 25. The class was too large, so it (divide) into two sections. 26. A bracelet (wear) around the wrist. 27. The Johnsons' house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire (cause) by lightning. 28. " Is the plane going to be late? " " No. It (expect) to be on time." 29. The new highway (complete) sometime next month. 30. The World Cup soccer games (televise) all over the world. 31. The Washington Monument (visit) by hundreds of people every day. 32.I had to wait a little. When I came the students (test). 33. Last week I (offer) a job at a local bank, but I didn't accept. 34.I read about a hunter who (kill) by a wild animal. The hunter's fatal accident (report) in the newspaper yesterday. 35. My sweater (make) in England. 36. Language skills (teach) in every school in the country. 37. Beethoven's Seventh Symphony (perform) at the concert last night. 38. This com­position (write) by Ali. That one (write) by Yoko. 39. Paper, the main writing material today, (invent) by the Chinese. 40. When (the room/clean)? 41. How (the window/break)? 42. (anybody/ injure) in the accident?. 43. My brother (bite) by a dog last week. 44. How often (these rooms/clean)? 45. Many foreign movies (show) on television. 46. " Is this an old movie? " " Yes, it (make) in 1949." 47. Tony (bear) in Rome. Where (you/bear)? 48. The documents (type) by the time you return. 49. The accident (see) by several people. 50. The books (send) tomorrow. 51. There are a lot of students in the hall. A new film (show). 52. Maria is happy. She (offer) a good job. Peggy is also very happy. She (award) a scholarship. 53. Rice (grow) in many countries. 54.1 (tell) to be here at ten o'clock. 55. " (you/send) an invitation to the wedding? " " No." 56. Dinner (serve) at six. 57. A test (give) in the next room right now. 58. You'(send) a bill at the end of the month. 59. Fred is pleased. He (pay) five hundred dollars in consulting fees. 60. Don't water the plants. They just (water). 61. The news (announce) tomorrow. 62. The farmer's wagon (pull) by two horses. 63. That play (write) by Shakespeare. 64.1 think Ann (invite) to the party tomorrow. 65. A new idea (suggest) by Shirley. She is very proud of it. 66. The librarian said that the book (return) to the library some days ago. 67. By this time tomorrow, the announcement (make). 68. (that course/teach) by Prof. Jackson? I know that it (not/teach) by Prof. Adams. 69. There is a nasty smell coming from the sitting-room. The floor (paint) there. 70.1 (interview) by the assistant manager. I was very excited during the interview, but I got the job. 71. America (discover) by Christopher Columbus.


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