A Capital letters
to begin a sentence T hank you for your letter of 28 July. for names of people J im, H elen, M r A rmstrong, M rs J ones for names of organisations E uropean C ommunity, M inistry of F inance for titles of books, etc As Jim Tucker said in ‘ M anaging C hange’ for names of places P aris, F rance, E urope for calendar information M onday, M arch, N ew Y ear’s D ay · In book and film titles, small words like and, a/the and prepositions do not usually have capitals, unless they are at the beginning. His latest book is called ‘ I n the Heat of the Economic Night’. · Some words can be written with capitals, or in lower case. These are: seasons in S pring, in s pring decades the N ineties, the n ineties jobs She is a good s ales d irector (general use), S ales D irector (job title) compass points the e ast of Scotland (description), the Far E ast (place name) B Full stop (.)
· Full stops are sometimes used in abbreviations to show that letters in a word are missing. In modern British English they are not used so often. Prof. E. Taylor M.P e.g. i.e. etc. C Comma (,)
We do a lot of business with Asia, and it’s an important market for us. We do a lot of business with Asia, which is an important market for us. But we use a full stop, not a comma, to separate complete sentences. We do a lot of business with Asia. It’s an important market for us. (NOT · A comma is used in lists, except for the last two items where we use and. This product is safe, hygienic, practical and cheap. We can use a comma before and if the last two items in the list are long. This product is safe, easy to maintain, and kind to the environment. · Linking words at the beginning of a sentence are followed by a comma. In fact, the Portuguese market is growing fast. Linking words in the middle of a sentence have commas before and after. The Portuguese market, on the other hand, is growing fast. · Commas are used with non-defining relative clauses. This product, which is the top of our range, retails at £ 250. · A comma can introduce direct quotes. A Lloyds agent said, ‘This will mean some very large claims.’ · When writing direct speech we use a comma before the actual words spoken. In reported speech commas are not used. Compare: Your sales director said, ‘Yes, that might be possible.’ Your sales director said it might be possible. · Study where we put a comma with large numbers: 260 1, 569 18, 500 127, 000 4, 650, 000 Note that in some other languages a dot is used here. A dot in English represents a decimal point. D Semi-colon (;)
We need better technology; better technology costs money.
Institutional investors include Nomura, the Japanese securities house; GEC of the US; and Charterhouse, the UK investment bank. E Colon (:)
The input selector has four positions: CD, DVD, tuner and auxiliary. · A colon can introduce an explanation of the previous part of the sentence. China is booming: output is up, profits are up, confidence is high. · A colon is also used to introduce examples. We’re entering a lot of new markets, eg: the Baltic states. F Speech marks (‘ ’) (“ ”)
‘ This share issue will supply the capital we need, ’ said Alan Jones of MSD. Alan Jones of MSD said, ‘ This share issue will supply the capital we need. ’ · Titles and headings of books, reports, articles, etc, are sometimes put inside single speech marks, and we put punctuation outside in this case. I strongly recommend Jim Tucker’s new book ‘ Managing Change ’. Book titles, etc, can also be put in italics rather than speech marks. G Question mark (?) and exclamation mark (!)
He asked, ‘What are the most important issues facing our company? ’ · Exclamation marks are used in informal writing, but are not considered appropriate in formal writing. They show surprise, pleasure, etc. Guess what’s happened! I’ve just got promoted!
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