Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 2. Transform the following, using the Present Subjunctive II in the subordinate clauses. Model: // Peter works hard, he will pass his examination. — If Peter worked hard, he would pass his examination. 1. If the water is warm we shall bathe in the river. 2. If there is much snow in January, they will go skiing every day. 3. If the rain stops, the girls will go for a walk 4. If he is not very busy, he will help you. 5. If she comes tomorrow, she will join us. Exercise 3. Make the following sentences refer to the past. Model: If he left at ten, he would catch the train. — If he had left at ten, he would have caught the train. I. If she were attentive, she wouldn't make so many mistakes. 2. The boy would post your letter if you gave it to him. 3. If I knew the number of his telephone, I should ring him up. 4. If I received any news, I should let you know.5. She would buy that dress if she had money with her. Exercise 4. Paraphrase the sentences as in the models. Models: Nick doesn't know English, so I don't speak English with him. — If Nick knew English, I-should speak English with him. We didn't take a taxi, so we missed the train. —• // we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the train. A. 1. I don't live far from school, so I don't go there by bus. 2. It is very cold, so the children will not go for a walk.3. She is tired, so she won't play basket-ball today. 4. I am not ill, so I shall not go to a doctor. 5. My father has no spare time, so he won't play chess with me today. 6. I don't know him, so I won't ask him to help me. B. I. Nick didn't work hard, so he didn't pass his examination. 2. My sister was busy last night, so she didn't watch television. 3. You didn't send me a telegram, so I didn't meet you at the station. 4. The weather was bad the day before yesterday, so the children didn't go to the forest. 5. We went to Odessa by plane, so we came in time. 6. I wasn't sent there, so I didn't make a report at the conference. Exercise 5. Paraphras e the sentences as in the models. Models: / have no dictionary, so I can't translate the text. — // / had a dictionary, I could translate the text. I can't get a dictionary, so I won't translate the text. — If I could get a dictionary, I would translate the text. A. 1. I didn't know your address, so I couldn't send you a letter. 2. Mary is ill, so she can't go to school today. 3. It is late, so they can't finish this work today. 4. My friend does not know English, so he can't read this book in the original. 5. I didn't see him yesterday, so I couldn't tell him about it. B. 1. We can't get tickets, so we shan't go to the circus. 2. She can't read English, so she doesn't subscribe to News from Ukraine. 3. I couldn't see them, so I didn't tell them about today's meeting. 4. I couldn't go to the cinema, so I didn't see the film. 5. He can't sing, so he doesn't take part in the concert. Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences. A. 1. If I were you... 2. If I had money about me... 3. If my father were an engineer... 4. If I were a doctor... 5. If the weather were fine today... 6. If it were dark in the room:.. 7. If we had spare time... 8. If I knew Spanish...9. If it had been cold yesterday... 10. If I hadn't seen this film... B. 1. Her father would buy a piano for her if... 2. The book wourd have been published last year if... 3. They wouldn't have gone there if... 4. I would join you if... 5. My friend would buy this dress... 6. She would have answered your letter if... 77 The pupils wouldn't have made so many mistakes if... 8. I should have missed the train if... Exercise 7. Answer the following questions. 1. Where would you go if you wanted to buy a book? 2. Where would you go if you wanted to see a film? 3. Where would you have gone yesterday if you had wanted to see a football match? 4. Would you have gone to the river last Sunday if it had rained? 5. What would you have done if you had lost your pen? 6. What would you do if it were dark
the children should lose their way. he should forget to post the letter. we should miss the train. the shop should be closed. she should fail at the examination. they should meet with an accident. That
you should think so. Pete should have made so many mistakes. she should be so careless. he shouldn't have prepared the report. he should have broken the rules. you should have caught cold.
Exercise 8. Answer the following questions. 1. Do your teachers demand that you should leave the classroom for the break? 2. Why is it necessary that the pupils should leave the classroom for the break? 3. Does your school doctor insist that you should do morning exercises every day? 4. Why is it desirable that all pupils should go in for sports? 5. When was it ordered that all pupils of your school should go through a medical examination? 6. Does your teacher demand that the pupils should answer at the blackboard? 7. Why is it important that the pupils should read aloud when they do their homework in English? 8. Did anyone suggest that all of you should go on an excursion to Kiev next summer? Exercise 9. Point out the Subjunctive Mood and explain its use in the sentences. Translate the sentences. 1. I'm afraid she would have had no holiday if you had not invited her. (Shaw) 2. It seemed as though it were not her own voice. (Gaskell) 3. Would you know him if you saw him? (Dreiser) 4. I wish you would tell me how to become young again. (Wilde) 5. It was necessary that the sacrifice should be made. (Dickens) 6. And so he felt as if he were merely coming back from a day excursion to Manchester. (London) 7. Oh, how she wished her aunt would go. (Gaskell) 8. If you were a mother, you'd understand. (Shaw) 9. At one moment he felt as if he had never gone away. (London) 10. I wish I could see her face. (Abrahams) 11. And how she dreaded lest she should learn she was alone. (Gaskell) 12. He looked at you as if he had never seen a woman before. (Hardy) 13. I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes. (London) 14. I wish Mary Barton would come. (Gaskell) 15. In the same low tone, as if afraid lest the walls should hear her, she answer? ed, "Dead". (Gaskell) 16. Any one who had known his life's history would have said it. (Dreiser) 17. We are asking that wages should be raised. (Moscow News) 18. If I didn't make any acquaintances in that way, I shouldn't have any at all. (Shaw) 19. I wish you would write and tell me. (Dreiser) Exercise 10. Translate into English. A. 1. Якби зараз була зима, ми ходили б на лижах.2. Якби вона подзвонила мені вчора, я принесла б книжку. 3. Коли б у мене сьогодні було більше вільного часу, ми зіграли б кілька партій у шахи. 4. Ми читали б англійські книжки в оригіналі, якби знали англійську мову краще. 5. Якби я був на твоєму місці, я б не відмовився взяти участь у змаганнях. 6. Аня продекламувала б цей вірш, якби вона знала його напам'ять. 7. Якби ви прийшли вчора о сьомій годині, ви б мене застали вдома. Б. 1. На вашому мicu,i я поїхав би туди поїздом. 2. Він купив би піаніно минулого року, але в той час у нього не було грошей. 3. Ми б відправили посилку зараз, але пошта вже зачинена. 4. Вони пішли б у кіно сьогодш ввечері але ш треба готуватися до екзамену. 5. Я певна, що мій. брат допоміг би вам відремонтувати квартиру. 6. Якби не ви, ми заблудилися б. 7. Якби не дощ, діти пішли б до річки. B. 1. Хотшося б, щоб це було так. 2. Шкода,що ви не взяли участь в шаховому турнірі. 3. Я дуже жалкую, що не можу піти туди. 4. Шкода, що ти не бачив їхньої стенгазети. 5. Хотілося б, щоб вони прийшли завтра. 6. Даремно ви сказали їй про це. 7. На жаль, вона не знає англійської мови. 8. Мені хотілося б, щоб ви обговорили фільм завтра. 9. Прикро, що він не закінчив роботи вчасно. 10. Шкода, що ви запізнилися на поїзд. Г. 1. Сьогодш так тепло, ніби вже весна. 2. Наш учитель так добре знає Лондон, наче він там жив. 3. У неї такий вигляд, ніби вона дуже стомлена. 4. Мені здається, ніби я ніколи не бачила такого шоу. 5. Катя така бліда, наче вона хвора. 6. Катя така бліда, наче вона була хвора. 7.Її сестра поводиться так, наче вона мала дитина. 8. Він так говорить, ніби нічого не знає про це. 9. Вони так добре знають одне одного, наче провели разом багато років. 10. Він так дивився на мене, наче збирався щось сказати. Д. 1. Необхідно, щоб yci учні робили ранкову зарядку. 2. Дуже важливо, щоб ви прочитали цю статтю. 3. Учитель вимагає, щоб учні відповідали біля столу. 4. Староста запропонував, щоб yci учні взяли участь у підготовці до вечора. 5. Боюсь, щоб вона не захворіла. 6. Ми встали о шостій ранку, щоб не запізнитися на поїзд. 7. Соромно, що ти не відповів на таке легке запитання. 8. Не може бути, щоб вони вже повернулися додому. 9. Дивно, що тебе ніхто не побачив. 10. Якщо ви все ж побачите Ніну, запросггь її прийти на наш вечір.
Lesson 6 GERUND ГЕРУНД1Й Exercise 1 Make up five sentences from each table.
visiting that museum. doing morning exercises. buying the tickets beforehand. helping them. learning the poem by heart.
playing hockey, smoking, meeting them, learning English, laughing.
decided to go there, had a short rest, spent a week at home, began to work, booked a ticket. Exercise 2. Transform the sentences using the gerund instead of the infinitive. Model: My father began to work at this plant 20 years ago. — My father began working at this plant 20 years ago. 1. We continue to study English. 2, The children like to play basket-ball. 3. The boy started to run. 4. His mother intends to spend her holiday in the Crimea. 5. They preferred to go there by plane. 6. She tried to open the window but couldn't. 7. I have just begun to translate the text. Exercise 3. Combine the sentences using the gerund. Model: You helped me. I thank you for it. — / thank you for helping me. 1. You gave me a dictionary. I thank you for it. 2. The woman showed me the way. I thanked her for it. 3. You explained to us this grammar rule. We thank you for it. 4, Ann passed me the salt. I thanked her for it. 5. Nick 302 bought a note-book for Pete. Pete thanked him for it. 6. He repaired my TV set. I thanked him for it. Exercise 4. Transform the following sentences using gerundial phrases instead of the subordinate clauses. A. Model: / think I'll go to Minsk next week. — / think of going to Minsk next week. 1. I think I'll go to the theatre tomorrow. 2. I think I'll join them. 3. I thought I would buy that coat. 4. Tom thinks he will play hockey on Saturday. 5. She thought she would take a taxi. 6. We think we shall visit him in the hospital. B. Model: After he finished school, he worked at a plant. — After finishing school he worked at a plant. 1. After they passed their exams, they went to the Caucasus. 2. Before we moved to this town we lived in Kiev.3. After she wrote the letter, she went to the post-office.4. Before you cross the street you must look to the left and then to the right. 5. I turned off the light before I left home.6. We met him after we walked about two miles. C. Models: She insisted that she should go to the library. — She insisted on going to the library.. She insisted that she should be sent to the library. — She insisted on being sent to the library. 1. He insisted that he should show them the way. 2. He insisted that he should be shown the way. 3. They insisted that they should help me. 4. They insisted that they should be helped with their work. 5. I insisted that I should examine them in the afternoon. 6. I insisted that I should be examined first. Exercise 5. Paraphrase the following sentences using the gerund. A. Model: / want very much to get a letter from you. — / am looking forward to getting a letter from you. 1. 1 want very much to visit that exhibition. 2. She wanted very much to go to the country. 3. He wants very much to be offered this job. 4. We want very much to see this performance. 5. I want very much to be invited to the conference. B. Model: It gave me much pleasure to see this performance. — / enjoyed seeing this performance. Exercise 6. Make up the gerund. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1. She does a lot of (read). 2. What he like is (drive)? 3.No (park) here.4. We heard a lot of (shout) last night.5.Quick (run) saved him.6. I am not against his (come).7. Who does (wash) in your house?8. We did some (shop) this morning.9. She hates (do) the washing-up.10. (act) is an interesting profession.11. No (camp).12. There's no (regret) my decision.13. Their (shout) wore people up.14. We don't mind (invite) him.15. Excuse me, my (be) late.16. Try in on before (complain).17. My friend enjoys a bit of (sing).18. (be) late is a shame.19. I like his (guitar play). This used for (cut) meat.20. No (smoke) here.21. These (draw) are expensive.22. She has done very little (iron) today.23. Do you like (cycle)?24. Yesterday he had some (train).25. (not be) late is a good habit.27. There was (ring) of a bell.28. Does she like (make) cares?29. No (fish) here.30. I don't like (watch) football. . Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1. I can't remember having seen him before. 2. This film is worth seeing.3. We can't excuse their not answering our invitation.4. I am sorry for having disturbed you.5. She entered the office without being noticed.6. He doesn't like having been invited to their parties.7. She is angry having been sent for.8. Everybody enjoy working with him.9. We are proud of having been her pupils.10.You should avoid breaking rules.11. The boy hates being scolded.
Lesson 7 GERUND Exercise 1 Make up five sentences from each table.
Exercise 2. Combine the sentences using gerundial complexes. Model: They lost the game. I am surprised at it.— F am surprised at their having lost the game. 1. Nick studies very well. His father is proud of it. 2. Kate failed in the examination. We are surprised at it.3. He will come in time. I am sure of it. 4. She plays the piano very well. I am pleased with it. 5. Our football players won the match. We are proud of it. 6. They are here. I am surprised at it. Exercise 3. Paragraph the sentences using gerundta4 complexes. Models: / want him to take the floor. — / insist on his taking the floor. I don't want him to be sent there. — / object to his being sent there. 1. I want Kate to recite this poem. 2. They wanted me to take part in the competition. 3. I don't want Jane to stay here alone. 4. The teacher wanted the pupils to do this exercise. 5. Mother did not want Mary to go to the cinema. 6. I don't want him to be elected chairman. 7. I want her to be sent to the conference. Exercise 4 Change the following complex sentences into simple ones using gerundial complexes. Model: When she plays, I enjoy it. — / enjoy her playing. 1. When you quarrel, I dislike it. 2<. When you open the window I don't mind it. 3. When they dance, I enjoy it. 4. When he gets an excellent mark, his parents are pleased with it. 5. If you make noise, I dislike it. 6. When you don't know the lesson, I am surprised at it. 7. If you pass your examination well, I'll be proud of it. Exercise 5. Ask your classmate: 1. if he enjoys traveling by sea; 2. if he likes playing chess; 3. if he objects to your opening the window; 4. whether he agrees to your using his dictionary; 5. if he intends going to Riga this year; 6. whether he is ashamed of making spelling mistakes; 7. if he is sure of passing his examination well; 8. if he dreams of becoming a doctor; 9. if he insists on your playing chess with him; 10. whether he is fond of skating; 11. if his mother is afraid of his catching cold; 12. whether he is afraid of catching cold; 13. whether he is afraid of your catching cold; 14. whether the film he saw last is worth seeing; 15. whether the book he read last is worth reading. Exercise 6. Find gerundial complexes in the following sentences and state their syntactic function. Translate the sentences. 1. I will not stand your encouraging peaple as you do. (Shaw) 2. He thought of Jem's coming that night. (Gaskell)3.. We made merry about Dora's wanting to be liked. (Dickens) 4. Will you give me a certificate of your being unable to go? (Gaskell) 5. Forgive my saying it. (Hardy) Exercise 7. Translate into English using the gerund. I. 1. Пробачте, що я взяв вашу книжку. 2. Пробачте,що я запізнився. 3. Пробачте, що ми турбуємо вас знов.4.Пробачте, що ми не прийшли вчасно. 5. Пробачте, що я перебиваю вас. 6. Пробачте, що ми говорили так голосно. 7. Пробачте, що я телефоную вам так пізно.1.Дякую вам за те, що ви показали мені дорогу додому. 2. Дякую To6i, що ти допоміг мені дістати квитки.3. Дякую, що ви провели мене додому. 4. Дякую, що ти розбудив мене. 5. Дякую, що ви пояснили мені це правило. III. 1. Я пам'ятаю, що бачив його в Києві 2. Вона пам'ятає, що читала цю книжку. IV. 3. Ми пам'ятаємо, що він працював разом з нами. 4. Він пам'ятає, що бачив цей V. 1. Мене дивує, що вона робить так багато орфографічних помилок. 2. Мені дивно, що ти пропустив так багато уроків. 3. Мене дивує, що він сказав це. 4. Мені дивно, що ви так часто запізнюєтесь. 5. Мені дивно, що вони програли матч. VI. 1. Учитель заперечував проти того, щоб ми сьогодні пішли в кіно. 2. Вони не заперечують проти того, щоб я приєднався до них. 3. Ви не заперечуете проти того, щоб я відчинила вікно? 4. Я заперечую проти того, щоб це питання обговорювалося сьогодні. VII. 1. Він наполягав на тому, щоб yci прийшли завтра о 8 годині. 2. Вона наполягала на тому, щоб я прийшов до лікаря. 3. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб вона негайно поїхала до Києва. 4. Я наполягаю на тому, щоб мене негайно послали до Києва. 5. Ми наполягаємо на тому, щоб цей будинок було відремонтовано. VII. 1. Це залежить від того, чи прийде він вчасно.2. Все залежить від того, чи погода буде хороша. 3. Ваша поїздка залежить від того, чи дістанете ви квитки. 4. Уся робота залежить від того, чи допомагатимете ви нам. 5. Це залежить від того, чи буде відчинений магазин. VIII. 1. Ми з нетерпінням чекали, коли він повернеться. 2. Учні з нетерпінням чекають, коли вони поїдуть на екскурсію. 3, Вона з нетерпінням чекає, коли її запросять на вечір. 4. Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо, коли буде видана ця книжка. 5. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, коли буду працювати на заводі. IX. 1. Вона вийшла з дому, не вимкнувши телевізора.2. Я не мiг підготувати доповідь, не прочитавши цих статей. 3. Учні пішли додому, не обговоривши це питання. 4. Ми не можемо піти до театру, не купивши квитків заздалегідь. 5. Biн пішов, не попрощавшись. X. 1. Замістьть того, щоб іти до нього, ви можете зателефонувати йому. 2. Замість того, щоб купити цю книжку, я взяв її в шкільній бібліотеці. 3. Замість того, щоб ітидодому, ми залишилися вдома. 4. Замість того, щоб їхати туди трамваєм, він пішов пішки. 5. Замість того, щоб посилати туди телеграму, я напишу йому лист. XI. 1. Я вивчив багато слів, читаючи щодня англійські книжки. 2. Ми можемо встигнути на поїзд, взявши таксі. 3.Biн дуже допомiг нам, пояснюючи правила. 4. Ви можете запитати його про це, зателефонувавши йому. 5. Я краще запам'ятовую слова, вживаючи ix у реченнях. XII. 1. Я не мав нагоди поговорити з ним. 2. У неї не було защо купити квиток на цю виставу. 3. Biн мае добру звичку записувати кожне слово в словничок. 4. Є piзнi способи перекладу герундія на українську мову. 5. Вони не мали можливості користуватися магнітофоном. XIII. 1. Цей будинок вимагає ремонту. 2. Підлогу треба пофарбувати. 3. Діти потребують догляду. 4. Черевики треба полагодити. 5. Фільм треба обговорити. XIV. 1. Mій товариш зайнятий ремонтом телевізора.2. Вона зайнята перекладом статті. 3. Ми зайняті: обговорюємо дуже важливе питання. 4. Учні на заняттях садять дерева в шкільному садку. XV. 1. Цей фільм варто подивитися. 2. Цей роман варто прочитати. 3. Це оповідання заслуговує на те, щоб його переклали на українську мову. 4. Ціфакти варто згадати. 5. Телевізор варто купити.