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Exercise 21. Read student letters and fill in the boxes.

· Make a review of students letters (10-12 sentences)

· Write your own Student Profile (10-12 sentences)


  Student course name \ when Specialist area prospects positive
4. Alex        
5. Ann        


Useful language: to join, to learn subjects, to provide with, to become, …

Student Profile 1 (Andrew)

The course is tailored to bring together all the previously studied topics and pushed me onwards into new areas such as Computational Fluid Dynamics and Advanced Aerodynamics. I joined the Aeronautical Engineering course two years ago with a view to fulfill my ambition of becoming a professional engineer. Both an undergraduate and Master’s degree (MSc) are required to achieve this benchmark. It took a lot of time to master this subject area. This course provides a student with analytical skills and stimulates interest in space engineering and high-speed travel. The course gives you the chance to advance your career to management levels, testing and design positions within the aeronautical industry. This is a challenging field to work in.


Student Research Profile 2 (Mitchel)

I became interested in solar energy while working on my undergraduate project three years ago. During my third year project I was involved in materials science research. The research project was aimed at the renewable energy sector. The idea was to come up with a coating for the outer layer of a solar panel that would allow to absorb the energy form it more efficiently. The University is very good for materials science and research. By the way the Centre for Solar Energy Research has modern facilities such as specialist microscopes and spectrometers. I appreciated working with people I could bounce ideas off. I enjoyed the internal collaboration between the groups as well as external contacts with overseas universities.


Student Profile 3 (Peter)

If you want to be in the heart of electronic invention this course is ideal. State-of -the-art IT facilities and analytical tools support the taught and research elements of the degree. Msc the Advanced Electronic Techniques provides core analytical studies covering three areas: digital system design (microprocessors and programmable gate arrays), automatic-test system design and radio frequency design. There are options covering the fields of image processing. I am going to join this course next year. On completion of this course you will be able to progress to a job as an electronics design engineer at an advanced level. It is known that skills in digital electronics are required to develop innovations.

Student Profile 4 (Alex)

This is an industry focused course. The focus of this course is on the research and development in such areas as computational analysis, advanced propulsion, structural design, advanced material development and manufacturing technologies. It has strong links with industries. There is great demand for mechanical and aerospace manufacturing engineers. An engineering Masters qualification is now required if you wish to become a Chartered Engineer. State-of -the-art IT facilities and analytical tools support the taught and research elements of the degree. I would like to take Mechanical Engineering course in three years on getting my Bachelor's degree. On completion of this course you will be able to lead innovative design, development and application of new and cutting-edge technology. I am looking forward to master this course.

Student Profile 5 (Ann)

The focus on this course will be on research and development (R&D) in such areas as computational analysis, design, advanced propulsion, structural design, composite and advanced material development. This MRes Composites was designed in collaboration with industry. This course covers the theory and mechanics of composites and environmental aspects. You will also learn the recyclability and safety issues. Completing the MRes course could lead you to a career in aircraft research. You will be able to apply modern management approaches and carry out extensive research projects. I am going to join this course in a year. Unfortunately I failed to pass my final exams last year. I was not awarded Bachelor's Degree. I hope to do my best and undertake all assignments to complete my first degree.


Text 1 D. Historical Background (supplementary text)

The history of our institution, Bauman MHTS (Moscow Higher Technical School) or BMSTU dates back to 1830. Emperor Nicholas I confirmed the ‘statute of the industrial school’ to open in Moscow. Vocational schools were required. The aim of the new School was to train skillful craftsmen with a solid theoretical background. In 1868 the academic standards of school were high and it was reorganized into a special institution of higher learning - the Imperial Moscow Technical School. Its major task then was to instruct mechanical and production engineers and technicians. Great success was achieved in structural mechanics, chemical and textile industries. In 1876 at the World Fair in Philadelphia “the Russian Method” of engineering education created by IMTS was recognized and highly appreciated. Lectures in theoretical subjects werecombined with the intensive industrial experience in HTS workshops. This achievement was awarded the Golden prize.

In 1918 several research institutes were launched by MHTS including TSAGI (Central Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics Institute). The 20th century witnessed the creation of new institutes on the basis of BMSTU faculties. They are: Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow State Textile Institute, Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering, Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow Technological Institute for Food Industry, the Central Aerohydrodynamics Research Institute, the National Research Institute, the Research Institute of Automobile Engines and others.

In 1938 new departments of defence profile were opened in MHTS: armored vehicles and tanks, artillery and ammunition. The Great Patriotic War set new tasks. To meet the demands a special design bureau was set up. They succeeded in developing the entirely new antitank gun. And in 1948 a department of rocketry was added.

The history of our University is closely connected with N.E. Zhukovskiy who in 1878 established and headed the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and delivered lectures in aeronautics. Many famous scientists and specialists graduated from our School: the aircraft and rocket designers Academician A. N. Tupolev and S.P. Korolev; Academician N. A. Dollezhal, the chief designer of atomic piles; Academician S. A Lebedev, the chief designer of computers; and others. In 1989 the MHTS was conferred a new name: Bauman Moscow State Technical University (B MSTU).

(2500 characters)


Exercise 22. Are there any major differences between the systems of university education in Russia and Britain? Give examples to support the ideas you put forward. Fill in the boxes.


  Differences Russian universities Similarities Differences English universities
Academic year      


Exercise 22. Make a short report supported by slides on the following topics:

1. The historical background of Cambridge University.
2. The historic review of the University you attend.
3. The famous achievements of your University.
4. The facilities available at your University.
5. The benefits offered by a university education.
6. The differences and similarities in the arrangement of studies (academic year,

vacations, assessment, admission, degrees, tutorials, etc.) between Russian and UK

7. A review of Cambridge (or Oxford, Harvard, Massachusetts university etc.)
8. Famous people and scientists (University graduates).

9. The top 100 world universities (Ranking List 2015 )

10. Nobel Prize winners and their discoveries.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 472. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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