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Веб-сайты. Райхианская теория и практика

Райхианская теория и практика


Сайт служит для предоставления информации по работе Вильгельма Райха. Включает путеводители по публикациям и организациям, онлайновые статьи по райхианской теории и практике, информацию о конференциях и практических семинарах, а также ссылки на другие сайты, посвященные работе Райха.

Фелденкрайс и биоэнергетика


Данный сайт содержит информацию, посвященную широкому кругу подходов к соматической психологии, в особенности к целительству.

Раздел, посвященный Фелденкрайсу, включает сайт Североамериканской гильдии Фелденкрайса (Feldenkrais Guild for North America), с онлайновыми уроками и руководством для специалистов, практикующих метод Фелденкрайса.

Раздел, посвященный биоэнергетике, включает сайт Международного института биоэнергетики (International Institute for Bioenergetic), содержащий информацию по теории биоэнергетики, тренинги, исследования, публикации и перечень специалистов, предоставляющих услуги по биоэнергетике.


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Barlow, W. (1973). The Alexander technique. New York: Knopf.

Bean, O. (1971). Me and the orgone. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Berkowitz, L. (1973). The case for bottling up rage. Psychology Way, 7(2), 24-31.

Best, A. (1999). The holistic healing resource of erotic energy. Dissertation Abstracts, 55, 4455.

Boadella, D. (1973). Wilhelm Reich: The evolution of his work. London: Vision.

Boadella, D. (1987). Lifestreams: An introduction to biosynthesis. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

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Conger, J. (1988). Jung and Reich: The body as shadow. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic.

Cranmer, D. (1994). Core energetics. In D. Jones (Ed.), Innovative therapy. Buckingham, England: Open University Press, p. 117-130.

Dimon, T. (1997). The undivided self. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Feldenkrais, M. (1950). Body and mature behavior. New York: International Universities Press.

Feldenkrais, M. (1966). Image, movement, and actor: Restoration of potentiality. Tulane Drama Review, 3, 112-126.

Feldenkrais, M. (1972). Awareness through movement. New York: Harper & Row.

Feldenkrais, M. (1977). The case of tiara: Body awareness as healing therapy. New York: Harper & Row.

Feldenkrais, M. (1981). The elusive obvious. Cupertino, СA: Meta Publications.

Feldenkrais, M. (1985). The fotent self. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Fernald, P. (2000). Carl Rogers: Body-centered counselor. Journal of Counseling and Development, 78, 172-179.

Frey, A. (1965). Behavioral biophysics. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 322-337.

Higgens, M., & Raphael, С (1967). Reich speaks of Freud. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

Jones, F. (1967). Body awareness in action. New York: Schocken Books.

Josephs, L. (1995). Balancing empathy and interpretation: Relational character analysis. Northvale, NJ: Aronson.

Keen, S. (1970a). Sing the body electric. Psychology Today, 5, 56-58, 88.

Keen, S. (1970b). My new carnality. Psychology Today, 5, 59-61.

Keleman, S. (1971). Sexuality, self and survival. San Francisco: Lodestar Press.

Keleman, S. (1973a). Todtmoos. San Francisco: Lodestar Press.

Keleman, S. (1973b). The human ground. San Francisco: Lodestar Press.

Keleman, S. (1976). Tour body speaks its mind. New York: Pocket Books.

Keleman, S. (1979). Somatic reality. Berkeley, CA: Center Press.

Kelley, С (1962). What is orgone energy? Santa Monica, СA: Interscience Workshop.

Keleman, S. (1970). Education in feeling and purpose. Santa Monica, CA: Interscience Workshop.

Keleman, S. (1971). Primal scream andgenital character: A critique of Janov and Reich. Santa Monica, CA: Interscience Workshop.

Keleman, S. (1972). The new education. Santa Monica, CA: Interscience Research Institute.

Lawrence, D. H. (1955). Sex, literature and censorship. London: Heinemann.

Leibowitz, J. (1967-1968). For the victims of our culture: The Alexander technique. Dance Scope, 4, 32-37.

Linklater, K. (1972). The body training of Moshe Feldenkrais. The Drama Review, 16, 23-27.

Lowen, A. (1969). The betrayal of the body. New York: Macmillan.

Lowen, A. (1971). The language of the body. New York: Macmillan.

Lowen, A. (1975). Bioenergetics. New York: Penguin Books.

Lowen, A. (1980). Fear of life. New York: Macmillan.

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Lowen, A. (1989). Bioenergetic analysis. In R. J. Corsini & D. Wedding (Eds.), Current psychotherapies (4th ed.). Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock.

Lowen, A. (1990). The spirituality of the body. New York: Macmillan.

Lowen, A. (1992). Bioenergetic analysis: A mind-body therapy. In J. Zeig (Ed.), The evolution of psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Lowen, A., & Lowen, L. (1977). The way to vibrant health: A manual of bioenergetic exercises. New York: Harper & Row.

Macdonald, P. (1970). Psychophysical integrity. Bulletin of Structural Integration, 2, 23-26.

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Mann, W. (1973). Orgone, Reich and eras. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Mann, W., & Hoffman, E. (1980). The man who dreamed of tomorrow: The life and thought of Wilhelm Reich. Los Angeles: Tarcher.

Moss, D., & Shane, P. Body therapies in humanistic psychology. In D. Moss (Ed.), Humanistic and teranspersonal psychology: A historical and biographical sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

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Reich, I. (1969). William Reich: A personal biography. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Reich, W. (1961). Selected writings. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux (Noonday Press).

Reich, W (1970a). The sexual revolution. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

Reich, W (1970b). The mass psychology of fascism. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

Reich, W. (1973). The function of the orgasm. New York: Touchstone.

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Reich, W (1990). The passion of youth: An autobiography. New York: Paragon.

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Robinson, P. (1969). The Freudian left. New York: Harper & Row.

Rolf, I. (1962). Structural integration: Gravity, an unexplored factor in a more human use of human beings. Boulder, CO: Guild for Structural Integration.

Rolf, I. (n.d.). Exercise. The Bulletin of Structural Integration Anthology, 1, 31-34.

Rolf, I. (1977). Rolfing: The integration of human structures. Santa Monica, CA: Dennis-Landman.

Rycroft, C. (1971). Wilhelm Reich. New York: Viking Press.

Schutz, W, & Turner, E. (1977). Body fantasy. New York: Harper & Row.

Selver, C., & Brooks, С (1966). Report on work in sensory awareness and total functioning. In H. Otto (Ed.), Exploriitwns in human potentialities. Springfield, IL: Thomas.

Shafarman, S. (1998). Awareness heals. London: Thorsons.

Sterba, R. (1976). Clinical and therapeutic aspects of character resistance. In M. Bergmann & F. Hartman (Eds.), The evolution of psychoanalytic technique. New York: Basic Books.

Stransky, J. (1969). An interview with Judith Stransky. Bulletin of Structural Integration, 2, 5-11.

Tart, C. (1989). Open mind, discriminating mind. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

West, W. (1994). Post-Reichian therapy. In D. Jones (Ed.), Innovative therapy. Buckingham, England: Open University Press.

Wildman, F. (2000). Feldenkrais movement exercises. San Francisco, CA: Movement Studies Institute.

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