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Упр. 48. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

... crow once said to her children: "It's... high time for you to look for... food." With these words she turned them out of... nest and took them to... field. But... crow's children did not like... idea. "We'd rather go back to... nest," they cried. "It's so nice when you bring... food to us!" "Indeed!" said their mother. "You are big enough to feed yourselves. My mother turned me out of... nest when I was much younger, and I had to take... care of myself." "But... people will kill us with their guns," said... young crows. "No... fear of that," answered their mother. "Before... people shoot, they take... aim, and that takes... time. When you see... man raising... gun to his face, you must just fly away."."That's... sim­ple thing to do," said... children, "but supposing... man or... boy wants to throw... stone at us: in such... case he won't have to take... aim." "Well, then he will have to bend down to pick up... stone," said... crow. "But what if he carries... stone in his hand ready?" "Why, if you are clever enough to think of that," said... mother, "you are clever enough to take... care of yourselves." And she flew away leaving... young crows in... field.

Упр. 49. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. Is this... interesting book? Is this... very interesting book? Is this... very interesting book you have spoken about so much? It is such... in­teresting book. Is it... same book you have recom­mended to us? 2. She is... teacher. She is... good teacher. She is... teacher of our school. She is... teacher of... English. Here is... teacher, ask her about... question which interests you. 3. There is... word in... text which I cannot understand. There is... very difficult word, too, which I cannot pro nounce. Here is... word I was looking up in the dictionary. This word is... adverb. 4.... first men wore vegetarians. 5. Serfdom was abolished in... Russia in... 19th century. 6. Columbus, who dis­covered... America, was... native of... Genoa, 7.... Rome is... ancient town. 8.... Ireland,.., Scotland and... Wales are parts of... United King­dom.

Упр. 50. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

... Russia is such... large country that when it is night in one part of... country, it is day in another part, when it is winter in one part of... country, it is already summer in another. Imagine it is... beginning of... May now. It is spring in... St. Petersburg.... weather is fine. It is still cool at... night, but it is quite warm in... afternoon. It sometimes rains, but... rain is warm, too.... ground is covered with... soft green grass, and... trees are covered with... green leaves. But while it is spring in St. Petersburg, it is still winter in... north of our country at... beginning of... May, Here it is cold and sometimes frosty,... rivers and... seas are covered with... ice.... ice does not melt in some places even in summer.... ground is covered with... deep snow. In... south of our coun­try... weather is quite different. It is already sum­mer in... Caucasus and in... Crimea. It is much warmer than in St. Petersburg. It is sometimes even hot.... sky is usually cloudless and it seldom rains here. People wear... summer clothes.

Упр. 51. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

... train stopped at... little station.... passenger looked out of the window of... train carriage and, saw... woman selling... cakes.... man had not had.'... breakfast in... morning. He was hungry and wanted to buy... cake.... woman was standing rather far from... carriage.... man did not want to go and buy... cake himself because he was afraid to miss... train. He saw... boy who was walking along... platform near... carriage. He called... boy and asked him: "How much does... cake cost?" "Three pence, sir," answered... boy.... man gave him a sixpence and said: "Bring me... cake, and with... other three­ pence buy... cake for yourself."... boy took... money and went to... woman. A few minutes later... boy returned. He was eating... cake. He gave... man three pence change and said: "... woman had only one cake, sir."

Запомните следующее застывшее словосочета­ние:

The fact is (was) that...

Обратите внимание на употребление артикля со словом other (другой):

another — другой (неопределенный), какой-то другой, еще один (во множественном числе или перед неисчисляемым существительным — other.)

the other — другой (определенный), тот дру­гой, другой из двух.

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