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Lesson 13


Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from the table.


I Will (not) have done it by that time.
He shall     written it by five o'clock.
She       translated it by the time she comes.
We       built it by the end of the year.
You       prepared it before I return.
They       had dinner when he comes back.

Exercise 2. Turn the following into the Future Perfect.

Model: / had done my homework by 9 o'clock.— I shall have done my homework by 9 o'clock

. 1. They had built the new school by the first of September. 2. The teacher had looked through our exercise-books by that time. 3. We had discussed the report by four o'clock in the afternoon. 4. The pupils had read three English books by the end of the year. 5. I had written the composition by 9 o'clock.

Exercise 3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future Indefinite or the Future Perfect.

1. He (to receive) the telegram tomorrow. 2. He (to receive) the telegram by tomorrow. 3. I (to do) the exercises by seven o'clock. 4. I (to do) the exercises in the afternoon. 5. By this time you (to take your examination). 6. You (to take) your examination next week. 7. The teacher (to correct) our dictations in the evening. 8. The teacher (to correct) our dictations by the next lesson.

Exercise4 Use the verbs in Future Perfect.

1. I (to do) it by that time.2. He (to write) a letter by the time she comes.3. We (to build) a new house by the end of the year.4. Mother (not a cook) dinner when we come home.5. You (to do) your homework by seven o'clock?6. They (not to arrive) by the evening.7. Why she (not to come) by five o'clock?8. Who (to take) exam this time?9. He (to read) this book by the end of the month?10. I (not to look) by this time through all the magazines.

Exercise 5 Translate using Future Perfect.

1. Biн не перекладе цю статтю до третьої години.Вона виконає цю роботу до кінця місяця.Чому твій друг не напише статтю до вечора?Ти закінчиш читати цю книжку до завтра?Чи здійсниться моє бажання до Нового року?Вони до того часу вже підуть.Чому вона не почне працювати до дев'ятоі ранку?Чи закічиться ця телепередача до четвертої години?Вчитель до завтра перев1рить вci роботи.

10. До того часу дгти вже приберуть в кімнaтi?Bci туристи зберуться бшя готелю до шостої. Ніхто не прийде сюди до кінця дня.

Exercise6 Open the brecets using Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect.

1. He (to write) a letter tomorrow.He (to write) a letter at seven o'clock tomorrow.He (to write) a letter by seven o'clock tomorrow.When I come home tomorrow, he (to write) a letter.Where she (to go) to buy a new dress?What language he (to speak) by the next year?They (to write) the test from two till three.We (to have) supper by half-past seven.What time he (to come) this evening? - He (to come) by seven o'clock.I (to meet) you at the station at nine o'clock tomorrow. — My train already (to arrive) by that time.You (to finish) everything by this evening?We (to do) washing-up by the time mother comes.What you (to buy) him for his birthday?What dress she (to buy) by the party?He (to have) his French lesson at ten o'clock.

Exercise7 Translate using Present Simple, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect.

1. Мої батьки прийдуть додому о сьомій годині. Я зроблю уроки до цього часу.2.Biн працюватиме в саду, коли його дружина повернеться з роботи.3.Мама вже приготуе обід до того часу, як я прийду
додому.4.Що ти робитимеш завтра? — Я зроблю вci уроки до другої години, a noтім до вечора сидггиму над англійською мовою.5.Як тільки мій друг повернеться додому, вш почне працювати над доповіддю. Biн напише її до десятої години.6.Не дзвоніть йому завтра о п'ятій. Він буде дуже зай-
нятий в цей час. Вш буде обговорювати важливе питання.7. Телеграма прийде, коли ви не чекатимете п.8.Якщо ти прийдеш до сьомо!, я приготую тo6i смачну вечерю.9. Коли ти закінчиш писати свою книгу, ти покажет її мені? — Думаю, що покажу ii тo6i через місяць.10.Ми приготуемо вci необхідні документи до того часу, як ви зайдете до нас у оф1с.11. Як тільки я буду вільний, я подзвоню вам сам.

12.Ми чекатимемо на тебе біля кафе. Ти закінчиш cвоїсправи до цього часу?13.Що ти робитимеш о п'ятій? — Не знаю, але я думаю, що до цього часу Biн вже складе icпит.14. Ти знаеш, о котрій годині вони повернуться додому?15.Вони переїдуть до нового будинку до Нового року.

Lesson 14


Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from the table.


I have been working at this plant for half an hour.
He Has been learning English for three years.
She   looking for it since 5 o'clock.
We   waiting for them since 1969.
You   building this factory since I came here.
They   playing chess since I have been here.

Exercise 2. Make thefollowing interrogative.

1. The film has been running for a month. 2. They have been waiting for the director since two o'clock. 3. The boy has been keeping the book for a month already. 4. The pupils have been translating the text for an hour and a half. 5.It has been raining since the morning.

Exercise 3. Express the same idea in one sentence instead of two by using the Present Perfect Continuous.

Model: / began to do this exercise a quarter of an hour ago. I am still doing it. — / have been doing this exercise for a quarter of an hour.

1. My sister began to learn French two years ago. She is still learning it. 2. Our teacher began to teach English fifteen years ago. He is still teaching it. 3. I began to look for this magazine half an hour ago. I am still looking for it. 4. His father began to work at the railway station in 1962. He is still working there. 5. The boy fell asleep at ten o'clock. He is still sleeping.

Exercise 4. Ask your classmate:

1. if he learns English; 2. when he began to study English; 3. since when he has been learning English; 4. how long he has been studying English; 5. where his father works; 6. how long his father has been working there; 7. if itis snowing now; 8. if it snowed yesterday; 9. if it has been snowing since the morning.

Exercise5. Put questions to the italicized words.

1. He has been playing chess since the childhood. 2. His younger brother has been skating for an hour. 3. Mary has been looking after the baby since her mother went to the market. 4. We have been looking for you for half an hour. 5. Ann has been speaking over the telephone for the last ten minutes.

Exercise6. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Where are the pupils? — They (to plant) trees. They (to plant) them since the morning. They always (to plant) trees in October. They already (to plant) several hundred trees this year. 2. Ann (to have) her music lesson now. She (to hay-e) her music lessons twice,a week. 3. I am going to4take a walk.,. I (to do) all my home exercises already. I (to do) them forlhree hours. 4. Since when they (to build) this house? 5. At last I (to find) the book I need. I (to look for) it for a quarter of an hour. 6. Don't shout. Helen (to read) an English book. She (to work) at her English every day. She (to learn) this language for three years. She (to read) many English stories this year. 7. What you (to do) in the morning? 8. What you (to do) since the morning?

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

1. What is your favourite subject? How long have you been studying it? 2. When did you begin to learn English? How long have you been learning it? 3. When did you go to the library last time? What books did you take there? How long have you been keeping them? 4. Do you play chess? Since when have you been playing it? 5. Where did you buy your coat? Since when have you been wearing it?6. Where do you live? How long have you been living there? 7 I have been reading a book for five days. Today is the twenty-first of September. When did I begin to read it? 8. I вegan to do my homework at 6 o'clock. I'm still doing it.
It is 8 o'clock now. How long have I been doing my homework? 9. We b«gan to discuss this question at two o'ciock.10.We have been discussing it for an hour and a half. Whattime is it now? 10. The children have been watching television for 45 minutes. It is 7 o'clock now. At what time didthey begin to watch television?


Exercise 8. Translate using Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Я продивляюсь статп з nятої ранку.Він грае в футбол з дитинства.Вона розмовляє по телефону вже майже годину.Скільки ви вивчаєте англійську мову? — Я вивчаю цю мову вже три роки.Вони вже швтори години обговорюють це питання.Дгги гуляють вже чотири години?Він думае про неї впродовж дня.Скільки вона чекає автобус? —ВБона чекає його вж ечверть години.Ми обговорюємо план роботи з п'ятої години.3 якого часу ви працюете в бібліотеці? — Я працюю тут з ранку.Хлопці сперечаються вже двадцять хвилин.Скільки дгги граються на вулиці? — Вони граються з десятї! ранку.Сьогодні з ранку іде дощ.Він живе в Лондоні вже 10 років.Хто з ваших колег працює на заводі з 1970?


Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Що ти робиш? — Чекаю автобуса. Скільки часу ти чекаєш його? — Я чекаю його вже десять хвилин. 2. Ми вивчаємо англійську мову. Ми вивчаємо її вже чотири роки. 3. 3 якого часу його батько працюе головним инженером заводу? 4. Дощ іде зранку. 5. Ніна загубила ручку, вона вже чверть години шукає її. 6. Микола закінчив середню школу три роки тому. 3 того часу він працює на заводі. 7. Коли ви почали читати цю книжку? Скільки разів ви вже прочитали? Скільки часу ви читаєте її? 8. Учні вже швтори години обговорюють роман, який вони читали минулого місяця.

Exercise10. Insert the verb in Present Perfect або у Present Perfect Continuous.

1. She (to be) ill since last week.He (to know) me since childhood.I (to try) to understand you for half an hour.He (to be) in Kyiv for three years.-She (to look) for her key since she came home.They (to be) here since two o'clock.My sister (to sleep) for ten hours.We (to be) married since 1977.How long Mary and Ann (to know) each other?We (not to see) them for three months.His car is very old. He (to have) it for many years.It (to snow) for four hours.

Exercise11. Put the verb in: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Pre­sent Perfect,or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Her children (to be) in the yard. They (to play) football
now. They (to play) it since ten o'clock.2. She (to speak) English well. She (to study) it for five
years. Listen! She (to speak) English to her teacher.3.His son just (to return) home. He (to be) dirty. He (toplay) volley-ball.4.Where David (to be)? — He (to be) in the library. He (towork) there at the moment. — How long he (to be) there? — He (to work) for three hours.5. Why she (to look) tired? — She (to work) all night.7. Since when they (to wait) for us? — They (to wait) forhalf an hour. We (to be) late.8. My sister (to drive) a car. She (to learn) to drive for two months. 9. Beth (to be) busy this morning, hasn't she? — Yes. She already (to write) some letters and (to interview) four people.10. Julia already (to return) home. She always (to come)home at this time.11. She (to do) her lessons. She (to do)
them since three o'clock.11. My baby (to sleep) at the moment. My baby (to sleep)
for two hours.12. Peter (to write) letters now. He (to write) since seven o'clock. He (not to finish) writing yet.13. What they (to do) now? — They (to discuss) a very important problem. They (to discuss) it for two hours; but they (not to reach) the agreement yet14.I never (to suppose) that he can cook. He*(to be) in thekitchen now. He (to cook) for an hour and he already(to prepare) some tasty dishes.15. The weather (to be) fine today. There (to be) no cloudsin the sky, the warm wind (to blow). The sun (to shine)since early morning.16. Where (to be) the pupils? — They (to be) in the garden
now. They (to plant) and (to water) the trees. They already (to plant) twenty trees.17. You (to decide) where to go tonight? - I (to think)about it since eight o'clock but I (not to take) the deci­sion yet18. Where my purse (to be)? — You (to put) it into your bag.19. Why you (not to like) this woman? - I (to hate) since Imet her.He (to work) as a translator for already five years.

14. I can say nothing about this ballet as I (not to see) it.

Exercise 12 Translate the sentences using Pr esent Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

1. На кого ти чекаеш? — Я чекаю на свою подругу. Ястою тут вже п'ятнадцять хвилин, але вона ще не прийшла.2.Міжнародний семінар щойно завершився. Він тривав майже тиждень.3.Сьогодні дуже холодно. Небо вкрито хмарами, іде сніг. 3 ранку дме лютий вггер.4 Вона вже пошила co6i нову сукню? — Hi. Вона все ще шиє її. Вона шиє її вже кілька тижнів, але сукня ще не готова.5. Ти вже три години переписуєш цю вправу. Перестань писати i відпочинь трохи. 6.Я тільки зараз зрозумів, що його немає вдома.7. Вже сорок хвилин ми доводимо тo6i, що ти неправий,? — Biн на роботі Він працюе уже чотири годинии, але ти все ще не зважаеш на наші доводи.8. Де лікар? — Він оглядає пацієнта в своему кабінеті Вш там уже п'ять хвилин.9. Чому ти така схвильована? — Цілий день я намагаюсь
додзвонитись до cвoi'x батьюв, але ніхто не відповідає. Де вони можуть бути?10. Вони дуже виснажені. Чому? - Весь день вони важко працювали, а тепер вони хочуть відпочити.11. Де ваш собака?! Biн розірвав мою книжку!12.Вони завжди були відданими друзями. Вони знали один одного з дитинства.

2. 13. Чому ти так розчарована? — Мені чомусь розподобалася сукня, яку я сьогодш купила. Я вже'трич! приміряла її 14.Де Пітер? — Biн пішов кататися на ковзанах. — Скільки вiн кататиметься? — Він тільки що пішов на ковзанку. Ти можеш наздогнати його, якщо поквапишся.15. Бабуся всюди шукає свої окуляри. Куди вона ix поклала?


Lesson 15


Exercise 108. Make up five sentences from each table.


I had been sleeping for an hour when he came.
He   waiting for him for 20 minutes before she left.
She   working here for five years by that time.
We   looking for it for 3 months by 8 o'clock.
You   living there    
I said that I had been working there for a long time.
He thought   he     studying it since 1970.
She wrote   she     reading all day.
We knew   -   staying here for an hour.
You     you,     playing chess  
They     they     riding  

Exercise 109. Change from direct into indirect speech.

1. The girl said, "I have been thinking about it all day." 2. He said, "She has been behaving strangely." 3. Tom said, "I've only been in the country for two days." 4. The teacher said, "I've been correcting your dictations." 5. The boys said, "We have been rowing for a long time."


Exercise 110. Turn the following into the Past Perfect Continuous. Add

other words indicating a past moment as in thejnodel.

Model: / have been waiting for you for half an hour. —

/ had been waiting for you for half an hour when

you came.

1. I have been packing my things for an hour and a half. He has been working in the laboratory for two years.They have been quarrelling for a long time. 4. The children have been skating for an hour. 5. He has been wearing this suit for a year. 6. My brother has been serving in the army for two years.


Впр. 111. Use the verb in Past Perfect Continuous.(Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Past Perfect Continuous).

1. I (to do) my lessons for an hour when my parents came.2. He was tired as he (to play) badminton for several hours.3. She (to sleep) two hours when we returned 4. It (to rain) for half an hour when I left home.5. The weather was cold as the severe wind (to blow) since yesterday.6. Who (to wait) for you at the station for a quarter of an hour when you arrived?7. How long you (to watch) television when your mother entered your room?8. She (to take) the bath for ten minutes when I rang her.9. They (to swim) in the swimming-pool when mother appeared.10. Since when you (to clean) your flat when your granny came home?


Exercise 112. Translate into English.

1. Коли я увійшов до класу, учні обговорювали план екскурсїї. Вони обговорювали його вже 20 хвилин. 2. Коли Ольга закінчила інститут, її сестра вже п'ять років викладала англшську мову в школі 3. Його батьки залишили квартиру, в якій вони прожили двадцять років. 4. Я шукав свій зошит півгодини, перш ніж знайшов його під газетою. 5. Вчора листоноша приніс мені лист. Я чекав цього листа

Exercise 113.. Translate into English.

1. Де ти був о другш годит? — Я був у саду. Я поливав квгги. Я поливав ix уже годину, коли ти подзвонив мені.2. Що вона робила о сьомій вечора? — Вона дивилась телевізор. Вона дивилась його вже кілька годин, коли батьки прийшли.3. Ти закінчив перекладати статтю до восьмої години? Hi, о восьмій я ще не переклав п. Я закінчив переклад об одинадцятій.4. Я шукав свою книжку вже кілька годин, коли мій брат прийшов i знайшов ii.5. Hapeштi вона подзвонила йому вчора. Вш чекав цього дзвінка к1лька тижнiв.6. Мій товариш вже кiлькa годин їхав поїздом в Одесу, коли я подзвонив йому.7. Вона була дуже схвильована. Вона не була в мicтi свого дитинства багато poкiв.8. Коли ми вийшли з дому, йшов сильний дощ. Він йшов уже годину.9. Biн не мir згадати, куди він поклав касету. Він шукав ii' вчора весь день.10. Що вiн робив вчора вранці? — Він мив машину. Він мив її вже півгодини, коли його дружина покликала його снідати.11. Вона була дуже роздратована: Всю ніч хтось співав в сусідній квартирі.12. Ми знали, що він працював над цією проблемою багато років.

Lesson 16


Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian.

I thought that he finished his work at five every day. I thought that he had finished his work at five. She supposed that they always came in time. She supposed that they had come in time.

He hoped that she studied well.He hoped that she had studied well at school. We know that he was ill. We know that he had been ill.I did not know when they left home.I did not know when they had left home.He said his father was a pilot.He said his father had been a pilot.They were sure she wrote letters to her granny.They were sure she had written a letter to her granny.She said that she would visit us in a week.Our teacher said we would be writing the test at two o'clock.

Exercise 2. Use Past tenses.

1. She says she likes roses.2. She says he has already written the article.3. They say they will come to see us next Friday.4. She says she is glad to see me.5. We do not know when he comes home.6. Ann is sure we will arrive on Friday.7. Peter thinks his friend has just returned home.8. My teacher believes I will succeed in my studying.9. I know he always gets up early.10. We expect Dorothy will join us in the evening.11. He says he has left his bicycle in the yard.12. I suppose they met in the street.

Exercise 3. Use Past tenses.

1. Christy says he will tell you the truth.2. Nobody knows, what she means.3. We think thaffe joking.4. John says he knows how I feel.5. Harry doesn't know when his cousin will come.6. I can't believe she has done it.7. He thinks they are driving to the country.8. She is sure we will be glad to meet her.9. I don't know where she is.10.I don't think they will be having breakfast so early.11. We hope they have noticed us.12. He doesn't suppose she speaks so much.13. She says she will let me know when they come.14. I think he came in a taxi.15. They are sure we will be waiting for them in the bar.

Exercise 4. Use Past tenses.

1. She realized that nobody (will come/would come).2. We understood that she (sees/saw) nothing.3. He said he (will arrive/would arrive) in some days.4. My mother was sure I already (have come/had come).5. I didn't know they (are/were) in the room.6. We supposed the rain (will stop/would stop) in some hours.7. He said he never (has been/had been) to Kyiv.8. We wanted to know who (is singing/was singing) in the next room.9. I always thought he (is/was) a brave man.10. When I saw him, he (is working/was working).11. We know she always (comes/came) in time.12. They thought he (will have finished/would have finished) his work by the evening.13. She said she (has/had) a terrible headache.14. We supposed they (will send/would send) us the documents.15. He said he (has not seen/had not seen) us for ages.

Exercise 5. Use Past tenses.

1. Her brother said he never (to see) this film before.2. He came home and listened: his son (to play).3. They didn't worry too much because they (to lock) the door.4. I asked her when she (to give) me this book to read5. We wanted to know if they (to enjoy) the meal.6. She supposed she (to like) the hotel.7. I am afraid they (not to come) yet.8. He wanted to know if the station (to be) away.9. Eric doesn't know who (to phone) him at five o'clock.10. He admitted he (not to be) here for weeks.11. She apologies she (to arrive) so late.12. Jean promised she never (to speak) to me again.13. Andy said he just (to buy) a new car.14. My mother decided that she never (to drink) coffee late at night.15. I hear you already (to find) a new job.16. We were sure our children (to sleep).17. I didn't think they still (to discuss) this problem.18. It is remarkable that you (to come) at last.19. My doctor thinks I (to be) allergic to pineapples.20. Sophia knew her aunt (to be) glad to visit her in two days.

Exercise 6. Use Past tenses.

1. When I opened the window, I saw the sun (to shine).2. We are sure Simon (to marry) her some time later.3. He can't remember where he (to put) his glasses.4. George thought the restaurant (to be) expensive.5. She was disappointed that she (not to get) the job.6. I didn't understand why they (to destroy) their relationship.7. He is not sure they (to find) their way in the darkness.8. Jane asked me if I (to invite) Ann to the party.9. People say that he always (to be) very rich.10. She said she (to wait) for me since seven o'clock.11. They thought I (to give) them my telephone number.12. I am afraid I (not can) to answer you question.13. We wanted to know what (to happen) to John.14. George thought he (can) repair the car himself.15. She is very upset: she (to break) her watch.16. Bill said he (to feel) ill.17. We thought she still (to be) in hospital.18. I knew he (to pass) his examination at that time.19. My cousin promised he (to visit) me in a week.20. We didn't know they (to be) tired.


Exercise 7. Use indirect speach

1. Mr. Jones said: "Don't stop!"2. Jes mother told her: "Don't spend so much money".3."Take the children from school for me, please", he asked.4. "Please, help me to translate this text", David said to me.5. "Don't go near the dog", he told to his son.6. "Give me a cup of tea, please", my granny asked me.7. My teacher said: "Please, bring the register'.8. "Stay back!" - ordered the police.9. "Give me a lift into city, please", she asked me.10. My friend said to me: "Lend me some money, please".11. "Don't forget to post this letter", she said to me.

Exercise 8. Use indirect speach

1. "My son is a student", said Henry.2. "She is working at the library", said her mother.3. My friend said to me:" I have not seen you for ages!"4. " I shall solve the clues tomorrow," said All.5. He said: " There is nobody here to stop them".6. The soldiers said: "We will find a place to lie up. I am afraid they will kill us".7. My friend said to me: "We have been waiting for you for ten minutes".8. Jane said: "I am all right. Nothing worries me".9. "I am busy now. I am doing my lessons", said Tom.10. "She is not here. She has just left the office", the secretary said to us.11. He said to me: "This man is the doctor for the hospital".12. "There is no one by that name here", they answered.13. "I am ill. I have a high temperature", he said to us.14. "We have tried to telephone to Odessa for him", they said.15. "I don't think I will have done this work by the evening", she said.

Exercise 9. Use indirect speach

1. "I was to London last year", she said to me.2. "I have never been to Kyiv before", he said to the girl next to him.3. She said: "One of these men is my husband".4. " I have come here to meet Jane", he said to me.5. "We can not help you: we are too busy", they told me.6. "I will come to visit you the day after tomorrow", she said to me.7. He said: "I was tired so I came home after pasty".8. "They are at the little hotel near the station", said Mike.9. She said: "I am trying to listen to music. Go out!"10. "I haven't been waiting long", said Stephen to her.11. "They are getting married tomorrow", he said.12. She thought: "I will do it on Sunday".13. They said to me: "We are meeting them at four o'clock today".14. "I am going to the cinema", she said to me.15. "He can not speak any foreign languages", Mary said to us.

Exercise 10. Use indirect speach

1. "I am not joking", said my friend.2. He said: "I have already spoken to the manager".3. Joan said to Mary: "I didn't feel very well yesterday".4. Simon said: "I must go now. I am in a hurry".5. "I like swimming and playing tennis", she said.6. Mike said: "My parents are arriving tomorrow".7. "We were in this city two years ago", he said.8. She said: "My friend doesn't like this film".9. David said: "I will help you tomorrow if I have time".10. "I have already translated two articles", said Jane.11. "We are going to stay in this hotel", they told us.12. Julia said: "I will have finished my work by seven o'clock tonight".13. "I want to know where you spent last night", he said.14. "I will be working the whole day next Friday", said my cousin.15. "Mind your business", he said to me.

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